PS3 JFW DH CFW 3.41 / 3.56 MA FAQ by DemonHades Arrives - 改機

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2011-10-08T18:47

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並且支援部分 3.60 以上的遊戲

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Today Spanish PlayStation 3 developer DemonHades has posted a FAQ covering
their upcoming PS3 JFW DH CFW 3.41 / 3.56 MA Custom Firmware outlined below,
roughly translated:

今天西班牙的 PS3 開發者 DemonHades 發表了一份談論到 PS3 JFW DH CFW 韌體的 FAQ

Questions and Answers JFW 3.41 / 3.56 MA DH

Hello Demons, after reading in different parts of the network see that there
is still much confusion about JFW DH 3.41 and JFW DH 3.56 and MA.

各位大大, 在讀過網路上的文章後發現
大家對於 DH 3.41 和 DH 3.56 仍然有許多疑惑

That is why I decided to create the official thread to go answer the most
discussed in the network.


DH JFW 3.41

Who can use it?
誰可以使用 DH JFW 3.41

All users can downgrade via QA flags / are in a less than 3.41 or have a
flasher to downgrade.
所有可以透過 QA flag 降級或是處於 3.41 以下的系統,
或者是可以透過 flasher 降級的使用者

That is the basis for downgrade?

The base is the lowest firmware that supports our PS3, and it left the
能夠降級的最低版本是能夠正常起動 PS3 的最低韌體版本,

Why a 3.41?
為何是 3.41?

Why is it that has fewer restrictions and is harder to detect Sony because
Sony can not go back in time to implement security.
而且因為 Sony 無法在舊的韌體版本上進行安全機制的管控

I'm on a cfw I happen to 3.55 and 3.41 DH JFW, I can?
我目前的韌體版本是 3.55 我是否可以使用 3.41 DH JFW ?

Yes, as long as your base is less than 3.41, if not exceeding the 350 read at
least part of the 356MA.
可以的, 只要你的系統最低韌體版本是低於 3.41,
但是如果是 3.50 以上的版本則請閱讀關於 3.56 MA 的部分

I have games on the internal and external HDD, I have to convert for them?

No, you can always use the old backups via manager or secondary methods (PKG,
plug & play) without patching or search for patches.
不用, 你仍然能夠透過 manager 或是 pkg 安裝的方式使用舊的備份,

That is why the games do not need to be patched 3.55 / 3.56?
為何 3.55/3.56 遊戲不需要進行修正就能夠正常執行呢?

The DH-JFW has an internal system that detects when files larger than 3.41,
makes use of one of their plugins to run.
DH-JFW 韌體包含一個內部系統,
當他偵測到大於 3.41 的遊戲檔案時會呼叫外掛程式來執行遊戲

The means of installing the DH JFW is different from other customs?
這表示需要透過不一樣的方式來安裝 DH-JFW 嗎?

No, is the same as that used for the rest (recovery mode)
不是的, 如同其他自製韌體一樣使用恢復模式即可

To me worth the Manager the grid?

Among other things to Enable / Disable plugins or patches applied dynamic.
這中間需要其它的程式(管理程式)來啟動或是關閉 plugins

What is a plugin?
甚麼是一個 plugin?

It's an application that runs in the background and allows us to expand the
capabilities of Sony's firmware.
允許我們擴充 Sony 韌體的能力

And the dynamic patches?

As the name implies, are patches that apply to modules self / sprx either
system or external fw itself to directly modify files.\
用來修正 self/sprx 模組或是系統或是外部的韌體

New games require moddchip?

No, because it makes use of an exploit
不用, 因為它使用系統漏洞

But and the keys?

Do not use for anything.

The new original games we will use?

Initially, no, only the backs of demonisos.. and to be prepared for the JFW
只有存放在 demonisos 的遊戲,
而且是為 DH JFW 所準備的

What is demonisos?
甚麼是 demonisos?

A place to store your original backups like a storage facility in question,
if you do not have them and proof that you have may not be published (who's
你將無法將遊戲發佈到 demonisos

If I have a 36x or 37x the original game, I get my backup?
如果我擁有 36x 或是 37x 版的原版遊戲, 我可以取得我的備份嗎?

You will have to download the patch demonisos, as without the patch will not
be able demonisos.
你將被賦予從 demonisos 下載修正程式的權利,

If there DLC game patches, unable to let us play?
如果遊戲的 DLC 中進行了修正, 這樣我們就無法執行備份遊戲了?

He can also download the demonisos, ready for use.
仍然可以下載 DLC 相對應的 demonisos 進行遊戲

Demonisos anyone can access?
任何人都可以存取 Demonisos?

