PCSX2 1.4.0 released! - 模擬器

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2016-01-09T17:21

Table of Contents


Hello PCSX2 followers and a belated Happy New Year!

After being late a couple of days (it's a tradition and we can't break it
Razz ), we present you with a new stable release, version 1.4.0! Grab it HERE

Along with the release comes our year end report for 2015. The following
progress report will provide an overview of all the notable changes from the
previous stable version, 1.2.1, to this update. Keep in mind many of the
changes have been mentioned in previous progress reports, but are mentioned
again as a changelog for 1.4.0. The changes since 1.2.1 are so many, some
smaller, some quite massive, that it was impossible to write about all of
them, but we believe we have nailed all the highlights!

This release is special for our growing Linux user base. You will be treated
with a shiny new GSdx OpenGL backend, for a massive speed and compatibility
boost over 1.2.1 and much more, all thanks to the efforts of Gregory and
various contributors!

Generally, this release includes work from many more contributors than any
previous versions. It appears that switching to Git as our version control
system helped invite more developers and encourages sharing even small
patches and additions.

So without further ado, here is the report!


All Comments

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2016-01-12T03:54
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2016-01-14T02:54
還在 更新了! 但是好久沒用過了
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2016-01-15T23:46
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2016-01-17T12:26
George avatar
By George
at 2016-01-21T16:42
魔塔大陸2的世界地圖 在硬體模式還是會缺一塊
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2016-01-25T00:44
軟體模式在戰鬥中會頓 i3-530沒有avx2可以測_(:3」∠)_
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2016-01-25T15:50
試完心得 玩遊戲會不定時卡頓
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2016-01-27T04:37
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2016-01-31T02:52


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2016-01-07T22:38
PC版本 uploadable.ch/file/NeMKUevmK6pt/4fdsdfgfe.part1.rar uploadable.ch/file/9vESubTVTaf5/4fdsdfgfe.part2.rar uploadable.ch/file/44jq2dxU4urP/4fdsdfgfe.part ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2016-01-07T19:50
: 推 neofire: ps4的效能從沒領先過pc一天,hd7850+而已 01/07 06:57 : 推 neofire: 之前會有家機比較好的錯覺,是因為十幾年的時間歷程,廠 01/07 07:03 : → neofire: 商只限定出家機版遊戲,近年來pc,ps,x ...

搭載樹莓派indieGO, 懷舊遊戲主機新選擇

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2016-01-07T17:30
新聞來源: http://www.techbang.com/posts/40447 搭載Raspberry Pi2遊戲主機indieGO,玩遍懷舊遊戲還能串流最新大作 國寶大師 李文恩 發表於 2016年1月07日 15:00 _______________________ ...


George avatar
By George
at 2016-01-07T16:22
YOUTUBE看到這影片剛好出現在首頁,點進去看發現很有意思,版上好像沒人說就分享下 SEGA主機的洛克人 https://youtu.be/U_znOm_bFN4 這兩款的畫面和音樂都有強化過,可惜都沒再被移植,至少MD版怎看都不像黑歷史呀 威力塔超想玩的,此後再也沒有類似的設計了(拔別部的武器來用) ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2016-01-07T13:02
請問一下ePSXe連發要怎麼設定呢?我用xbox手把,實在是google不到怎麼設定atat,同手 把之前在別台電腦可使用連發,應該不是手把問題... - ...