PCSP v0.3.0 - 模擬器

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2010-08-24T18:10

Table of Contents


PCSP v0.3.0 is released. Pcsp is a project that jpcsp team members working a
while now.While it is not capable to run commercial games , it is kinda
faster than jpcsp :).All code atm is port of jpcsp code to c++.At the moment
jpcsp is highly more advance than pcsp. Now if pcsp will become better than
jpcsp , time will tell .

Well it is time isn't it. After the crazy night with hlide's updates it is
time to release a new version of pcsp!
Most interesting aspects of this release are :
-Plenty fixes on GE engine including new shader render.
-Joystic support!
-Analog pad support
-Lot of fixes to HLE
and of course some more games appears to be playable.

Here is the complete changelog:

- Fiber support in threadman
- Fixed analogue pad emulation
- Added joystick/joypad support
- Fixed QPspScreen size
- Better way to use QGLFormat
- QPspScreen : now uses QGLWidget instead of QWidget (a.k.a we now use QT's
- Added screenshot support
- Added argument for being able to open debugger from pcsp-udb
- Added partial save support. Some games can now save their status (puzzle
bobble for instance and few more).
- PSF loader rewrite to support proper saves.
- Fixed an old bug in memory card manager (wasn't recongnize kxpoit files
- Dynamic change between shader and opengl version. From menu option you can
enable/disable shaders dynamically while pcsp is running

HLE improvements
- Fixes for Atrac3plus
- correcting sceKernelFreeHeapMemory

New HLE implementations

Implemented sceIoDevctrl 0x02025801 instruction
Added scePsmf and scePsmfPlayer basic faking

-improve loops in Decoder
-texture are better rendered
-added mipmapping support
-added viewport command - compatible with window resizing
-fixed scissor bug so it is compatible with window resizing
-Now compressed textures can use mipmapping as expected
-Fix alignment for CLUT indexed textures
-DrawPrimitives advances vertex or index adddress so we can execute several
PRIM after one VTYPE : Skate Park City and Obscure
-Improved Texture caching using a XOR based key because Lemmings and Worms
had issues with it
-Added vertex and fragment shaders
-A lot more fixes to opengl and shaders renderers


All Comments


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2010-08-24T00:52
本篇開始攻略八大首領關。 大家都有自己的喜好順序,這邊就介紹我自己的攻略順序吧。 應該會滿適合初學者上手的啦…… ═════════════════════════════════════ 【基本概念】 ˙八大頭目弱點相剋 冰凍企鵝 → 電光山魈 → 裝甲犰狳 ↑ ...

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Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2010-08-23T13:40
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