ppsspp - 模擬器

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2013-12-11T19:26

Table of Contents


Online Play in Windows

What we need:

1 - The úlitma build, downloaded here .

2 - The Adhoc server here .

Now follow the tutorial:

1 - After downloading the last build, run PPSSPP only for the "memstick"
folder is created.

2 - Open the ppsspp.ini in "memstick / PSP / SYSTEM /"

3 - Inside the file, look for the "proAdhocServer" line and put local IP
address of the computer where the server is running (EX: 192.168.xx,
172.16.xx to 172.32.xx and 10.xxx)

4 - Look for the "MacAddress" line and put whatever you want in the format:
"xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx" (Every "x" can be replaced by numbers "0" through
"9" and by letters "a" to "f".

-If you will play with 2 emulators on the same PC, use different MAC

-In the tutorial nothing to do with the Adhoc server that you downloaded, I
think you need-just let it open and minimized.

-Remember to enable the "Enable networking / wlan (beta)" option in "Settings
/ System".

Okay, now pass the IP address to your friends and have fun. See list of games
already tested at the end of the post.

Play online Android

What we need:
1 - The last build here .
2 - The Adhoc server here .

Follow the steps:
1 - Download and install Adhoc server (link above).

2 - Open the server, you will see that there is nothing, just a white screen,
then press home to leave it in the background / minimized.

3 - Open the "ppsspp.ini" in "sdcard / PSP / SYSTEM /", find the
"proAdhocServer" line and put forward the IP "".

4 - Connect to Wifi and call your friend to enter the same IP.

5 - Enter the PPSSPP and go to the game you want to play, and ready. Do not
forget to activate the "Enable networking / wlan (beta)" option in "Settings
/ System".

It might take a while for the other character (your friend) to appear for you.

Some things that have been tested:

Games that work:

- MHFU EU and U.S.: a local network.
- MH3rd HD: 2 players at most so far.
- God Eater Burst.
- Worms Open Warfare 2.
- Fat Princess.
- Tekken 6.

Games / Features not supported:

- Dissidia 012
- Soul Calibur (gives a black screen when entering the Versus part, may have
nothing to do with adhoc own)
- MGS: Peace Walker (requires sceNetAdhocMatching functions, of which none
has been implemented so far)
- Pangya: Fantasy Golf (the list of rooms to go is always empty, even when
someone has hosted a game)
- Playing with two emulators on the same computer (however, working with a
virtual machine, created to connect inside your computer into a virtual
private network, but since it's kind of complicated, I will not detail it).
- Playing with 2 emulators (even on different PC) on the same local network,
if you're playing through the internet.

If you tested a different game and it worked or not, let that'll add to the


All Comments

James avatar
By James
at 2013-12-15T03:45


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2013-12-11T16:39
天阿 怎麼會這樣呢? 在編成的時候要用魔法可是卻只看的見指標 看不到選項 出來大地圖 進入商店買東西看不到品項 這是..... 難得戰鬥真的很有魄力說 無言 - ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2013-12-11T11:47
※ 引述《dlevel (府城中西里菜)》之銘言: 剛好利用這個機會跟新手解釋這女人有多討人厭科科XDD 通常只要扯到這種戴綠帽的事情都會稱為NTR NTR就是寢取られ(ねとられ)的羅馬拼音縮寫(ne to ra re) 前頭提到バハムートラグーン的ヨヨ是主角的幼馴染(幼なじみ) 幼馴染屆是兒時玩伴的意 ...

這一台 遊戲平板 好強大!

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2013-12-11T00:13
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHUK_3gYJ5g 除了android自己app game 還有一堆emu都能跑 JXD S7800B/ S7800A Tested on Emulator Games http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2013-12-10T22:39
※ 引述《dlevel (府城中西里菜)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《dlevel (府城中西里菜)》之銘言: : : 小弟喜歡SRPG的原因: : : 1、不滿足 RPG四人的限制,希望能有更多具有特色的人物可使用。 : : 2、不同於 SLG遊戲如大戰略之類,生產出來的兵器只有番號,或許會有和 : : ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2013-12-10T00:10
※ 引述《dlevel (府城中西里菜)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Adam01011 (自信と勇気がある)》之銘言: : : 各位晚安 : : 想請大家幫我推薦一下這類的SRPG : : 目前最喜歡的當屬GBA的鬼武者了 每一回合的節奏都差不多 : : 隔了好久才發現原來SFC的三國英傑傳也是這類的遊戲 : ...