(PCSX2) PCSX2Fx v2.00 Revised - 模擬器

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2014-01-04T00:37

Table of Contents


PCSX2Fx is a Custom Shaders for GSdx.


PCSX2Fx Current effects included:

- Bicubic FS Filtering
- Gaussian FS Filtering
- High Quality Blended Bloom
- Per-Channel Gamma Correction
- Scene Tone Mapping
- RGB Colour Correction
- S-Curve Contrast Enhancement
- Texture Sharpening
- Pixel Vibrance
- Post-Complement Colour Grading
- Cel Shading
- Scanline Emulation
- Vignette
- Subpixel Dithering

PCSX2Fx v2.00 Revised Changelog:

- FXAA: slightly improved the quality 4 preset, & pre-luminance
- FXAA: removed the debug option, as it should no longer be needed,
as the FXAA is completed. It was also interfering with the
gamma correction, when enabled.
- Gamma Correction: Implemented a new gamma correction curve to replace
the pow function previously used, which I think
yields nicer, more accurate results.
- Bloom: some small improvements to the bloom blending output.
- Colour Correction: Also implemented a new curve for the pre tone
mapping colour correction.
- Tonemapping: Improved some colour conversion operations.
- Tonemapping: Added RGB colour curve options, for Red, Green,
and Blue respectively.
- Tonemapping: Added Filmic Tonemapping as a tonemap type to choose.
The two types are now - Natural(default), and
Filmic(cinematic style)
- Contrast: Improved contrast curve type 1.
- Other general coding cleanup, and improvements





All Comments

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2014-01-07T00:06

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Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2014-01-03T23:32
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By Kyle
at 2014-01-02T23:12
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