ppsspp 0.9.7預告 - 模擬器

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2014-02-05T14:45

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[ Official ] Version 0.9.7 announced in the coming weeks
Posted By : Guilherme Barros | Labels: Android , News , Official , Windows /
Today on the official emulator , was given the announcement that version
0.9.7 is coming. The main novelty is the compatibility with games Yu - Gi- Oh
Tag Force ( the 2-6 , not sure about the compatibility of 1 ) . The new
version also with other improvements , which also include WLAN support ( some
more games can be played online , but few - see here ) and also in the MPEG
video decoder , it solved problems of some video games . Let's look at the
news for the next version :

* Various fixes and audio programming , correcting black screens in games Yu
- Gi- Oh , among other things .

* Supports screen rotation in Android

* Initial support multitouch in Windows 8 for the onscreen controls .

* Major improvements to the software renderer ( it's still not really
playable , but looks better in most cases )

* Bug fixes and new allocator VPL , correcting performance problems Pangya
Golf .

* Some fixes MPEG / video playback , correcting Parappa The Rapper and others.

* Fixed errors in saving state that caused incompatibility between platforms
32 and 64 bits.

* Improved map / debugger Symbol

* Copy the depth buffer , correcting Jeanne D'arc . Can cause minor slowdowns
, but this will be overcome in the future.

* Fixes MsgDialog

The promise is that the release of v0.9.7 will be starting next week.


All Comments

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2014-02-07T21:39
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2014-02-11T06:47
gold 是 donate 專用 功能上目前是沒差
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2014-02-14T15:28
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2014-02-14T17:31
有各種捐贈數字 可憑能力捐給製作團隊
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2014-02-15T09:28
大家如果有能力就多捐一點吧 這樣他們會更有動力開發新版本

北欧女神2 汉化发布

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2014-02-04T19:09
作者禁止转载,我不知道能不能這樣post...atat|| 自行google北欧女神吧 如果不能這樣發文請通知我自爆 - ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2014-02-04T13:51
街機的遊戲 類似勇士們 可以吃 烏茲衝鋒槍 補充手榴彈 (有豬出現就狂打它)主角過關就高興的跳到螢幕中間消失到盡頭 印象中boss有 火車頭 兩隻火鳥 主角有一位是印第安人 請問mame的遊戲名稱是?感謝哦 -- Sent from my Android - ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2014-02-04T01:22
不是要在手機上玩模擬器 是要在PC上玩Android遊戲的模擬器 最近開始在玩Android上的小動作遊戲 ex:釋放忍者 雖然還蠻好玩的 但因為手指極度不靈滑 用滑的操作很痛苦 在加上螢幕很小看的很不舒服 想請教是否有PC的模擬器? 想直接用搖桿玩 謝謝 - ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2014-02-03T23:20
遊戲主角是武士 P2是女武士 第一關好像是要打一個大石頭才能到王關 第二關要坐石頭往上飛 然後會掉火焰下來 第三關到森林 王是一隻蜜蜂 第四關騎龍躲障礙物 有點像忍者蛙騎摩托車那關 第五關打機器人 跪求遊戲名稱~~~~ - ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2014-02-03T18:08
※ 引述《tint (璇月)》之銘言: : 昨天(12/20)Shenmue Dojo網站 : 上傳了完整版的莎木Online的展示影片 : 啊...好多回憶都湧上來 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ETjJvgUOso : 應該是目前最完整版本(解析度也很高)的莎木On ...