PS2: LilyPad v0.9.0 - 模擬器

By Zora
at 2008-04-11T10:06
at 2008-04-11T10:06
Table of Contents
Guitar emulation support added. Need a hack for GH2. Thanks to cottonvibes,
silent-circuit, Knaiffi, lazyk, and everyone else who helped test and gave me
info on the guitars.
Save / Load buttons added. May still need some work.
Sensitivity and flip settings now work properly for pressure-sensitive button
Fixed a bug with Windows Messaging and Raw modes and lock state buttons.
Fixed LilyPad not reading the keyboard when in DirectInput mode and a game isn
′t actively reading pad input.
Minor change to how force feedback is used that might work better with some
buggy DirectInput drivers.
Second force feedback dropdown menu is now disabled when no force feedback
devices are detected.
Fixed another DS2 native mode instead of analog mode bug.
Removed "analog as digital in digital mode" option to save display space. It′
s now always on.
Improved "disable pad" handling - such pads should now always say they have
nothing pressed.
Removed invisible cursor and some other random code cleanups.
All Comments

By Steve
at 2008-04-13T22:04
at 2008-04-13T22:04

By Quintina
at 2008-04-17T13:10
at 2008-04-17T13:10

By Zora
at 2008-04-20T15:57
at 2008-04-20T15:57
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