PS3 Cheat Enabler v1.2 - 改機

By Barb Cronin
at 2011-04-18T23:12
at 2011-04-18T23:12
Table of Contents
PS3 Cheat Enabler v1.2 is released. PS3 Cheat Enabler is a simple GUI app
that lets you turn on cheats in your games. It works by editing the Eboot.bin
files of your game, but not to worry fellow brethren, this GUI will get your
cheats on and off in a click of a button. Instructions on how to use the app
is on the app itself.
__________________________________________________ _____________________
Before you jump in, there are some tidbits of info you guys need to know, as
1. The cheat database comes in separately so make sure they are in the same
folder to make the app work properly. We did it this way because it becomes
easier to just update the database(just a few KB)rather than updating the
entire software.
2.This app has an Auto Mode and Manual Mode. Auto mode is the easy way, just
select the eboot, direct yourself to the correct game from the drop down box,
check the cheats you want and wallah all done. Manual mode you need to select
the eboot and put the hex pattern of the original code and then enter the hex
pattern of the modified code and then update the eboot so the cheat is
enabled. Auto Mode is normally preferred.
3.After the app edits the eboot, remember to replace it with the original
eboot of the game or the cheats obviously wont work. Transfer it via USB,FTP
it...doesnt matter, just get that edited eboot in the USRDIR of the game.
Remember to keep a backup of the original eboot if you want to remove the
cheats at anytime.
4.Newly created eboot is named MOD_EBOOT.BIN to avoid overwrite. Rename it
and replace your original eboot, make sure to make a backup in case you want
to revert the cheats
5.Known issues: select an output folder other than root or desktop, or leave
it blank to create a defualtout folder in the same directory as the app,
otherwise you might encounter an error due to privileges
6.We are working on pkg installing features for cheats to use with legit
discs and non-backup manager loading games.
7.These cheats do not work in updated games as they are npdrm encrypted, we
are working on a bypass(well actually blazie is doing most of the
work...great guy.)
8.Most of the cheats we found are from, really helpful
9.Also bear in mind that this app has been created for the enjoyment of
yourself or just having a good time with your friends or whatever, it is NOT
INTENDED FOR ONLINE CHEATING/PIRACY, you have been warned...what happens
online with the cheats is your fault, we are not responsible.
10.This is a GUI port of the codemastersproject auto tools, which can be
found here.
Finally, Here is a list of supported games...this list will grow with time:
A.C.E. Another Centurys Episode R Ar Tonelico 3 Qoga Atelier Rorona:
Alchemist of Arland Atelier Totori: Alchemist of Arland 2 Bayonetta
Bladestorm: The Hundred Years War Castlevania Lord of Shadows Dead Rising 2
Dead Space Dead Space 2 Devil May Cry 4 Disgaea 3 Disgaea 4 Dynasty Warriors
Gundam 3 Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce Eternal Sonata Final Fantasy XIII Fist
of the North Star Kens Rage Genji: Days of the Blade God of War III
Hyperdimension Neptunia Killzone 2 Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Mobile Suit Gundam
Battlefield Record Nier Ninja Gaiden Sigma Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Resident Evil
5 Resistance 2 Resistance: Fall of Man Resonance of Fate Rune Factory Oceans
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes Soul Calibur 4 Star Ocean: The Last Hope
International Tales of Graces F Tekken 6 Top Spin 4 Trinity Universe Valkyria
Chronicles Vampire Rain: Altered Species Vanquish Way Of the Samurai 3 White
Knight Chronicles Yakuza 3 Yakuza 4: NTSC PAL Yakuza4: JPN
__________________________________________________ ______________________
Many thanks again to codemasterprojects for their auto tools and cheats. Also
99% of the thanks goes to Blazie151, he did most of the work....all i did was
make the cheat database -.-, but hey atleast i did something. Stick around
for more awesome TEAMSOS apps.
Remember we are more silent than the night and more deadly than the dawn!
THATS ALL FOLKS!!!(copyright to WB)
__________________________________________________ ______________________
PS3 Cheat Enabler v1.2 Changelog:
- Bug fixes - Saves last used output directory. - Allows you to open bin
files with the application. That way you can bind .bin files with it and open
them by double clicking the file, or dragging the file onto this application
and opening them that way.
This application requires a set of decryption keys to unself the EBOOT.BIN
file. All you have to do is download the ps3 keys and place them in your user
folder. On Windows 7 that's in:
Without the files you will receive an "elf not created" error msg.
PS3 Cheat Enabler v1.2 is released. PS3 Cheat Enabler is a simple GUI app
that lets you turn on cheats in your games. It works by editing the Eboot.bin
