pcsx2pg-svn609 & plugins as of 19 january 2009 - 模擬器

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2009-01-20T13:14

Table of Contents


As of now, we have decided to start a Pcsx2 Playground beta program.

In this thread, beta versions will be posted. To keep confusion at a minimum,
they will be named as the svn revision they are compiled from.

These files are betas, so there are no guarantees of them running games.
Basically, once in a while I'll put up some very lightly tested builds as
betas. You can use them to see the latest progress and the new bugs ..
errr... features introduced Smile You are all encouraged to try the latest
beta available from this thread before posting a bug report. If it works in
the latest beta, it's most likely fixed.

Regarding the frequency of these "betas", I will basically put them out
whenever there is some decent amount of relatively stable changes for you
people to test. Most commits are not actually worth it, they add up in the
long run but give no immediate benefits. At the pace the emulator is
progressing now, expect them once/twice a week. Should the pace slow, so
would the betas.

Installation instructions:
- You must have the latest pcsx2 playground official release as a base. If
you don't, download the package from pcsx2.net. Refer to the announcement
- Download the latest beta from this topic. Extract the files and copy them
to the pcsx2_Pg folder
- Use them to run games
- If you have problems in starting up the emulator, try deleting the .ini
files in the inis folder and reconfigure the emulator.

About vm/vtlb versions
For now, 2 files are included.
- Vm version is the one which was also present in old pcx2 official releases
and pcsx2 playground official releases. Nothing new here.
- Vtlb version is (we hope) the future of pcsx2. It should eventually (once
again, we hope soon) completely substitute the vm version.

Vtlb is still not completely implemented and its' still not optimized, so
it's a little slower than vm. But if you want to try it, please do. We are
really interested in eventual bug reports about the vtlb version.


All Comments

牧場物語-風之市集 存檔

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2009-01-20T11:51
我用遊戲存檔好像不能存耶 到這邊就卡住不動了 http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=ejowj4andamp;b=3andamp;f=1272954930andamp;p=0 怎辦呢? - ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2009-01-20T11:44
本作聽說是[東亞PLAN]唯一的一款脫衣麻將,光這點就值得碰一下了吧? 而且意外的是,同樣是1986的作品,也具有跟[麻將女孩系列]同等級的畫質跟水準。 再搭配上女孩脫衣後的對局畫面,以及小遊戲野球拳……嘖嘖,這款不玩真是可惜。 下述的中文名稱是參考MAME的中文版本翻譯。 日文名:麻雀シスターズ 英文名:M ...

很久~~~前破的FC GAME--亞特蘭提斯之謎

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2009-01-20T02:36
快過年了多出清幾篇...這次終於可以說..我是用實機破的, 而且沒看 攻略喔~~XD, 當時好像是國中時代換來的這片卡帶,它的畫面是這樣子: http://0rz.tw/735qP 整個音樂和氣氛給人深刻的印象, 到現在還記得它每關不同的音樂,以 個人的認定可以排入名作了, 有野的挑戰以單款 GA ...

昨天破的FC GAME--亞典娜

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2009-01-19T13:31
SNK有名的女角色, 這應該是她最早出現的game吧, AC版還有一個龍鳳戰士 (Psycho Soldier)她也出現, 遊戲中還會唱歌..之後就幾乎都是在 KOF才看到她 了, 不過各作只是同名, 出身沒有直接的關係.. 本作是 SNK很早期的動作遊戲, 女主角亞典娜穿著比基尼在不知名的時代為 ...

emuControlCenter 0.9.9

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2009-01-19T12:21
http://www.camya.com/eccblog/ You can now download emuControlCenter 0.9.9 from the download section. The 0.9.9 version also includes the eccLive updates 0 ...