(PC) VMware Workstation v7.0.1 Build: 227600 - 模擬器

By Tom
at 2010-02-01T10:25
at 2010-02-01T10:25
Table of Contents
The commercial ($189) multi PC Emulator VMware Workstation for
Windows and Linux has been updated.
Check frequently for additions and updates to these release notes.
These release notes cover the following topics:
What′s New
Workstation 7.0.1 is a maintenance release that resolves some known
issues. This release of VMware Workstation adds the following new
support: New Support for 32-Bit and 64-Bit Operating Systems
This release provides support for the following host and guest
operating systems:
Operating System
Host and Guest Support
Windows 2008 R2 Host and guest
Windows Vista SP2 Host and guest
Ubuntu 9.10 Host and guest
RHEL 5.4 Host and guest
CentOS 5.4 Guest
Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.4 Guest
Prior Releases of Workstation
Features from the prior releases of VMware Workstation are described
in Workstation 7.0 Release Notes.
Known Issues
The known issues for VMware Workstation are grouped by topic in the
following sections.
* Installation, Upgrade, and Compatibility
* Display
* VMware Tools
* Integrated Virtual Debuggers
* Miscellaneous
Installation, Upgrade, and Compatibility
* When you upgrade VMware Workstation from a previous VMware Workstation
release on a Windows Vista and Windows 7 host, one of the vmnet host
virtual adapters might not be properly configured with a static IP
address. After rebooting, ipconfig displays the adapter IP address as
169.x.x.x, instead of 192.168.x.x.
Workaround: You can either assign the vmnet a new IP address using the
Virtual Network Editor or complete the following steps on the Windows
1. Select Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Connections.
2. Right-click the VMware Network Adapter from the list and select
* You can install VMware Workstation 7.0 only on hosts with CPUs that
include physical address extension (PAE) support.
* On Windows Vista and Windows 7 hosts, you must run VMware Workstation
as an administrator to Easy Install a Linux virtual machine when using
a physical CD. During this process the user interface might be
unresponsive for several minutes.
* On Linux hosts, attempting to reinstall the same version of VMware
Workstation over an existing version does not work, because all the
components already exist on the host.
Workaround: To reinstall the same version of VMware Workstation,
uninstall VMware Workstation, select Yes to save your configuration
files, and reinstall.
* You cannot map a virtual disk if the VMware Workstation installation
path contains characters from a non-system language. In this case,
the error message Failed to initialize library for mounting and
unmounting virtual disks appears and the Utilities > Map option
becomes unavailable.
Workaround: Install VMware VMware Workstation 7.0 in a directory path
that contains only characters from a local-system language.
* The WDDM graphics driver included with VMware Workstation 7 is only
compatible with virtual machines configured to use the latest virtual
hardware version. Check the virtual hardware version if you are
experiencing issues with Unity, running multiple monitors, or using
Autofit on Windows Vista and Windows 7 guests.
* Running Windows Media Player with visualizations in full screen mode
on a Windows XP virtual machine might result in a blue screen while
transitioning the virtual machine between full screen and console
* Windows 7 virtual machines running on Linux hosts might experience
display issues when using more than two monitors.
* Attempting to Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to a Windows XP host
running a Windows 7 virtual machine in Aero mode might cause the
virtual machine to become unresponsive.
Workaround: To use RDP, disable Aero mode in the guest.
* When running 3D applications, any changes to the host display resolution
including locking and unlocking the host, might cause the application
to display incorrectly.
Workaround: Restart the application to restore the 3D graphics.
* The Flowerz screen saver on a Windows XP guest fails to display on
Windows XP and Linux hosts.
* To run your Windows 7 and Windows Vista guests at resolutions of
1600x1200 and higher without 3D acceleration enabled, you must
increase your VRAM size to at least 32MB. To modify the guest VRAM
size edit the svga.vramSize property in the virtual machine .vmx
file. For example, svga.vramSize = 33554432(32MB).
VMware Tools
* If your virtual DVD/CD-ROM device is set to the Use physical drive
option, when you upgrade VMware Tools on a Linux guest the virtual
device switches to Use ISO image option. After the VMware Tools
installation is complete, the virtual device might not switch back
to the original state.
