Pokerstars 連線如何改 port - 撲克牌

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2008-03-31T12:33

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因為我office的網路被網管限制,p2p、poker room 都不能連上,
於是我發了一封信問PS,看能不能改用 port 443 閃過公司的監控,

PokerStars Support to me
show details 10:37 AM (1 hour ago) Reply


Thank you for your email and for allowing us to be of assistance.

The problem that you are experiencing would appear to be the result of a
problem with the port that our software uses to connect to our servers.
This port might be being blocked by something on your computer or by your

It is possible to change the default port that is used - this may resolve
your problem. Here are the steps to do this:

1) Open PokerStars, click on Help -> Open Settings Folder. When the folder
opens up, please close the PokerStars client.

2) Locate the file named user.ini (or, depending on how you have your
folder displayed, named user with type 'Configuration Settings'). Please
note that there are several files with similar names in that folder (such
as user.ini.bak), so to find the correct one, you may have to click on
View > Details.

3) Right click on this file and choose Open With..

4) Choose Notepad. The user.ini file will open in Notepad.

5) Look through the file for a [Connect] section. If it is not there,
create one anywhere in the file (beginning or end) as per the next step.

6) In this section add the following text - userport=443. Your user.ini
file should now have the following in it:


Make sure that the general format of the file remains intact and ordered.

7) Save and close the file.

You should now try to open the PokerStars software. Please let us know if
this resolves your problem or not.


PokerStars Support Team

簡單來說, 在pokerstars 安裝目錄下找到 user.ini 這個檔,編輯它。


然後存檔,重新開啟 PS,應該就能使用。


All Comments

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2008-04-02T08:23
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2008-04-03T14:31
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2008-04-08T09:44
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2008-04-12T00:48
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2008-04-12T04:31
參考airya的文章 + 估狗: socks5 proxy list 的站台
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2008-04-15T18:05
socks5 需要摳摳~_________~"
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2008-04-16T06:11
估狗: socks5 proxy list 的站台 ==>很多free的
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2008-04-16T13:12
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2008-04-21T12:07
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2008-04-24T18:27
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2008-04-27T11:37
改了之後會從77.87.178.65:26002 變成77.87.178.68:443?
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2008-05-02T07:03
我ADSL現在改用FTTB了 因為價錢一樣 覺得算穩定+速度更快
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2008-05-03T12:24
FTTB is good~屏東老家也有~但台中還沒換=___="

on tilt的強運?

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2008-03-31T03:40 這把打完對手跟我講了一句 and#34;sorry on tiltand#34;,然後就跑了 = =; 要燒錢去低階一點的燒嘛...還可以多燒幾次咧 - ...

想請大家給我這手牌 指教一下

John avatar
By John
at 2008-03-31T01:29 我已吐血身亡 麻煩各位看倌給我指點一下吧... 這是個完美的陷阱呢...還是我蠢到暴 好悶 - ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2008-03-30T19:17 哪來那麼多紅心... 真的太靠背了 On tilt中 請找肥魚tomatoQQ - ...

PTT table/NL 10 FR..要玩的搜尋~~~

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2008-03-30T16:18
要玩的請搜尋littlebanban 湊點人氣~~ 3Qatat - ...

新團開打中 有興趣請電...

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2008-03-30T13:39
0952-877-793 現在有7人了 歡迎隨時參與 5/10 nl - ...