(PSP用) NesterJ 1.12 Plus 0.61 RM - 模擬器

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-02-04T11:12

Table of Contents


Changes from 0.61 (based on nesterJ 1.12 by Takka, based on nesterJ 1.11 by

From suloku:
- Added rewind mode coded by Davex
- Added mirror and rotated screen modes by Davex
- Added sepia color palette by Davex

From byemu:

- Added support for a LOT of boards and mappers, including mapper 163 (NJ063
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children among others)
- PAL-NTSC selector
- Added Chinese interface language
- Added FAT ROM read mode, which enables Chinese filenames while browsing
- Added a new cheat function to make changing games easier.
- ROM support up to 4M
- Increased exception handling, prevention of reading the game crash
- Roms can be deleted. Press [] (square) in the rom list interface.
- Added and increased a custom rom database (byemudb.dat)

From 1.12 by Takka:
- Ported to 3.xx firmware (full user mode)
- Fixed sleep mode issues
- Fixed saving issues (sram and states)

Notes (google translated):
- DQ4 (1 of the Chinese Version) to read two times before the game
Three Chinese version of the Central Plains of Bazhe alien to read two times
before the game.

- 2 Chinese version of heaven and earth devour some need to select PAL
standard, and then re-read the ROM, can be a normal game, or else they will
Street Fighter version 9, please choose NTSC / AUTO format, then load the
game, otherwise the game will be black and white more than 10 seconds to
enter the game
Red Fort, select PAL and then reads the ROM, otherwise they will be black and
white more than 10 seconds
Select PAL version of Street Fighter 4 will Huaping, select NTSC / AUTO format
South crystal game please frequency is set to 333, such as "Tomb Raider",
otherwise it will crash just like the same card


All Comments


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2010-02-03T21:02
應該至少是十年前的遊戲了  ̄▽ ̄ 名字忘了QQ 內容是橫向飛行的射擊遊戲 畫面算Q版吧 有很多角色可以選 印象中有熱帶魚、趴在飛彈上的女人、戰鬥機等等 打倒敵人會掉像是紅提燈的東西 可以提升能力 然後應該是熱帶魚 升級到後面時 會發射像是彩色棒狀棒棒糖的光線 會追蹤 然後射到敵人會在敵 ...

類似民國教育委員會遊戲 - 問題365

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2010-02-03T18:30
民國教育委員會大家應該很熟習 後來也有出現類似遊戲 問答365(quiz365t.zip) 因為之前的民國一直會當機所以才想到還有另外一款遊戲 365遊戲玩起來都正常 但是有一個缺點 他每項問題只有一題 答完後馬上換下一個群組 有去遊戲控制 TAB 選項尋找 遊戲難易度或題目選項 可是這個遊戲好 ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2010-02-03T17:19
SG就是SUPER GRAFX簡寫, 這PCE的加強版主機只出了六作專屬遊戲就BYE BYE 了, BATTLE ACE就是其中一款, 那時的中譯名稱好像叫空戰火狐, 當時是在朋友 家打的, 那時還是學生而朋友已經出社會工作了, 所以有能力可以買的起當時算 最新的主機和遊戲, 所以常常跑到他家玩. 不過 ...

Mupen64Plus 20100203

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-02-03T16:48
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Ingrid avatar
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