PCSX2 Playground rev 547 - 模擬器

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2009-01-05T11:56

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http://re4rainbow.4shared.com/ Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/re4rainbow

Legend: '//blah-blah-blah//' or '/blah-blah-blah/' is re4rainbow's comment.
Just FYI.

Quoted from: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2-playground/source/list

rev 547: *Experimental* Sync issues are very sensitive buggers. There could
be some breakages in this revision, so keep an eye out, folks.

Improved the responsiveness and efficiency of the EE's INTC handler by having
it raise exceptions immediately in response to interrupt handlers (the old
method delayed the exception until the next branch test, which meant that a
lot of common interrupts like vsync, GS, GIF/VIF, etc resulted in two
consecutive branch tests when they should have needed only one).

Moved the gsIrq() in Counters.c from the vsyncStart() to the vsyncEnd(). The
gsIrq() supposedly happens on the falling edge of the vsync, so this *should*
be more correct. (but more correct doesn't always mean better)

Added iopIntcTest() functions to the IOP's synchronization tools, so the IOP
should now "correctly" raise exceptions when it re-enables pending IRQs.

rev 546: Fix up Linux compiling after the last few commits. Add in my latest
attempt at SysPageFaultExceptionFilter.

rev 545: Reverted a couple experimental / debug values that accidentally
snuck in on the last couple revisions.

rev 544: Minor fixups related to console printouts, and some work on an MTGS

rev 543: Win32: Green colors now work in the console! Yay! (so important!
heh) Fixed some project file options in the plugins, and started converting
all the old SysPrintf's over to color coded Console messages. (but
there's... so... many... >_<) Also, interchanged the meanings of WriteLn and
MsgLn since I kind of had them backwards from what I originally intended.

rev 542: All things must pass...

rev 541: Oops. New mirrored /common folder couldn't be checked out by most
people. This should fix it. :)

rev 540: Configured all the newly-added plugins to compile properly under
Win32/MSVC(ZeroSPU2, ZeroGS, ZeroPAD). Created a new solution file called
pcsx2_suite_2008 which contains Pcsx2 *and* all the plugins.

Moved the PS2Edefs.h and PS2Etypes.h files into /common. All plugins and
Pcsx2 now reference the same copies of these files at all times.

Removed SubWCRev from the repository, and linked the /common/ folder to the
/plugins folder (allows for people to checkout the plugins folder alone and
still be able to compile without pre-build step failures).

Tweaked the MTGS throttler. Might work a wee bit more efficiently in certain
high load situations.

Fixed a rare bug in the COP2 (i think!) introduced during one of the earlier
VU code cleanings.

rev 539: Add the new speedhack dialog to the Linux code.

rev 538: Hook up SIGSEGV handling in the Linux port.(and correct a few

rev 537: very minor change (increased the size of a textbox so it won't get
cut-off on PC's with larger DPI settings like mine :D)

rev 536: Patched in some Linux code to help get us one more step closer to
working vtlb/Linux. Probably needs work, but it should be on the right path
toward eventual success, I hope. :)


All Comments

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2009-01-07T16:23


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2009-01-05T11:26
本身自己有DSL,但是用電腦玩查單字方便很多 而且在一些速度調整上,會讓遊戲進行快很多:) 不過 雖然我調整遊戲速度為Realtime * 2 城鎮內或洞窟等地方是超快沒錯(模擬器寫190~200%) 但是在大地圖上行動時,LLLLAG到爆炸(約30~40%) 請問有人知道怎麼解決這個問題嗎~? ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2009-01-04T23:28
這次破了兩個, 都是擺很久但又一直提不起勁繼續玩的超冷門FC DISK SYSTEM GAME,第一個是銀河傳承, 小時候還有在實機上玩過, 那時不懂日文 亂玩竟然也玩到某種程度, 不過那也是極限了, 之後就卡關完全不曉得如何 再進行下去, 這遊戲算是射擊動作RPG, 以比較有名的GAME來類比就是嘉蒂 外傳 ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2009-01-04T22:38
本作有三個版本,本篇一口氣全介紹完。 其實玩起來很輕鬆,不過寫起攻略來就麻煩多了,特別是那個路線圖…… 不過遊戲性高(會作些有的沒的)也是日本物產脫衣麻將的特色之一。 下述的中文名稱是參考MAME的中文版本翻譯,看起來有種微妙的感覺XD 日文名:麻雀ごっつええ感じ! 英文名:Mahjong Gottsu ee ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2009-01-04T22:27
十幾年前的東西 以前在台中長圓百貨才有玩到 (現在倒了) 角色有一隻弓箭手 其他有點忘了 (蜘蛛人?美國隊長?) 畫面還不錯 橫向捲軸 動作類過關 在一些場景 畫面會配合拉遠拉近 也可2 player ! or more ?! 請問各位這款的名字 或在哪邊能看到它? - ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2009-01-04T21:31
我使用R4內建的FC模擬器跑吞食天地1繁體版.結果紀錄無效...重開機之後紀錄就不見了 我的確有去紀錄點紀錄呀... 使用nesterds+0.3.9來跑.則是畫面會亂七八糟的... 請問有NDS上的模擬器能跑繁體版吞食天地嗎? - ...