(PCE for 3DS) TemperPCE for 3DS v0.90 - 模擬器

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2017-06-19T20:26

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TemperPCE for 3DS v0.90 released (19 June 2017)

Another contribution again. This time, it's a port of Exophase's Temper
(TurboGrafx/PC-Engine) emulator to the old 3DS and old 2DS. Despite all the
optimisations Exophase did to run Temper on a portable device, the old 3DS is
still too underpowered. So this port heavily relies on the 3DS's 3D GPU
hardware to achieve 60 FPS (or close to 60 with frame skips). Since we are
using the hardware, some games that utilise special palette effects may not
work so well.

This emulator bears the same user interface as VirtuaNES for 3DS and Snes9x
for 3DS. It should run better on the New 3DS as usual (but I haven't really
tried running it on the New 3DS yet).

Homebrew Launcher:

- Copy virtuanes_3ds.3dsx, virtuanes_3ds.smdh and virtuanes_3ds_top.png into
the /3ds/virtuanes_3ds folder on your SD card.

- Place your ROMs inside any folder.

- Go to your Homebrew Launcher (either via Cubic Ninja, Soundhax or other entry
points) and launch the virtuanes_3ds emulator.
CIA Version:

- Use your favorite CIA installer to install virtuanes_3ds.cia into your CFW.

- You can also use FBI to download from TitleDB.

- Place your ROMs inside any folder.

- Copy virtuanes_3ds_top.png to ROOT of your SD card.

- Exit your CIA installer and go to your CFW's home screen to launch the app.


If you have the CD ROM BIOS, place them in the /3ds/syscards folder.
They must be named:

syscard1.pce (version 1),
syscard2.pce (version 2),
syscard3.pce (version 3), or
games_express.pce (for Games Express).

You can have all four in the /3ds/syscards folder. In the configuration, you
can choose which ROM version you want to use.

Other Stuff

What's Supported:

1. HuCard, CD-ROM, Super CD-ROM games - Castlevania Rondo of Blood, Gradius
2. (CD-audio is a little "peanut butter" skippy atm, will fix when time
2. Idle Loop Skip (Most games will not need this, but you can try to enable
it if games run a little slow. Warning: Some games will freeze if you enable

What's Not Supported Yet:

1. SuperGrafx games.
2. Cheats (seems there never was cheating software like AR or GG for

Known Bugs

1. A small number of games lock up the entire emulator (requiring a
re-start). Will look into it when time allows.
2. As mentioned, CD-audio is skippy, although still bearable.
3. This release is still pretty raw, and will be working out the kinks and





All Comments


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2017-06-18T10:22
剩下的部分非常難切割,全部合一篇又太多。 所以這邊先單純西安京支線~龍宮。 然後下一篇就結束兩島原篇,就說過八岐大蛇篇的內容其實是最多的,畢竟是前導篇。 ═══════════════════════════════════════ 【西安京(二)】 ˙簡易流程 離開寶帝屋敷前,輝夜對話事件 ...

ePSxe玩冒險奇譚漢化補丁 都是亂碼

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2017-06-17T16:04
想請問ps模擬器 epsxe 玩冒險奇譚(grandia)中文會變亂碼的問題 我的條件如下 模擬器版本: ePSxe 1.9.25 1.8 1.7 2.0都試過 電腦環境: win10 64bit 家用版 語系 繁體中文 檔案: 冒險奇譚 日版 PS 遇到的問題: 模擬器先掛上中 ...

(NGPC for 3DS) NeoPop SDL v0.3

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2017-06-15T20:57
2017.06.13 NeoPop SDL is a NeoGeo Pocket Color Emulator for 3DS. Notes to the alpha release (v0.1) - The emulator is fully working, but lacks of a gui f ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2017-06-15T17:52
最近跟我哥很想回味小時候玩的1對1街頭鬥牛 好不容易模擬器弄好了 可是我發現我ps4手把十字鍵完全沒辦法用 因為這遊戲需要尻一些招式 用類比反而不好尻出來 請問有辦法解決嗎 我系統是win10專業版 搖桿是直接接線再用ds4windows 有裝Force Feedback Driver for Xinput ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2017-06-15T09:51
※ 引述《arcadyii (123456789)》之銘言: : 請問各位如果挑選CPU,平常也有玩模擬器的需求,會選哪一顆呢? : 目前在G4600/I3-7100/I5-7500/R5-1600這幾顆之間苦惱 : 1.G4600/I3-7100主頻都很高,PCSX2和DOLPHIN好像還是雙核 ...