PCSX2 Playground rev 563 & Plugins - 模擬器

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2009-01-09T13:03

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PCSX2 Playground rev 563

PG rev 563 Linuz Iso CDVD 0.8.0

PG rev 563 SPU2GHz 1.9.0

PG rev 563 ZeroGS 0.97.1

PG rev 563 ZeroSPU2 0.4.6

rev 888 GSDX 1.13

http://re4rainbow.4shared.com/ Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/re4rainbow

Legend: '//blah-blah-blah//' or '/blah-blah-blah/' is re4rainbow's comment.
Just FYI.

Quoted from: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2-playground/source/list

rev 563: Renamed all output files to conform to a consistent standard
(pcsx2pg-vtlb-dev.exe / SPU2ghz-Pg / etc). Namely, the Dev builds of pcsx2
are now clearly marked, and Public builds are naked: pcsx2pg-vtlb.exe.

Changed all the PPr's in the plugin names to "Pg." Dunno why I did PP in the
first place. I must have had sand in my eye.

Removed ASIO code from spu2ghz - the driver model is way too overly
complicated and now that XA2 is stable it would have been of little use even
if it had ever worked right. OH yeah, and no more const error on compile
under some revisions of DXSDK. Yay! :D

//Compiled all Playground plugins anew to match current default naming.//

rev 562: Fixed compile errors generated on Release to Public builds in the
last revision. Fixed some instabilities in the Close GS on Escape feature
when also using MTGS.

rev 561: Fixed Dark Cloud freeze at startup, as per Issue 109 . It's not
the most ideal fix, but it'll do for now until I can find the proper cause of
this erratic behavior in the EE's exception handler.

rev 560: VU flag computation optimizations

rev 559: Win32: Fixed some memory leaks in the GUI when pressing Escape and
then manually resetting the emu or starting new games and such. Oh and
ZeroGS plugin now compiles again without error on MSVC. :D

rev 558: Did some more work on EE/IOP synchronization, and fixed a few issues
with r547 changes (should fix some regressions)

rev 557: Fixed another ini bug from r555 that created the memcards in the
pcsx2 root folder instead of in memcards/ folder, when using a fresh/deleted
ini. :)

rev 556: Fixed a bug introduced in the prev revision - Pcsx2 failed to find
any BIOS files after deleting the ini file.

Added 64bit int support to ssprintf, and documented its uniqueness from
sprintf (with examples!)

rev 555: Various Win32 GUI renovations:
* Added a new feature under Misc -- Close GS on Escape! This will close the
GS window anytime you press Escape to return to the Pcsx2 main window. It
works even in DX9 fullscreen mode for seamlessly entering/leaving a game.

* Loading/saving states from the File menu should work as expected most of
the time now (bugfix, yay!)

* Ini file now versions itself and issues a one-time warning to users when
ini settings have changed (which can sometimes lead to odd behavior usually
fixed by deleting ini files).

* Added a new ssprintf function which is a std::string based replacement for
snprintf, without the hackish truncating behavior.

* Converted a lot of code over to use std::string (eliminates chances of
buffer overruns and truncations, and serves as a general code cleanup)

* Added several new functions to the PathUtils.cpp, and encased them in the
Path:: namespace.

* Added a Msgbox:: namespace and moved Alert into it. May add one or two
additional dialog types in the future, if needed.

rev 554: Plugins: In ZegoGS, convert FASTCALL to __fastcall, since it's in
the new headers. Turn two #defines into functions. Adjust #includes and
makefiles as suggested by Jake on all plugins.

rev 553: Rogue Galaxy currently needs the FPU clamp hack gamefix (the one
that fixes tekken 5), so i changed the gamefix text to mention that. (note:
defining FPU_ADD_SUB_HACK as 0 fixes the problem without needing the gamefix)

I also made the iVUzerorec clear reg allocation info after VU
recompilation/execution to prevent bad data being used in other parts of

rev 552: Prevent checking CPU logging on devbuilds from crashing pcsx2
immediately upon running a game.

rev 551: Variable name inconsistancies between ports are irritating when its
otherwise the same code... :(

rev 550: Fixed a regression with cdvd reads. Atelier Iris has working voices
again :)

rev 549: Add Console::Alert to take SysMessages place, other then in plugins.

rev 548: Fix Linux plugin breakages from r540, and make build.sh call
fetch.sh so that I am sure to notice the breakages earlier in the future.


All Comments

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2009-01-13T05:32
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2009-01-17T22:10
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2009-01-20T15:58
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2009-01-24T15:18

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Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2009-01-09T12:47
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Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2009-01-09T12:42
MAMEXT v0.129 http://www.mamext.net/ MAMEUIFX32 v0.129 * Updated to MAME 0.129 - MAMEUI 0.129 http://mame32fx.altervista.org/home.htm - ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2009-01-09T12:25
本作主要是在惡搞某藍色無耳貓型機器人和大阪這個都市,影射偶像也是有就是了。 同時也有類似[H連打]的設計,其實趣味性還挺高的,脫衣圖片……就有點差了。 但總之這家公司…… ……好像只有這款作品就沒了? 是有情報指出其實這是日本物產出的啦,不過…… 下述的中文名稱是參考MAME的中文版本翻譯。 日文名:マージャ ...

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Emma avatar
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at 2009-01-08T21:21
※ 引述《dlevel (new)》之銘言: : 我覺得 sfc上的大將軍列傳真是不錯,缺點也有,比如說打完 1/3的關卡除了補血外 : ,其他物品很少用到,也沒甚麼防具、武具之類的設定,很陽春...... 因為每個角色的基本武裝都是固定的(EX:弓銃壹有鬥霸之鎧、流星有劍聖之鎧...etc) ,所以防具的設 ...