pcsx2 Config Guide..等更新 - 模擬器

By Anonymous
at 2014-07-11T10:16
at 2014-07-11T10:16
Table of Contents
Config Guide 1.2.1, updated netplay plugin, updated compatibility list
I finally got around updated the configuration guide for the 1.2.1 release
with all the new features and also adding some new plugins that most people
don't know about Smile You can check it out here as usual and you can find
instructions on translating it to your language here.
I have also updated our netplay plugin DEV9giga-razi to include the latest
fixes brought by two contributors in Git, MrColdbird and Bigpet whom we thank
for their nice contributions. The plugin should crash much rarer than it did
before, so we hope it will be usable for those who couldn't run it. You can
get it at our windows plugins download section.
Finally, thanks to a lot of contributions from forum members
(DESTRUIDOR,JBoughter,Altomar and many others), our compatibility list has
been updated and expanded, so take a look to check if your game is working in
the latest PCSX2 version and nice settings for it to get around its problems.
DEV9 中文說明
這裡是負責模擬 HDD(硬碟)和乙太網路的插件。PCSX2 1.0.0 僅包含 DEV9null 0.5.0
有一個新的 Dev9 插件 MegaDev9,由 Luigi__ 製作。該插件仍舊處於早期型態,但非常
有前途。眼下,它部分地模擬 PS2 硬碟。可以從這裡下載。
有一個實驗性質的線上遊戲插件 DEV9giga-razi,由 gigaherz 和 drkIIRaziel 製作。
儘管大多數 Sony 遊戲的伺服器掛了,您還是可以嘗試一下。可以從這裡下載(請確保您
首先閱讀載點網頁那裡提供的《How to Play Online guide》)
Config Guide 1.2.1, updated netplay plugin, updated compatibility list
I finally got around updated the configuration guide for the 1.2.1 release
with all the new features and also adding some new plugins that most people
don't know about Smile You can check it out here as usual and you can find
instructions on translating it to your language here.
I have also updated our netplay plugin DEV9giga-razi to include the latest
fixes brought by two contributors in Git, MrColdbird and Bigpet whom we thank
for their nice contributions. The plugin should crash much rarer than it did
before, so we hope it will be usable for those who couldn't run it. You can
get it at our windows plugins download section.
Finally, thanks to a lot of contributions from forum members
(DESTRUIDOR,JBoughter,Altomar and many others), our compatibility list has
been updated and expanded, so take a look to check if your game is working in
the latest PCSX2 version and nice settings for it to get around its problems.
DEV9 中文說明
這裡是負責模擬 HDD(硬碟)和乙太網路的插件。PCSX2 1.0.0 僅包含 DEV9null 0.5.0
有一個新的 Dev9 插件 MegaDev9,由 Luigi__ 製作。該插件仍舊處於早期型態,但非常
有前途。眼下,它部分地模擬 PS2 硬碟。可以從這裡下載。
有一個實驗性質的線上遊戲插件 DEV9giga-razi,由 gigaherz 和 drkIIRaziel 製作。
儘管大多數 Sony 遊戲的伺服器掛了,您還是可以嘗試一下。可以從這裡下載(請確保您
首先閱讀載點網頁那裡提供的《How to Play Online guide》)
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