files of your game, but not to worry fellow brethren, this GUI will get your
cheats on and off in a click of a button. Instructions on how to use the app
is on the app itself.
__________________________________________________ _____________________
Before you jump in, there are some tidbits of info you guys need to know, as
1. The cheat database comes in separately so make sure they are in the same
folder to make the app work properly. We did it this way because it becomes
easier to just update the database(just a few KB)rather than updating the
entire software.
2.This app has an Auto Mode and Manual Mode. Auto mode is the easy way, just
select the eboot, direct yourself to the correct game from the drop down box,
check the cheats you want and wallah all done. Manual mode you need to select
the eboot and put the hex pattern of the original code and then enter the hex
pattern of the modified code and then update the eboot so the cheat is
enabled. Auto Mode is normally preferred.
3.After the app edits the eboot, remember to replace it with the original
eboot of the game or the cheats obviously wont work. Transfer it via USB,FTP
it...doesnt matter, just get that edited eboot in the USRDIR of the game.
Remember to keep a backup of the original eboot if you want to remove the
cheats at anytime.
4.Newly created eboot is named MOD_EBOOT.BIN to avoid overwrite. Rename it
and replace your original eboot, make sure to make a backup in case you want
to revert the cheats
5.Known issues: select an output folder other than root or desktop, or leave
it blank to create a defualtout folder in the same directory as the app,
otherwise you might encounter an error due to privileges
6.We are working on pkg installing features for cheats to use with legit
discs and non-backup manager loading games.
7.These cheats do not work in updated games as they are npdrm encrypted, we
are working on a bypass(well actually blazie is doing most of the
work...great guy.)
8.Most of the cheats we found are from, really helpful
9.Also bear in mind that this app has been created for the enjoyment of
yourself or just having a good time with your friends or whatever, it is NOT
INTENDED FOR ONLINE CHEATING/PIRACY, you have been warned...what happens
online with the cheats is your fault, we are not responsible.
10.This is a GUI port of the codemastersproject auto tools, which can be
found here.
Finally, Here is a list of supported games...this list will grow with time:
A.C.E. Another Centurys Episode R Ar Tonelico 3 Qoga Atelier Rorona:
Alchemist of Arland Atelier Totori: Alchemist of Arland 2 Bayonetta
Bladestorm: The Hundred Years War Castlevania Lord of Shadows Dead Rising 2
Dead Space Dead Space 2 Devil May Cry 4 Disgaea 3 Disgaea 4 Dynasty Warriors
Gundam 3 Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce Eternal Sonata Final Fantasy XIII Fist
of the North Star Kens Rage Genji: Days of the Blade God of War III
Hyperdimension Neptunia Killzone 2 Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Mobile Suit Gundam
Battlefield Record Nier Ninja Gaiden Sigma Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Resident Evil
5 Resistance 2 Resistance: Fall of Man Resonance of Fate Rune Factory Oceans
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes Soul Calibur 4 Star Ocean: The Last Hope
International Tales of Graces F Tekken 6 Top Spin 4 Trinity Universe Valkyria
Chronicles Vampire Rain: Altered Species Vanquish Way Of the Samurai 3 White
Knight Chronicles Yakuza 3 Yakuza 4: NTSC PAL Yakuza4: JPN
__________________________________________________ ______________________
Many thanks again to codemasterprojects for their auto tools and cheats. Also
99% of the thanks goes to Blazie151, he did most of the work....all i did was
make the cheat database -.-, but hey atleast i did something. Stick around
for more awesome TEAMSOS apps.
Remember we are more silent than the night and more deadly than the dawn!
THATS ALL FOLKS!!!(copyright to WB)
__________________________________________________ ______________________
PS3 Cheat Enabler v1.2 Changelog:
- Bug fixes - Saves last used output directory. - Allows you to open bin
files with the application. That way you can bind .bin files with it and open
them by double clicking the file, or dragging the file onto this application
and opening them that way.
This application requires a set of decryption keys to unself the EBOOT.BIN
file. All you have to do is download the ps3 keys and place them in your user
folder. On Windows 7 that's in:
Without the files you will receive an "elf not created" error msg.
All Comments

By Rachel
at 2011-04-19T17:06
at 2011-04-19T17:06

By Kama
at 2011-04-20T04:31
at 2011-04-20T04:31

By Audriana
at 2011-04-23T23:36
at 2011-04-23T23:36

By Mary
at 2011-04-24T07:23
at 2011-04-24T07:23

By Isla
at 2011-04-25T13:00
at 2011-04-25T13:00

By Candice
at 2011-04-28T21:44
at 2011-04-28T21:44
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