Workaround: Manually set the virtual device to the Use physical
drive option.
* Attempting to shrink a virtual disk through VMware Tools causes the
virtual machine to fail with the error message Lock rank violation.
This problem occurs after the shrink preparation process is complete,
after you answer Yes to the prompt Do you want to shrink the disk(s)?
* Assigning low memory to a Windows NT 4.0 SP6a virtual machine might
cause VMware Tools installation to fail with the error message
0x0000001E (0x800000003,.... KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED.
Workaround: Set the virtual machine memory to at least 128MB for a
Windows NT 4.0 SP6a virtual machine.
Integrated Virtual Debuggers
* C++ programs that frequently raise C++ exceptions might have poor
reverse execution performance. The poor performance occurs because
many replay debugging operations might be required to satisfy a
single reverse execution request.
* Debugging with the Eclipse C/C++ plug-in might fail if you attempt
to debug using an AutoProtect snapshot.
Workaround: Convert the AutoProtect snapshot to a standard snapshot
and retry.
* While replay debugging a multithreaded application, Visual Studio
might fail when you select a thread from the Debug Location toolbar.
Workaround: Use the Threads Window option in Visual Studio instead.
* You cannot start a Remote Debug Monitor process after a live debugging
session on a Windows Vista virtual machine.
Workaround: Restart the Windows Vista virtual machine before starting
a live debugging session.
* You cannot copy and paste or drag and drop content that exceeds the
internal buffer limit of 4MB.
* Copy and paste or drag and drop of formatted text containing images
might not work across different operating systems.
* Copying and pasting files from the host to an Outlook email message
or compressed folder in the guest and vice versa might fail.
Workaround: Copy files from host to the guest desktop first and then
paste the files from the guest desktop into the Outlook email message
or compressed folder.
* The virtual machine might fail when you run games in a Windows guest
on an OpenSUSE 11 host, with the following error messages:
o vmware-vmx: pcm_pulse.c:275: pulse_write: Assertion `pcm->last_size
>= (size * pcm->frame_size)′ failed.
o Unexpected signal: 6.
o vmware-vmx: pthread_mutex_lock.c:294: __pthread_mutex_lock: Assertion
`robust || (oldval & 0x40000000) == 0′ failed.
Workaround: Disable PulseAudio on the OpenSUSE 11 host or upgrade from
OpenSUSE 11 to 11.1.
* When non-ASCII characters are used in the install path, the TMP/TEMP
environment variable(s), or the user name that is associated with the
VMware Agent Service, the Import or Export wizard displays the message
Unable to connect to VMware Converter Agent on the local machine, and
VMware Agent Service does not start.
Workaround: Use Converter Standalone 4.0.1, or change the TMP/TEMP
environment variable(s) and run VMware Agent Service as a user whose
name does not include non-ASCII characters.
To change to a different account, go to services.msc and select VMware
Agent Service > Properties > Log On. Change Log on as from Local System
account (the default value) to a different account.
* Importing or exporting an encrypted or Windows 7 virtual machine fails.
Workaround: To export an encrypted virtual machine, remove encryption
before running this operation. Exporting or importing Windows 7
virtual machines is not yet supported.
* After creating a long recording (for example, 13 hours), the VMware
Workstation user interface occasionally enters a non-responsive state
for a few minutes when you interact with the virtual machine. The host
might indicate high CPU activity during this time.
Resolved Issues
The following sections list the resolved issues in Workstation 7.0.1.
Installation, Upgrade, and Compatibility
* When installing FreeBSD 8.0 from an ISO image or a DVD drive, the New
Virtual Machine Wizard fails to recognize the DVD file or ISO image as
* After installing the guest operating system and VMware Tools using the
easy install feature, the CD-ROM drive fails to disconnect from the
guest installation ISO image.
* After installing or uninstalling Workstation 7.0, the Windows Firewall
service restarts automatically regardless of the previous startup
* Importing a Windows 7 XP Mode virtual machine fails if you install
VMware Workstation in a directory path that contains non-ASCII
* When switching from quick switch mode to full screen mode on Ubuntu
9.04 or 9.10 hosts, you might experience display problems.
