PSN Online Game Save for Plus User Only - 改機

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2011-03-10T09:01

Table of Contents

In response to overwhelming demand from the PS3 community, we are
pleased to announce that Online Storage for Game Saves will be
available to PlayStation Plus members from tomorrow, 10 March,
allowing you to store your game saves for peace of mind and easy
access from any PlayStation 3 system in the world.

After downloading PS3 System Software Update 3.60, Plus members will
have access to 150MB of space and will be able to store up to 1000 PS3
game saves.

To do so, simply highlight the game save you want to store in the
[Saved Data Utility (PS3)], press the triangle button to bring up the
options, select "copy" and then select "Online Storage" as the
destination. In turn, you can access your Online Storage list via
[Saved Data Utility (PS3)] when signed into PlayStation Network on a
friend's PS3 and download your stored game saves to carry on your
game from where you left off.

If the developer has chosen to implement copy protection on their game
saves, you can still copy those files to Online Storage but there will
be a 24 hour period, after each save, before you can then download
them on any PS3.

If your PlayStation Plus subscription expires then you will no longer
be able to access Online Storage until you renew your subscription.
However, any game saves stored will be kept for six months and you
will be able to access them as before when you renew the subscription,
as long as you do so within that six month period.

Hopefully that tells you everything you need to know about this new,
much requested service. If you do need any more information, the
official PlayStation forums have posted a guide, and ask us in the
comments as always.


1.要花錢加入PSN Plus才有150 MB能用,大約能存1000個遊戲左右




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Tags: 改機

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想買 ps2問題 和改機問題

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2011-03-09T22:45
※ 引述《Misty5448 (大熊)》之銘言: : 小弟我最近想要買一台ps2 : 我在網路上看到了ps2其實有很多機種 : 請問各位如果買ps2的話比較推薦哪一種機型呢 : 我想玩吉他英雄 : 又再問ps2改機和不改機的差異在哪邊呢? : 改機後有比較方便嗎? : 因為我聽說改機後就不能玩遊戲這句話是.. ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-03-09T21:15
在下有一個問題, 既然外接硬碟只能抓到FAT32, 那麼是不是無法將大於4G的遊戲備份到外接硬碟? 縱使有OpenSplit可以將檔案分割成小於4G的檔案, 那應該是要把遊戲複製到內裝的硬碟並加以合併才能執行吧? 所以目前是無法在外接硬碟中直接執行大於4G的遊戲嗎? 又或者有其他的辦法呢?? 謝謝 - ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2011-03-09T20:57
我知道如果遊戲告知需要更新Wii的時候,我只要選擇不更新就可以避免 IOS被更新(或更甚者整個韌體被升級),不過我想請問大家,到現在為止有 沒有哪一款遊戲是屬於不告知就自行更新的啊? 例如遊戲發現IOS不夠新就自行更新IOS而不告知,或者看到主機的韌體版本 太舊也自行更新而不告知..... 請問到目前為止有 ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2011-03-09T19:55 judge-in-sony-vs-geohot-orders-youtube-and-others-to-give-up-us/ 看來 Sony 跨出了威嚇 PS3 改機者的重要一步... 不久前加州法院裁定,SCEA 將可 ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2011-03-09T19:45
請問 如果6.20版本想升級官方6.35 有哪些方法? 原廠送修是拿到SONY分店嗎? 給官方升級能選擇只升到6.35嗎? - ...