Only those who use its service to upload your original reespaldos.
只有那些上傳了原本遊戲到 Demonisos 的玩家才有權利

So if I upload a copy of my original demonisos not have access to?
所以如果我上傳了我的一個備份到 demonisos,
那 demonisos 將不會存取我的備份進行驗證?

No, demonisos uses a legal system to store.. and if you do not have the
original that is uploaded, you can not access the site.
不是, demonisos 使用一個合法的系統來存放,

The plugins are downloaded from where?
這些 plugins 可以從任何地方下載嗎?

From the OpenPStore, since it is part of the service packs.
可以從 OpenPStore 下載,

For that we have no Internet, no way to download and install plugins or
我們無法下載和安裝 plugins 和修正檔

Yes, via web, downloading the pkg and then install it as a viewer from normal

透過其他電腦上網下載 pkg 檔,
然後如同一般 pkg 檔一樣進行安裝

For that only show videos of the xmb, not the other features?
目前介紹的影片中只有 XMB 的畫面沒有其他功能嗎?

In the team are several people, and each will take care of a task, what is
shown is part of the tasks that I perform (DemonHades) and most colleagues
(Makykiki, Tito1, PSjuan), the remaining partners do not may show nothing if
not already completed.

It will make a port to 3.55 of JFW DH?
DH JFW 會移植到 3.55 嗎?

No, we do not want rivalry with the other customs of that version.

I've seen other cfw can copy the game saves in the JFW DH there any way?
我發現其他版本的自製韌體能夠複製遊戲存檔那 JFW DH 辦的到嗎?

The dh-JFW supports a new application called UsaveME, for the management of
DH-JFW 支援一個叫做 UsaveMe 的程式來管理存檔

But... there are some protected right?

UsaveME, I prepared to use although you can give come from another ps3 saves.
UsaveMe 我準備讓你能夠複製來至其它 PS3 的存檔

The hard drive must be fat32?
硬碟必須是 Fat32 ?

If, as the data system that format natively used ps3 for external media.
檔案系統必須是 PS3 對於外部儲存裝置所原生支援的

And it could not use NTFS or similar for games that require more size?
但是 PS3 並不支援 NTFS 並且小部分的遊戲存在單檔大於 4GB 的檔案

Ideally, the same format used internally but externally (UFS) but without the
layer of encryption to be connected externally.
理想上是外部儲存裝置也使用如同內部的 UFS 系統,

UFS would be possible externally?
UFS 檔案系統可以被作為外部裝置的檔案系統?

With a plugin or patch may.
透過 plugin 或是可以能需要進行修正

Cobra does not stop to make updates, they will come in the JFW DH?
Cobra 團隊仍然在進行更新,
他們會加入到 DH-JFW 計劃中嗎?

No, JFW has nothing to do with the plugins are different things.. though is
where do JFW.
不會, JFW 沒有需要他們協助的部分,
plugin 和 JFW 是不相關的

Then, we can not carry things cobra?
那我們將不能從 cobra 團隊中得到些甚麼嗎?

Yes, but with plugins Thegra.
是的, 除了 Thegra 這個 plugin 外

We will have access to psn?
我們將能夠存取 PSN ?

Not in the output, even if they can exploit to study the level of impact has
the global JFW.. and if we see is consistent with our purpose might be.

Worth the oldest published online themes for xmb?

No, because his organization would be altered.
不會因為他們的組織會被 sony 等公司警告

You lose games purchased, or may renew the licenses?
你將會失去你所購買過的遊戲? 或是需要重新更新認證?

Initially if you do not have access to the psn, you can... obviously not all
be studied later elapses seeing all.
如果你沒有登入過 PSN 你不用考慮這問題,

Sony will be able to plug the exploit?
Sony 可能會堵住這個漏洞嗎?

Not if no details are given, or where, when, why.
如果沒有詳細的漏洞資料洩漏給 Sony 的話,
Sony 將不大可能堵住這個漏洞

The DH will have JFW Internet browser?
DH 將會有 JFW 網路瀏覽器?

The same that is used natively at the moment.

In DH JFW can make use of media servers (PS3 media server)?
DH JFW 可以使用 PS3 多媒體伺服器嗎?

Yes, no problem.

Being in 3.41 official JFW passing DH, retain the trophies?
從 3.41 升級到 3.41 JFW 獎杯是否會保留?

Yes, no problems

This cfw will be playable in 3D?
韌體可以撥放 3D 嗎?

Games if no time movies (with a plugin if possible) or native tv 3d
如果該遊戲沒有 time movies (若搭配 plugin 可能可以) 或是原生的 TV 3D 則可以

DH JFW 3.56 MA

Who can use it?

All users that are on a firmware less than 356 or have a flasher to patch the
PUP (it will be tutorial).
所有韌體版本低於 3.56 的使用者或是可以透過 flasher 對 PUP 進行修正的使用者

Because a 3.56 and not a 3.55?
為何是 3.56 而非 3.55?

