PearPC Quad-IDE build 2008.03.29.1 - 模擬器

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2008-05-11T00:22

Table of Contents

PearPC Quad-IDE build is a PowerPC emulator for Windows.

Summary of releases:

:arrow: redscorp-release-2008.03.29.1
* bug with big packets is fixed. Enjoy!

:arrow: redscorp-release-2008.03.29
+ add PCAP connectivity support.
* add time stamp in logging.
* improved Ethernet traffic filtering in RTL8139.
Read detailed description in this post.

:arrow: redscorp-release-2007.12.28
* parallelized read/write operations with IDE drives.

:arrow: redscorp-release-2007.12.04
bufix release.

:arrow: redscorp-release-2007.12.03
* quad IDE (as previous)
+ key combinations handling improved.
WARNING: Bugs are found with mouse handling. Not recommended to use! :roll:

:arrow: redscorp-release-2007.11.22
* last CVS source (0.5pre).
+ sparse HDD support patch.
+ experimental 4 IDE channels patch.

Please report bugs in this thread.


This is a night build:
* last CVS source (0.5pre).
+ sparse HDD support patch.
+ experimental 4 IDE channels patch.


You can boot OSX only from 1st IDE channel.

UPD: Bug reports are welcome... If something doesn′t work post you report
here in this topic.
If everything works fine post your results here.
Your screenshots are also welcome.


All Comments


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2008-05-10T20:52
如題 每次玩都是超級小的螢幕 而且還分割成兩部份 到底要怎樣才能讓螢幕變大呢? 謝謝~ - ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2008-05-10T19:35
我玩這個模擬器時畫面會晃動(一條橫線由上而下移動或由下而上) 我想應該是畫面更新率不同步的問題 但是開了vsync之後依舊沒有改善atat 我沒有要特別的畫面好 只希望畫面不要有晃動就好 請問我的設定要怎麼改呢? 謝謝前輩指點 我的設定如下: timing option 1.timing 我選了 ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2008-05-10T16:44
※ 引述《jackals60 (Are you red enough!)》之銘言: 以前我有用SSF 009 prototype R2破關過, 除了會因為cpu資源過度佔用而產生一些小延遲外, 其他基本上都沒什麼問題. 如果你有過度延遲的跡象, 那就把強調對比/DirectDraw/線性過濾都給關一關吧! ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2008-05-10T14:19
最近在重溫SS上的天外魔境 第四默示錄,一開始玩的時候還蠻順的,不知道為什麼 玩到加州舊金山的中國城時,畫面就開始頓頓的,時好時壞,更慘的是SSF會無預警 自動關掉......( ̄  ̄|||) 我用的版本是SSF_009_prototype_R2 STV BIOS是選20091(檔案名稱就是這樣orz ...