PCSX2 Playground rev 535 - 模擬器

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2009-01-02T13:09

Table of Contents

http://re4rainbow.4shared.com/ Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/re4rainbow

Legend: '//blah-blah-blah//' or '/blah-blah-blah/' is re4rainbow's comment.
Just FYI.

Quoted from: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2-playground/source/list

rev 535: Added a couple new speedhack options, and redid the Speedhacks
dialog box while I was at it. :) Descriptions of the speedhack options are
in the dialog box.

Fixed a bug in the new CDVD Break command that caused some rare freeze-ups
(Issue 101).

rev 534: added a toggable menu option to print cdvd reads to console. removed
x64 code from iVUzerorec.cpp

rev 533: Preliminary work on getting the Linux port in sync with the Windows
port. Still not at a running state yet. :(

rev 532: Apply the patch from issue 102 .

rev 531: Implemented a Linux alternative VTLB init, which uses SysMmap() to
try and force an allocation below 2GB; and compacted the vtlb memory alloc
code into a single large allocation while I was at it.

rev 530: Adjust indentation in zerogs to be consistant between dx and opengl,
making it easier to compare the two.

//and comment to this revision:

Comment by arcum42, Today (10 hours ago)

No code changes in this. One of the things I've had on my to do list is
comparing the dx version and opengl version, and bringing them somewhat in

I noticed half the lines showing as different when I compared them were due
to indentation, so this commit was just so that those lines don't stand out,
letting me compare the ones that really are different.


rev 529: removed unused functions in iVUzerorec.cpp to avoid confusion.

rev 528: some more vu micro lower instruction changes.

rev 527: Another fix attempt for the odd behavior of Run->Execute on some

rev 526: A fix attempt for the Run->Execute command not always working as it
should. This is another bug I can't seem to reproduce here. (grr, get many
more of those and I'm really going to be upset)

rev 525: Minor Linux compilation fix, minor code refactor, and change a few
SysPrintf's to Console::MsgLn's.

rev 524: fixed some vu micro lower instructions

rev 523: Fixed the bug that kept the Config->Controllers menu from working.
Fixed a couple cut/paste typos from the previous revision.

rev 522: Fixed a bug in the vtlb build where-by the loading of the EROM would
extend past the memory allocated for it. EROM files are commonly 3 megs, but
only 1.5 megs is allocated (why it is this way I do not know).

Added a new namespace for PS2 memory size descriptors: Ps2MemSize, and
modified the code to use them instead of hardcoded values. And I found a
handful of VM-Alloc discrepancies in the process. Some instances of ROM1
sizes were set to
0x80000 while others were set to 0x40000. 0x40000 appears to be the more
correct size of ROM1, so I used that.

rev 521: Compilation fixes for Linux.

rev 520: Attempting a fix for SuperVU memory allocation failure on some
systems. Admittedly I don't have a lot of experience with Windows
VirtualAlloc, and I can't reproduce the problem here, so it's a roll of the
dice on whether this "fix" will actually help.

Applied patch from Issue 96 in the hope it'll make the core count display
more accurate (it's not important to emulation functioning but it's fun if it
works anyway ;)

rev 519: Rewritten ELF loader! Pcsx2 will now pick up CRCs and load/apply
patches even when booting through the BIOS. Also fixed some memory leaks and
other minor bugs.

Improved CDVD handler! The CDVD now handles the following commands with more
appropriate zeal: Break, Standby, and Stop. Fixed a bug in the seeking code
that was causing a lot of FMVs to suffer audio desyncing. Fixed another bug
that was causing some general emulation slowness.

New Savestate version! Savestates now record vsync timing info (PAL/NTSC),
which solves an age-old bug where-by PAL games would be highly unstable if
you loaded the savestate before the video mode got set properly.

Removed the AtomicExchange "optimization" for single-core CPUs since it was
never used in Pcsx2 anyway.

Developers: Fixed a typo in LnxThreads.cpp that caused linker errors.

rev 518: Remove a few unneccessary includes, and fix a few Linux compilation

rev 517: changed the ini file name, since its incompatible with official
pcsx2.ini fixed something from one of my previous vu changes.

rev 516: Several cleanups to the VUmicro and COP2 code -- eliminating yet
more dead code made obsolete by the SuperVU.

Improved cycle timings a bit, and fixed a problem where Co-processor
instructions weren't being counted as cpu cycles. Fixed a couple bugs in
memory savestate recovery.

Compiling: Enabled PCH on non-dev builds, and removed the buffer security
check from the Release vm (dev)(Dev) builds. That was an oops on my part --
I turned it on to do some additional bug checking and forgot to turn it off.

rev 515: Removed some dead code from the VUmicro. The code had long since
been superseded by Zerofrog's SuperVU.

rev 514: added the correct paths to the pcsx2 docs in the VS project file.
also added a playground readme.


All Comments


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2009-01-01T13:22
其實我也不知道是不是天使之翼 年代實在久遠了 紅白機早在921時就被壓壞了 當我努力救出他時...滿滿的灰塵佈在上面 囧 ================前言結束================== 記憶片段介紹: 以前玩到一款足球的遊戲 遊戲分為好幾個階段 一開始是以大空翼為主角 從第一場就開始中場抽球 ...

跨年破的FC GAME--凱依的冒險

Una avatar
By Una
at 2009-01-01T13:20
就是這片 http://0rz.tw/e65h2 其實之前已經有破過, 但結局看起來 怪怪的, 好像不是GOOD ENDING, 雖然有剛好接上英雄救美(ドルアーガの塔) 的劇情....那時以為會不會是因為連續吃到跳關寶物所以有些重要東西沒拿 才這樣, 不過也懶得重玩了, 直到昨天看了有野挑戰這片才發現原來不 ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2009-01-01T03:24
大概是我小學六年級玩的一款遊戲 我大概是74... 75年次 所以大概是11年前的遊戲 我記得這款遊戲有很多關 一次比賽大約3分鐘左右 是騎摩托車的賽車遊戲 通常第一名的那個騎士(電腦)都叫做mike,勝下的14個名字不太記得,但都是英文名字 1場比賽有15個騎士一起比(一個是玩家14個電腦) ...

mame不能玩 directx的問題

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2009-01-01T01:26
請問 我在用mame模擬器時 進入遊戲時出現了一句話 couldnand#39;t intialize directdraw7/direct3d7 enhanced video output nodule 而我在blitter那邊選directdraw可以玩 但會變累格 選directd就會出現上 ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2008-12-31T19:45
這款遊戲是Sony出的光線槍射擊遊戲,以前大型機台有看到過 之前找模擬器找蠻久的,但是聽說好像沒有 就類似VR戰警跟死之館之類的第一人稱射擊遊戲,希望能有神人能幫忙 記得以前在遠東百貨有玩過,裡面個頭目都不一樣,看人家玩到很後面要打暴龍 lol 但是自己倒是沒有玩過幾次,由於最近手癢,想說找這款遊戲來 ...