* When using multiple monitors, if you switch from full screen mode to
quick switch mode, the quick switch mode display might get positioned
on the wrong monitor.
VMware Tools
* In some instances, if you choose not to download VMware Tools
automatically, the virtual machine becomes unresponsive when you
install VMware Tools manually using VM > Install VMware Tools.
* On Windows guests, attempting to use mapped drives to open shared
folders and files with long names on the host, might cause the
application to fail.
* Creating virtual machines on shared folders with SAMBA/CIFS protocol
on Windows XP, 2003, Vista, and Linux guests and running these virtual
machines on Windows XP, Vista, and 7 hosts, results in an Insufficient
permissions/Access denied error message.
* Enabling scanning for network files in the ZoneAlarm Security Suite
application, and attempting to use shared folders in the guest might
result in a blue screen.
* On Windows 7 guests, saving Microsoft Office files on shared folders
multiple times, causes the files to become inaccessible.
* In some instances on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 hosts, when you
create a virtual machine the Next button in the Select a Disk Type
dialog box is disabled.
* On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 guests, printers configured on the
host do not appear in the guest.
* Virtual printers might fail to work on Ubuntu 9.10 hosts.
* The Collect support data feature, might fail on a powered on Windows 7
Japanese guest with the latest VMware Tools installed.
* When you enable, disable, and re-enable AutoProtect, the Maximum
AutoProtect snapshots option is disabled.
* In some instances, running third-party anti-virus applications such
as, Trend Micro Internet Security might cause the virtual machine to
下載:https://www.vmware.com/tryvmware/?p=default 試用
http://ppt.cc/SlH6 $189
谷 繁 田 中 賢 稻 葉 吉 見 石 川 雅
矢 野 中 村 ロ ㄧ ズ チ ェ ン 攝 津
阿 部 鳥 谷 ラミレス 涌 井 岩 瀨
小 笠 原 井 端 青 木 ダルビッ 藤 川
ブランコ 森 野 杉 內 クルㄧン
宮 本 荒 木 田 中 將 林 昌 勇
The commercial ($189) multi PC Emulator VMware Workstation for
Windows and Linux has been updated.
Check frequently for additions and updates to these release notes.
These release notes cover the following topics:
What′s New
Workstation 7.0.1 is a maintenance release that resolves some known
issues. This release of VMware Workstation adds the following new
support: New Support for 32-Bit and 64-Bit Operating Systems
This release provides support for the following host and guest
operating systems:
Operating System
Host and Guest Support
Windows 2008 R2 Host and guest
Windows Vista SP2 Host and guest
Ubuntu 9.10 Host and guest
RHEL 5.4 Host and guest
CentOS 5.4 Guest
Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.4 Guest
Prior Releases of Workstation
Features from the prior releases of VMware Workstation are described
in Workstation 7.0 Release Notes.
Known Issues
The known issues for VMware Workstation are grouped by topic in the
following sections.
* Installation, Upgrade, and Compatibility
* Display
* VMware Tools
* Integrated Virtual Debuggers
* Miscellaneous
Installation, Upgrade, and Compatibility
* When you upgrade VMware Workstation from a previous VMware Workstation
release on a Windows Vista and Windows 7 host, one of the vmnet host
virtual adapters might not be properly configured with a static IP
address. After rebooting, ipconfig displays the adapter IP address as
169.x.x.x, instead of 192.168.x.x.
Workaround: You can either assign the vmnet a new IP address using the
Virtual Network Editor or complete the following steps on the Windows
1. Select Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Connections.
2. Right-click the VMware Network Adapter from the list and select
* You can install VMware Workstation 7.0 only on hosts with CPUs that
include physical address extension (PAE) support.
* On Windows Vista and Windows 7 hosts, you must run VMware Workstation
as an administrator to Easy Install a Linux virtual machine when using
a physical CD. During this process the user interface might be
unresponsive for several minutes.
* On Linux hosts, attempting to reinstall the same version of VMware
Workstation over an existing version does not work, because all the
components already exist on the host.
