Portal 2 MOD - Portal Stories: Mel 發佈 - Steam

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2015-07-08T22:55

Table of Contents

※ 引述《star123 (Nev)》之銘言:
:   我花了 11 個小時才破完這東西……
:   整體品質非常好,每個關卡都很有巧思,傲嬌的人格核心也很卡娃伊。
:   Mel 的故事發生在 Portal 2 之前,有點像是當年的 Portal: Prelude,當然,難度
: 也有像到。整個遊戲過程當中,我有 70% 的時間在掙扎著要開密技、10% 的時間在找攻
: 略但根本找不到、10% 的時間在呆瞪著螢幕,最後 10% 的時間則在享受成功解出答案後
: 的興奮(或迷惘)。
:   這裡不想說太多遊戲內容,留待各位自己去體驗。只留一個小訣竅給還沒挑戰或正在
: 挑戰的人:一定要仔細看清楚測試室裡有什麼。這是一個眼殘玩家的衷心叮嚀。
:   我自己破完之後還是沒拿到不少成就。如果你是成就狂熱者,玩的時候別忘了到處走
: 走。我雖然不是,但還是對最後一個 2056 的成就很好奇……有人知道怎麼拿嗎?


- Added in community submitted translations for Spanish and Traditional
- Fixed some achievements not displaying a description

Unfortunately map-updates can cause corrupt savegames.

If you see triggers showing up, or notice other anomalies:
1) Open the console. (by default this is done with the ` (tilde) key)
2) Look at the top right of your screen, the name of the map should be there.
For example: sp_a1_tramride
3) Type in the console: 'changelevel yourmapname' without the quotation marks
eg: 'changelevel sp_a1_tramride'
4) Press Enter
5) The level restarts, and the errors are gone!

This should be the last time this happens, and we're very sorry for any
inconvenience this might cause.

Map updates:
- Fixed two stuckage issues in sp_a1_mel_intro

- Changed timing on voicelines in sp_a2_past_power
- Fixed unintended solution in sp_a2_past_power (sorry speedrunners)
- Fixed surfaces that were unintentionally portalable
- Fixed noisy turrets

- Fixed a stuckage issue in sp_a2_firestorm
- Fixed some bad collisions on some models in firestorm
- Fixed an issue where you could portal behind some rocks

- Fixed cube dropper sometimes failing in sp_a3_transition
- Fixed a voiceline in transition repeating
- Fixed some clipping props in transition
- Fixed some rendering issues with some panels in transition.

- Fixed potential stuckage issue in sp_a4_overgrown

- Fixed some missing indicator lights in sp_a4_tb_over_goo
- Fixed stuckage issue in tb_over_goo
- Fixed laser skins not switching

- Fixed a stuckage issue in sp_a4_two_of_a_kind
- Removed a white surface in two of a kind that caused confusion
- Fixed portalable ceiling in two of a kind

- Fixed a potential stuckage issue in sp_a4_destroyed

- Fixed a potential save/death loop in sp_a4_core_access
- Closed a door until a vital step was done, to prevent confusion/deaths
- Fixed an unintended skip, that caused confusion
- Fixed a stuckage issue
- Fixed a model going through fizzlers
- Fixed an issue where a certain surface was wrongly portalable

- Fixed strange I/O with fire in sp_a4_finale
- Fixed an achievement incorrectly unlocking in finale
- Fixed invisible surface showing up in finale
- Fixed two possible stuckage issues in finale
- Fixed an issue where credits cutscene won't play on Linux systems

We're still working on the problems with the configuration, including the
xbox-controller-inversion settings. If you encounter any problems with the
subtitles, contact us at support [at] portalstories [dot] com.

看起來是有中文拉! 太神拉!
Tags: Steam

All Comments

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2015-07-12T14:44
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2015-07-17T03:00
昨天測過 是繁體中文
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2015-07-20T11:37
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2015-07-23T11:27
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2015-07-23T17:12
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2015-07-25T23:44
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2015-07-30T04:46

阿卡漢騎士 手把無反應

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2015-07-08T21:14
如題 360的手把完全沒有反應 可是玩刺客教條或GTA都可以正常使用 想請問是哪裡出了錯QQ - ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2015-07-08T20:38
哈囉哈囉大家好歪理回來了:D 好久沒開實況了,因為最近得了感冒之冷熱溫差大造成的流感 現在已經好很多囉:D、在感冒期間也剪了一些影片,都會不定時的上傳給各位喔 ^_^ 歪理的實況連結:http://www.twitch.tv/wyliesunchannel 剛上傳的新影片希望大家會喜歡喔^_^ 歪理 ...

Rise Of Incarnates

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2015-07-08T19:37
網址:http://www.twitch.tv/thesevenheroes 遊戲簡介:RISE OF INCARNATES,簡稱ROI。 http://www.riseofincarnates.com/ 萬代南夢宮出品,本來是歐美限定遊戲, 後來才因為各種原因開放給日本人玩。 遊戲內容跟平流層槍手(史克 ...

真の仲間 PC/PS4確定有中文版

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2015-07-08T18:29
※ 引述《hn9480412 (ilinker)》之銘言: : 預購價格出來了,49.99美金,10/20發售,有中文 : http://store.steampowered.com/app/351970/ : 預購特典是武器 : http://i.imgur.com/ty9eNc4.png : 有分三階段預 ...

L4D2 指令開房問題

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2015-07-08T14:47
最近想找朋友入坑L4D2 發現指令開房再邀請朋友 朋友會無法加入 他那邊會顯示(不可加入遊戲) 想請問 是哪邊出問題 或是有甚麼其他辦法開房嗎 因為如果用一般方法開房(線上戰役) 會有BOT 我想跟朋友玩沒有BOT只有兩個玩家的戰役 如果指令開房就可以把BOT消除了 另外 ...