PSP用:RACE! PSP Version 2.16 (April 04, 2009) - 模擬器

By Erin
at 2009-04-05T13:54
at 2009-04-05T13:54
Table of Contents
RACE! PSP is a Neo Geo Pocket/Neo Geo Pocket Color emulator for the Sony PSP.
What′s New
Version 2.16 (April 04, 2009):
* Time Rewind feature: map ′Special: Rewind′ to any PSP button in the
Controls menu to enable. See documentation for more information
* Save state format has changed: RACE! PSP will still read the older save
state format, but loading will be slightly slower
* Not a new feature, but the documentation now includes a section on how to
have RACE! PSP load a BIOS ROM file (instead of using the customized
hardcoded version)
RACE! PSP is a Neo Geo Pocket/Neo Geo Pocket Color emulator for the Sony PSP.
What′s New
Version 2.16 (April 04, 2009):
* Time Rewind feature: map ′Special: Rewind′ to any PSP button in the
Controls menu to enable. See documentation for more information
* Save state format has changed: RACE! PSP will still read the older save
state format, but loading will be slightly slower
* Not a new feature, but the documentation now includes a section on how to
have RACE! PSP load a BIOS ROM file (instead of using the customized
hardcoded version)
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