PSPgo - Your Questions Answered - PS

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-06-15T17:15

Table of Contents


大至解說一下PSP GO的相關疑惑

Hi everyone. My name’s Adam and I am the European Product Manager for PSPgo.
Thanks to all who answered the call earlier this week and submitted
questions, we have literally had hundreds! It is great to see that there is
so much interest in PSPgo. I will try to answer as many as I can but any
questions not answered in this post will be answered in forthcoming updates.
I will provide you with as much detail as I can.

xeeki: Are there any technological improvements over the PSP-3000? Like, the
screen, or hardware-wise…

Xeeki has asked about detail on the technological improvements of PSPgo over
other models. The 2 biggest differences are the removal of the UMD drive and
the new design. PSPgo replaces the UMD drive with 16GB of flash memory and
the stylish slide open design has made the PSPgo smaller and lighter than
ever making it truly pocket-size.

We have also added 3 new features:

‧Game sleep function: You will be able to operate the XMB™ (XrossMediaBar)
while suspending the gameplay temporarily.
‧Bluetooth function: This is going to let you use your favourite wireless head
phones to listen to music, play games and watch videos….
‧Clock and calendar application: We have included a clock and calendar
application which can be viewed both when the sliding panel is open and

Nemhome: Will the PSPgo be delivered with a USB cable?

I am happy to say that the answer is yes. PSPgo will come bundled with
everything you need for you to start enjoying all it has to offer. Included
in the box along with the PSPgo will be a USB cable, AC adaptor and Media Go

PSPgo comes bundled with Media Go, which is an easy to use PC application
that makes it simple for you to browse PlayStation Store, as well as organise
and store all your favourite downloaded games, demos, music, movies and

We know that being able to effectively store, organise and access your
content is key so we have created a video to help explain how you can make
the most of PSPgo. Check it out.

disc: What is the battery life like?

We have adopted an embedded battery to realise a smaller and lighter PSP
system. The battery life is equivalent with the current models meaning
approximately 3 to 6 hours for gameplays and approximately 3 to 5 hours for
playing back videos. Hope that answers your question disc.

KSPRAYDAD has been asking about peripherals so here is an update:
The peripherals on offer at launch for PSPgo are USB cable, AC adaptor,
Video-out cables (AV cable and component AV cable) and a Cradle. We are
currently considering introducing other peripherals for PSPgo but can not
provide details at this point.

Another big question was if the current peripherals can be used with PSPgo.
We have reduced the size of the USB connector and introduced multi-function
features which has allowed us to obtain a smaller and lighter PSP. As such
the peripherals for the current PSP models do not currently work on PSPgo
however we are considering introducing a special attachment that can connect
current peripherals to PSPgo.

Can I download games on to a memory stick?

PSPgo is disc free with a 16GB of built-in memory for storing all your
essential games, videos, photos and music. However if you do fill this up
there are a couple of options to store and manage your games, music, videos
and photos. You will be able to back up to a PC via Media Go or to the M2
Memory Stick to store more content for PSPgo.

Torence: Why have you changed the format of the removable memory?

Torence has asked the above question and it is a good one. PSPgo uses M2
memory sticks which are smaller and take up less room on the device. This
meant that we saved space and could make the PSPgo pocket-sized. However, you
will be able to transfer the data from your Memory Stick Duo to your PC via
Media Go and then transfer it to the PSPgo or M2.

theTMO / pavianexodus: Will it be possible to transfer my UMD games to the
new PSPgo?

We know that there are many of you excited about PSPgo but are hesitant at
leaving your UMD games collection behind. We recognize this and as such we
are planning a goodwill programme and will unveil more details soon.

We also know that there are many already released UMD games that you may not
own but want to play in the future on your PSPgo. To make this happen we are
considering every possibility to bring downloadable versions for the majority
of past titles available only in UMD to the PlayStation Store along with all
new releases. We will announce further details on this.

How much will PSPgo cost?

Many of you have asked about the price of PSPgo throughout Europe and the PAL
territories and we announced at E3 that PSPgo will retail in Europe at 249
Euros. Many of you have asked more specifically what price this will mean in
your local currency. Unfortunately at this stage we are unable to define
prices in countries where the Euro is not present at this time but I can
assure you that as soon as these prices have been agreed upon I will let you

Will the price differ between the UMD version and the downloadable version?