Really 3.56 MA suddenly emerged to perform tests of the members of the team,
but our intention was only 3.41, yet we know people who discovered that their
models could not go down beyond the base 3.56.
3.56 是意外加入的,
我們原本只關注在 3.41 但是我們發現許多使用者無法降級到 3.56

So if I'm in 350 of base do you recommend?
所以如果我能降級的最低韌體版本是 3.50 你的建議是?

It depends on what you want, the 3.56 MA is intended for people with base
356, but if you're at 3.50 so far suggest any custom 3.55, as 3.56 MA not
have even the peek / poke many homebrew make use of it.
這取決於你要甚麼? 3.56 MA 是給最低韌體版本是 3.56 的使用者使用的,
如果你是 3.50 建議你使用任何 3.55 的自製韌體,
因為 3.56 沒有 peek/poke 這個許多自製程式需要的指令

Worth old games I have on the hdd?

Initially yes, but with pkgs... as managers make use of the peek / poke.
可以, 可是許多自製程式需要 peek/poke 指令,
這將導致無法執行包含 manager 程式在內

And be compatible with the new games?

If, as the 3.41.
如同 3.41

For they say that if you upgrade to 3.56 got stuck?
從部分人士聽說如果升級到 3.56 版本會發生問題?

Because the 356 from Sony introduced a updater2 which is responsible for not
recognizing updater1 (1xx to 3.55), so to get out of there you need a flasher.
因為從 3.56 版 Sony 導入一個 updater2 的韌體更新程式,
當原本在 1.xx ~ 3.55 版的韌體更新程式無法辨識更新檔時,
會由 updater2 負責接手進行韌體更新,
所以當你要從 3.56 換成別的版本時你會需要 flasher 進行降級

It says that you need a flasher, worth a PS3 key me or something?
這表示需要的是 flasher 而非 PS3Key 或是其他電子狗?

A flasher is not a USB, a flash is to be welded modchip to make a copy of the
fw installed on the NAND / NOR.
Flasher 並非是如同電子狗的 USB 裝置,
Flasher 需要進行焊接以備份存在 NAND/NOR 的韌體

I'm in 3.56 OFWs, I can do with a usb downgrader?
我目前使用 3.56 OFW 我可透過 usb 降級嗎?

No, only with a flasher and welding.
不能, 目前只能夠用 flasher 和焊接的方式

You can use the OpenPStore?
你可以使用 OpenPStore?

If, as it is compatible.

Thegra manager can use?
Thegra manager 程式可以使用嗎?


Tags: 改機

All Comments

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-10-09T19:49
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2011-10-11T04:07
等放出來再說吧 之前一堆造假的東西
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2011-10-12T14:54
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2011-10-16T20:55
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-10-17T12:10


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-10-08T13:01
小弟的PSP 是一台斷電就須重刷的.......PSP3000 目前版本還停5.03普羅米修-4 最近是沒遇到遊戲不能 只是看最近 好像都更新到6.39 不知道我這台是否有需要更新到6.39 還是維持就好 遇到不能玩再來弄 - ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2011-10-07T19:38
我是用wiiflow接硬碟玩遊戲 玩曙光公主若是太久沒有進出房間的話就會當機 後來發現美版動森和日版節奏天國也有相同情形 大概是閒置(待在同一個房間或關卡)7分鐘以上再開門就會當 或是節奏天國關卡結束的時候也會當機 是哪個大方向出了問題呢? (我是用seagate 320GB的硬碟) - ...

I/O device error!!!???

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2011-10-07T13:58
自從新購入psp之後 很開心的備份好UMD的ISO檔 然後想放入SD卡時 發現有些沒問題 有些會出現cannot copyXXXXXXXX:The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error 稍微上網查了一下 好像 ...

Showtime-3.3.93: Bug and skin fixes

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2011-10-07T10:35
主要是調整libav 解碼套件include 的程式碼,同時調整整個佈景介面載入的方 式,抓程式碼時候看到這麼多更新還震驚了一下。圖片的部份,似乎瀏覽過的圖 片Showtime的資料庫也會有紀錄了。 版本編號:showtime-3.3.93.g57ef0.cassine 3.41版韌體:http://www ...

Showtime-3.3.84: Bug fixes and Estonian translation

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-10-06T17:18
修正一些字幕檔、.rar壓縮檔案讀取的 bug,同時新增愛沙尼亞語系(跟我們無 關)。目前字體最漂亮的還是我的版本,紅色松鼠(RS)的是未修改版,用主機內 部字體,會有黑、圓體不分而且字體過大被吃掉天地的問題。 版本編號:showtime-3.3.84.gcbc49.cassine 3.41版韌體:http ...