(PS for Dingoo A320) PSX4All for Dingux - 模擬器

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2009-10-16T11:47

Table of Contents


This is a port of handheld PlayStation emulator psx4all to Linux
for the Dingoo A320 (Dingux).

It features MIPS to MIPS recompiling CPU emulation, and performance
is acceptable, ranging from some 16-20 FPS in Gran Turismo to about
60 FPS in Tetris Plus (with some tweaks).

Sound works in principle, but slows down emulation considerably,
which is why I have not compiled it into the default build
("psx4all"). For those who want to try it, however, a version with
a working SPU ("psx4all_sound") is provided as well.

To use the emulator, simply drop it into a directory on your SD card
and add "psx4all" to whatever launcher application you are using.
It is possible to run games with the integrated high-level BIOS
emulation, but compatibility is so-so. It is thus highly recommended
to use a PlayStation BIOS image, which psx4all expects to be
situated in the same directory and to be named "scph1001.bin".

psx4all is able to use PlayStation games in BIN format (2352 byte raw
sectors, file extension ".bin") and is also able to load files in the
compressed CBIN format (file extension ".cbn"), which is very similar
to the well-known CISO format, but uses a different sector size. A
tool called "cbin" is supplied with the emulator that is able to
convert BIN format images to CBN files. (Precompiled binaries are
shipped for Mac OS X and Linux/i386; the source code should be
trivial to compile on whatever system you are using; it only depends
on zlib.)

Memory cards are supported and need to be named mcd001.mcr and
mcd002.mcr for Slot 1 and Slot 2, respectively. If these files do
not exist, psx4all will create them.

The emulator is controlled through a menu system. The cursor is
moved with the Up and Down buttons, selections are made using the B
button. The B button also toggles options. Numerical parameters can
be changed using Left and Right. L always takes you back to the
previous menu.

Graphics Options :

I don′t know the meaning of all these options either, so I will
stick to those that I know and consider useful, or that I have
added myself.

Show FPSwhether or not to show the frame rate statstics on
top of the screen

Frame SkipFrameskipping can speed up emulation considerably, but
will lead to choppy graphics and in many cases glitches. It is
currently your best option to get full-speed or near full-speed
emulation on many games, though. 2/3 frameskip appears to work best
for most cases. 1/2 almost always causes severe problems.

Cycle MultiplierIncreasing the cycle multiplier makes the emulated
PlayStation hardware run faster relative to its CPU. This can help
speed up games that don′t use the CPU much and mostly idle around
waiting for the next frame. In other cases, it will not make a
difference, or even make the game slower. Don′t be fooled by the
increased frame rate! If the CPU is too slow to keep up, a high
frame rate will be of no consequence.

Frameskip: ....These option allow you to fine-tune the frameskipping
behavior. When frameskipping causes glitches you can turn it off
for certain parts of the graphics emulation instead of turning it
off completely.

Wall Clock TimingThis option is experimental, and I′m not quite sure
if it is useful at all. It causes the hardware timing to be based on
real-world ("wall clock") time instead of the cycle count of the
emulated CPU. Its effect and its problems are very similar to that
of the Cycle Multiplier option, but it locks the framerate to what
it would be in real life.

Sound Options :

The only option is to turn the sound on and off. And that only works
in the SPU build ("psx4all_sound").

File Options :

Save Game StateFreezes the emulated system and dumps its state into
a file that can be reloaded later. Files are named after the game
disc image, with a dash, a four-figure counter and the extension
".svs" added. Don′t rename them, or psx4all won′t know what disc
image to use when loading them.

Load Game StateRestores a saved state.

Load A GameBoots a CD image via the original PlayStation BIOS. BIN
and CBN images are supported, plus a couple of esoteric formats I
have never heard of before.

Load A Game Without BIOS Boots a CD image with high-level BIOS
emulation enabled. The compatibility is lower compared to using
the original BIOS, but indicated framerates are higher. Games don′t
generally feel faster, though, so that may well be a bug.

In-emulation button assignment is as follows:

PlayStation buttonDingoo button(s)

Left - Left
Right - Right
Up - Up
Down - Down
Triangle - X
Square - Y
Circle - A
Cros - sB
Start - Start
Select - Select + Start
L1 - L
R1 - R
L2 - Select + L
R2 - Select + R

FunctionDingoo buttons

Return to MenuSelect + Y
QuitSelect + X (press and hold)
Increase FrameskipSelect + A
Decrease FrameskipSelect + B
Turn FPS display onSelect + Right
Turn FPS display offSelect + Left

Source code, Binary Releases, Changelog, and Bug Tracking :

All of these can be found on the psx4all-dingoo page at github:

You can also download a Dingux toolchain for Mac OS X there,
should you need one.

Have a lot of fun!





莫 再 提 莫 再 吵 莫 再 問 莫 再 捧 莫 再 信 莫 再 爭
莫 再 講 莫 再 聞 莫 再 理 莫 再 叫 莫 再 貶 莫 再 寫
莫 再 說 莫 再 想 莫 再 求 莫 再 打 莫 再 用
莫 再 扯 莫 再 婊 莫 再 罵 莫 再 扛
莫 再 聊 莫 再 管 莫 再 傳 莫 再 投


All Comments

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2009-10-19T00:08
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2009-10-24T00:03
fps 寫錯= ="

(Action Max) ActionMax Emulator

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2009-10-16T11:25
2009.10.15 ActionMax Emulator is a Action Max from Worlds of Wonder (WoW) Emulator for Windows.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_Max ...

Real Bout Fatal Fury Special - DOMINATED MIND

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2009-10-16T11:06
因為最近在寫「餓狼傳說」系列的回顧專題, 所以有找這個遊戲來測試,順便分享大家。 雖然流暢度不比街機版本,且系統也大幅縮水 ,不過新加入的兩個角色都滿有特色的。尤其 是惡德武器商人兼人偶控(?)的「ホワイト 」,實在是一個很棒的角色。 「ホワイト」這個角色的內、外在人物設定都 很令人印象深刻,連戰鬥時的技 ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2009-10-15T23:46
年代不詳,但是應該有十幾年,橫向捲軸動作,一開始看到誤以為是地牢神龍系列 ,但是一比對發現並不是。 雖然是橫向捲軸,但不是只有左右能通行,記得地圖也有斜角方向,相關細節記得 很少,唯一一個很特別的地方,初期似乎可以跳上建築物頂端,而到達隱藏地點拿 寶物,其中一個寶物是 ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2009-10-15T21:10
相信版上眾鄉民對熱血系列一定不陌生 小弟也不例外,還記得當初接觸的第一款熱血系列就是and#34;熱血行進曲and#34;(FC版) 那時候我才小學一年級,地點是在堂哥家 當初堂哥卡匣裝好後就放我一個人在遊戲間打電動 那時候也不知道怎麼玩,遊戲一開始只看到4個人一直往前衝 我也不知道自己是哪一個, ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2009-10-15T19:21
因為只有要玩kof而已 沒有要玩別的遊戲 朋友說給我這個版就夠用了 可是進入遊戲之後 畫面整個跑超快 fps也調過了 也爬過文了 還是一直沒辦法解決 有人可以幫我嗎 感激不盡 - ...