Workaround: To reinstall the same version of VMware Workstation,
uninstall VMware Workstation, select Yes to save your configuration
files, and reinstall.
* You cannot map a virtual disk if the VMware Workstation installation
path contains characters from a non-system language. In this case,
the error message Failed to initialize library for mounting and
unmounting virtual disks appears and the Utilities > Map option
becomes unavailable.
Workaround: Install VMware VMware Workstation 7.0 in a directory path
that contains only characters from a local-system language.
* The WDDM graphics driver included with VMware Workstation 7 is only
compatible with virtual machines configured to use the latest virtual
hardware version. Check the virtual hardware version if you are
experiencing issues with Unity, running multiple monitors, or using
Autofit on Windows Vista and Windows 7 guests.
* Running Windows Media Player with visualizations in full screen mode
on a Windows XP virtual machine might result in a blue screen while
transitioning the virtual machine between full screen and console
* Windows 7 virtual machines running on Linux hosts might experience
display issues when using more than two monitors.
* Attempting to Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to a Windows XP host
running a Windows 7 virtual machine in Aero mode might cause the
virtual machine to become unresponsive.
Workaround: To use RDP, disable Aero mode in the guest.
* When running 3D applications, any changes to the host display resolution
including locking and unlocking the host, might cause the application
to display incorrectly.
Workaround: Restart the application to restore the 3D graphics.
* The Flowerz screen saver on a Windows XP guest fails to display on
Windows XP and Linux hosts.
* To run your Windows 7 and Windows Vista guests at resolutions of
1600x1200 and higher without 3D acceleration enabled, you must
increase your VRAM size to at least 32MB. To modify the guest VRAM
size edit the svga.vramSize property in the virtual machine .vmx
file. For example, svga.vramSize = 33554432(32MB).
VMware Tools
* If your virtual DVD/CD-ROM device is set to the Use physical drive
option, when you upgrade VMware Tools on a Linux guest the virtual
device switches to Use ISO image option. After the VMware Tools
installation is complete, the virtual device might not switch back
to the original state.
Workaround: Manually set the virtual device to the Use physical
drive option.
* Attempting to shrink a virtual disk through VMware Tools causes the
virtual machine to fail with the error message Lock rank violation.
This problem occurs after the shrink preparation process is complete,
after you answer Yes to the prompt Do you want to shrink the disk(s)?
* Assigning low memory to a Windows NT 4.0 SP6a virtual machine might
cause VMware Tools installation to fail with the error message
0x0000001E (0x800000003,.... KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED.
Workaround: Set the virtual machine memory to at least 128MB for a
Windows NT 4.0 SP6a virtual machine.
Integrated Virtual Debuggers
* C++ programs that frequently raise C++ exceptions might have poor
reverse execution performance. The poor performance occurs because
many replay debugging operations might be required to satisfy a
single reverse execution request.
* Debugging with the Eclipse C/C++ plug-in might fail if you attempt
to debug using an AutoProtect snapshot.
Workaround: Convert the AutoProtect snapshot to a standard snapshot
and retry.
* While replay debugging a multithreaded application, Visual Studio
might fail when you select a thread from the Debug Location toolbar.
Workaround: Use the Threads Window option in Visual Studio instead.
* You cannot start a Remote Debug Monitor process after a live debugging
session on a Windows Vista virtual machine.
Workaround: Restart the Windows Vista virtual machine before starting
a live debugging session.
* You cannot copy and paste or drag and drop content that exceeds the
internal buffer limit of 4MB.
* Copy and paste or drag and drop of formatted text containing images
might not work across different operating systems.
* Copying and pasting files from the host to an Outlook email message
or compressed folder in the guest and vice versa might fail.
Workaround: Copy files from host to the guest desktop first and then
paste the files from the guest desktop into the Outlook email message
or compressed folder.
* The virtual machine might fail when you run games in a Windows guest
on an OpenSUSE 11 host, with the following error messages:
o vmware-vmx: pcm_pulse.c:275: pulse_write: Assertion `pcm->last_size
>= (size * pcm->frame_size)′ failed.
o Unexpected signal: 6.
o vmware-vmx: pthread_mutex_lock.c:294: __pthread_mutex_lock: Assertion
`robust || (oldval & 0x40000000) == 0′ failed.