I know this is something that is a concern for you. Unfortunately, I don’t
have the answer for you on this at the moment. I can however assure you that
I will share this information with you as soon as I get it.

I hope I have managed to answer some of the most burning questions! Feedback
is always welcome and we do appreciate all the comments and questions. I will
be posting regularly to update you on the latest information on PSPgo.




另外PSP GO採用的不是標準mini-USB

Tags: PS

All Comments

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2009-06-17T13:57
Una avatar
By Una
at 2009-06-21T14:49
所以把UMD省下的電池用量 改到 讓電池也減肥了~ 難怪這
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2009-06-22T11:06
麼輕了~ XD 續航力技能沒點
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2009-06-22T13:48
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2009-06-25T20:54
媽的SONY又來了 最好是他用特殊規格有特別的好
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2009-06-29T05:28
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2009-07-03T13:30
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2009-07-05T19:13
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2009-07-05T22:14
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2009-07-06T11:02
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2009-07-07T12:32
大家也都不看中文的嗎? 本文最後一句說購買時包裝內會附贈
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2009-07-07T21:30
那個接口從目前解說以及相關圖片 應該是個"整合型接口"
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2009-07-08T12:55 看來充電、傳輸、輸出都被整合了
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2009-07-12T23:20
另外目前看來要用GPS、小小拍以及日本的One-Seg PSP GO目前也
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2009-07-15T01:37
為什麼SONY就是這麼愛特立獨行呢? 不這樣子做 我覺得還
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2009-07-16T00:20
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2009-07-20T05:49
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2009-07-22T00:26
NDS跟GBA SP可以用同一個~
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2009-07-22T06:52
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2009-07-23T06:16
一定不行阿 可以的話還叫SONY嗎XD
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2009-07-23T15:09
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2009-07-27T22:12
小容量電池+小螢幕+16GB flash = 249 美金?XDXXXD
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2009-07-31T02:52
他附贈三條嗎?有的人不同地方都準備一條 本來的USB接頭
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2009-08-04T02:50
和很多東西都通用 所以不用多買 現在不是擺明要多花錢

[帝國千戰記] 那一夜之後

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2009-06-15T16:43
此為BL遊戲帝國千戰記衍生文,老梗有,甜蜜文,無H(應該),請放心食用。 配對︰招夜x乾陀羅 PS.配合遊戲事件 andlt;感覺andgt; 服用更好食。 廢話完畢,以下正文開始。 「招…夜…大夫。」乾陀羅看著招夜將他的手包紮完成後,又像上次一樣將他 抱上了床。 ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-06-15T16:04
最近PSP打魔物獵人 不知道是不是類比搖桿出了問題?! 人物都會自動的往後跑 打龍常常會想要閃躲時 常常會往反方向跑去 反而就被龍踩到了......冏rz 爬過文章...因為自己不太喜歡花錢請人修QQ 前面有些是說可以自己修類比搖桿什麼的 我有自己試過再重新組裝... 於是拆開...魔菇頭位置有調整一下 ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2009-06-15T15:06
※ 引述《zxcv123123 (討厭在家裡)》之銘言: : 請問各位大大。 : 聽說第一關一定會被肥肥給掛了,回到神殿 : 之後就變成靈魂,血量也減半了 : 請問有辦法把血量弄回來嗎? : 1-1已經葛屁5次了,據說死個15次都很正常= = 提供一下簡易攻略心得 1-1 1.一定要拿的道具有 盜賊戒指( ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2009-06-15T14:14
我不小心洗掉了 很懶的再重刷材料了 請問誰可以傳你們的存檔借我破台~~~ 快要全過了!!! 如果有全材料99或紅武紅裝最好^^ 謝謝你們~~我是戰2中文版 拜拖你們了~~~求求你們~~~謝謝 - ...

mlb 09 the show DH問題

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2009-06-15T11:08
想請教一下,我是用road to the show的 在練一支投手,很喜歡國聯的大都會隊, 但不太想打擊,想專心的練好投球, 請問可以在road to the show 的模式下,國聯的球隊都可以打DH嗎? 我只試過在一般對電腦的時候可以~ 麻煩各位指點一二 謝謝~ - ...