PSP2000可用!瘦P TIFF Hello World放出[附說明] - 改機

By Puput
at 2009-04-14T22:50
at 2009-04-14T22:50
Table of Contents
今天,MaTiaz放出了復活節彩蛋——瘦P版的Hello World!本次放出的是1K修正版、2K可運行版,3K的暫時還沒放出。不得不高調提醒一下 嘗試有風險喔
EDIT: Updated with new version which works on Slims and Phats. No 3000 though. :/
P.S. Just wait a few days, there's a bit of awesomeness coming up.
- MaTiAz
使用和說明(翻譯:CC論壇 - VamprieX):
Hello World for PSP firmware 5.03
The days of TIFF based exploits aren't long gone, at least not yet
Here's the third TIFF exploit for the PSP, enjoy.
今天基於TIFF漏洞文件第二版發佈了 這也是PSP上第三個TIFF漏洞文件(第一個是PSP1000時代的)。
Just copy the files to the memory stick root, disconnect USB and go to photo menu.
Don't dismiss the exploit even if it doesn't work on the first time, it's *very* unstable.
You might get it working on the first time, but you might as well have to try it 20 times!
你可能第一次就順利的看到「Hello World」,但也有可能需要嘗試20次以上!
The h.bin is loaded to 0x08800000, and the text address of paf.prx is passed in $a0 to the
binary code. You can then trick out function imports, like for example sceDisplayWaitVblankStart:
sceDisplayWaitVblankStart = (void*)(paf_addr+0x15F068);
1. Copy either slim.tiff or phat.tiff to /PSP/PHOTO/ folder on the memory stick, depending on
your PSP model. Do NOT copy both!
1. 拷貝slim.tiff(對應PSP2000)或者phat.tiff(對應PSP1000)到「PSP/PHOTO/」目錄下,根據你的PSP機型,別同時拷貝兩個!
2. Copy h.bin to the root of the memory stick.
2. 拷貝h.bin文件到記憶棒根目錄
Thanks to malloxis, FreePlay, Archaemic, wololo, Cloudy, Davee and everyone else who was involved.
感謝malloxis, FreePlay, Archaemic, wololo, Cloudy, Davee以及一直以來關注我們的所有人
Have fun!
P.S. Just wait a few days, there's a bit of awesomeness coming up.
EDIT: Updated with new version which works on Slims and Phats. No 3000 though. :/
P.S. Just wait a few days, there's a bit of awesomeness coming up.
- MaTiAz
使用和說明(翻譯:CC論壇 - VamprieX):
Hello World for PSP firmware 5.03
The days of TIFF based exploits aren't long gone, at least not yet
Here's the third TIFF exploit for the PSP, enjoy.
今天基於TIFF漏洞文件第二版發佈了 這也是PSP上第三個TIFF漏洞文件(第一個是PSP1000時代的)。
Just copy the files to the memory stick root, disconnect USB and go to photo menu.
Don't dismiss the exploit even if it doesn't work on the first time, it's *very* unstable.
You might get it working on the first time, but you might as well have to try it 20 times!
你可能第一次就順利的看到「Hello World」,但也有可能需要嘗試20次以上!
The h.bin is loaded to 0x08800000, and the text address of paf.prx is passed in $a0 to the
binary code. You can then trick out function imports, like for example sceDisplayWaitVblankStart:
sceDisplayWaitVblankStart = (void*)(paf_addr+0x15F068);
1. Copy either slim.tiff or phat.tiff to /PSP/PHOTO/ folder on the memory stick, depending on
your PSP model. Do NOT copy both!
1. 拷貝slim.tiff(對應PSP2000)或者phat.tiff(對應PSP1000)到「PSP/PHOTO/」目錄下,根據你的PSP機型,別同時拷貝兩個!
2. Copy h.bin to the root of the memory stick.
2. 拷貝h.bin文件到記憶棒根目錄
Thanks to malloxis, FreePlay, Archaemic, wololo, Cloudy, Davee and everyone else who was involved.
感謝malloxis, FreePlay, Archaemic, wololo, Cloudy, Davee以及一直以來關注我們的所有人
Have fun!
P.S. Just wait a few days, there's a bit of awesomeness coming up.
All Comments

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2009-04-19T15:09
at 2009-04-19T15:09

By Harry
at 2009-04-20T21:54
at 2009-04-20T21:54

By Regina
at 2009-04-25T00:11
at 2009-04-25T00:11

By Aaliyah
at 2009-04-25T13:54
at 2009-04-25T13:54

By Xanthe
at 2009-04-27T14:58
at 2009-04-27T14:58

By Eden
at 2009-04-30T13:40
at 2009-04-30T13:40

By Callum
at 2009-05-03T05:25
at 2009-05-03T05:25

By Charlie
at 2009-05-04T15:45
at 2009-05-04T15:45

By Annie
at 2009-05-08T16:36
at 2009-05-08T16:36

By Rebecca
at 2009-05-11T14:40
at 2009-05-11T14:40

By Dora
at 2009-05-15T21:06
at 2009-05-15T21:06

By Dora
at 2009-05-19T16:33
at 2009-05-19T16:33

By Daph Bay
at 2009-05-19T19:24
at 2009-05-19T19:24

By Hazel
at 2009-05-24T11:02
at 2009-05-24T11:02

By Joe
at 2009-05-25T17:19
at 2009-05-25T17:19

By Rachel
at 2009-05-28T11:24
at 2009-05-28T11:24

By Kristin
at 2009-06-01T12:01
at 2009-06-01T12:01

By Ula
at 2009-06-04T01:23
at 2009-06-04T01:23

By David
at 2009-06-05T22:13
at 2009-06-05T22:13

By Barb Cronin
at 2009-06-07T21:26
at 2009-06-07T21:26

By Kumar
at 2009-06-08T06:26
at 2009-06-08T06:26

By John
at 2009-06-08T13:26
at 2009-06-08T13:26

By George
at 2009-06-10T12:23
at 2009-06-10T12:23

By Edith
at 2009-06-11T10:45
at 2009-06-11T10:45

By Odelette
at 2009-06-13T18:04
at 2009-06-13T18:04

By Michael
at 2009-06-14T17:55
at 2009-06-14T17:55

By Catherine
at 2009-06-17T05:13
at 2009-06-17T05:13

By Carol
at 2009-06-21T22:17
at 2009-06-21T22:17

By Zenobia
at 2009-06-24T18:05
at 2009-06-24T18:05

By Jacky
at 2009-06-26T12:40
at 2009-06-26T12:40

By Jacky
at 2009-06-29T00:53
at 2009-06-29T00:53

By Barb Cronin
at 2009-07-01T07:49
at 2009-07-01T07:49

By Necoo
at 2009-07-02T20:55
at 2009-07-02T20:55

By Madame
at 2009-07-03T12:35
at 2009-07-03T12:35

By Hardy
at 2009-07-06T10:33
at 2009-07-06T10:33

By Charlotte
at 2009-07-10T06:21
at 2009-07-10T06:21
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