Workaround: Disable PulseAudio on the OpenSUSE 11 host or upgrade from
OpenSUSE 11 to 11.1.
* When non-ASCII characters are used in the install path, the TMP/TEMP
environment variable(s), or the user name that is associated with the
VMware Agent Service, the Import or Export wizard displays the message
Unable to connect to VMware Converter Agent on the local machine, and
VMware Agent Service does not start.
Workaround: Use Converter Standalone 4.0.1, or change the TMP/TEMP
environment variable(s) and run VMware Agent Service as a user whose
name does not include non-ASCII characters.
To change to a different account, go to services.msc and select VMware
Agent Service > Properties > Log On. Change Log on as from Local System
account (the default value) to a different account.
* Importing or exporting an encrypted or Windows 7 virtual machine fails.
Workaround: To export an encrypted virtual machine, remove encryption
before running this operation. Exporting or importing Windows 7
virtual machines is not yet supported.
* After creating a long recording (for example, 13 hours), the VMware
Workstation user interface occasionally enters a non-responsive state
for a few minutes when you interact with the virtual machine. The host
might indicate high CPU activity during this time.
Resolved Issues
The following sections list the resolved issues in Workstation 7.0.1.
Installation, Upgrade, and Compatibility
* When installing FreeBSD 8.0 from an ISO image or a DVD drive, the New
Virtual Machine Wizard fails to recognize the DVD file or ISO image as
* After installing the guest operating system and VMware Tools using the
easy install feature, the CD-ROM drive fails to disconnect from the
guest installation ISO image.
* After installing or uninstalling Workstation 7.0, the Windows Firewall
service restarts automatically regardless of the previous startup
* Importing a Windows 7 XP Mode virtual machine fails if you install
VMware Workstation in a directory path that contains non-ASCII
* When switching from quick switch mode to full screen mode on Ubuntu
9.04 or 9.10 hosts, you might experience display problems.
* When using multiple monitors, if you switch from full screen mode to
quick switch mode, the quick switch mode display might get positioned
on the wrong monitor.
VMware Tools
* In some instances, if you choose not to download VMware Tools
automatically, the virtual machine becomes unresponsive when you
install VMware Tools manually using VM > Install VMware Tools.
* On Windows guests, attempting to use mapped drives to open shared
folders and files with long names on the host, might cause the
application to fail.
* Creating virtual machines on shared folders with SAMBA/CIFS protocol
on Windows XP, 2003, Vista, and Linux guests and running these virtual
machines on Windows XP, Vista, and 7 hosts, results in an Insufficient
permissions/Access denied error message.
* Enabling scanning for network files in the ZoneAlarm Security Suite
application, and attempting to use shared folders in the guest might
result in a blue screen.
* On Windows 7 guests, saving Microsoft Office files on shared folders
multiple times, causes the files to become inaccessible.
* In some instances on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 hosts, when you
create a virtual machine the Next button in the Select a Disk Type
dialog box is disabled.
* On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 guests, printers configured on the
host do not appear in the guest.
* Virtual printers might fail to work on Ubuntu 9.10 hosts.
* The Collect support data feature, might fail on a powered on Windows 7
Japanese guest with the latest VMware Tools installed.
* When you enable, disable, and re-enable AutoProtect, the Maximum
AutoProtect snapshots option is disabled.
* In some instances, running third-party anti-virus applications such
as, Trend Micro Internet Security might cause the virtual machine to
下載:https://www.vmware.com/tryvmware/?p=default 試用
http://ppt.cc/SlH6 $189
谷 繁 田 中 賢 稻 葉 吉 見 石 川 雅
矢 野 中 村 ロ ㄧ ズ チ ェ ン 攝 津
阿 部 鳥 谷 ラミレス 涌 井 岩 瀨
小 笠 原 井 端 青 木 ダルビッ 藤 川
ブランコ 森 野 杉 內 クルㄧン
宮 本 荒 木 田 中 將 林 昌 勇
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