PCSX2 v0.9.5 SVN Rev.374 - 模擬器

By Susan
at 2008-05-21T17:39
at 2008-05-21T17:39
Table of Contents
rev 374: Fix for God of War 1 & 2, its not perfect, some FPU errors still,
but a massive improvement. Fixed the overbright bug in some games
(hopefully), removed the annoying messages that flood the console. Note:
green screen on GoW is a GSDX problem, use software mode or ZeroGS
D+ means that, (in)famous:P hack ('denormals are 0') is enabled. Look here
=364&r2=363&pathrev=364) or http://url.ms/c5o
to see what has been changed in the code <second yellow line>. Regular
readmes r in their regular rar packages.
rev 374: Fix for God of War 1 & 2, its not perfect, some FPU errors still,
but a massive improvement. Fixed the overbright bug in some games
(hopefully), removed the annoying messages that flood the console. Note:
green screen on GoW is a GSDX problem, use software mode or ZeroGS
D+ means that, (in)famous:P hack ('denormals are 0') is enabled. Look here
=364&r2=363&pathrev=364) or http://url.ms/c5o
to see what has been changed in the code <second yellow line>. Regular
readmes r in their regular rar packages.
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