(Oric) Oricutron v1.0 - 模擬器

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2013-10-24T14:53

Table of Contents


Oricutron is an emulator for the Oric series of computers. It is
written in plain C, and uses SDL. It is designed to be portable.


Oricutron v1.0 Changelog:

* Now uses comes with appropriate icons for OS4, MorphOS and AROS.
* Audio sync problems fixed in AVI recordings
* Various optimisations to the display routines
* 6502 emulation now includes all illegal opcodes
* Now includes an option to emulate the 6502 at various clock speeds
from 1Mhz to 64Mhz (the rest of the hw is emulated at normal speed).
* Tape saving is now implemented. CSAVE/STORE will save to a standard
tap file. You can also capture all tape output to a new .ORT format,
which will record the actual output waveform from the tape port.
* Changes to disks are now automatically saved back to the disk image
file. The old behaviour can still be selected from the config file.
* Reformatted the VIA panel in the debugger (thanks to Twilighte for
the suggestion)
* Printer emulation now filters out non-ascii chars as a workaround
for the phantom printer output (this is temporary until a proper fix
is found)
* Added a PAL ghosting simulation to the GL renderer
* Switching between OpenGL and software rendering on the fly no longer
causes hang-on-exit problems.
* Added NMI, reset and IRQ vector display in the debugger (thanks to
Twilighte for the suggestion!)
* Keyboard can now only be read when the AY direction register is set
up correctly (thanks to Chema for pointing this out).
* Added experimental snapshot functionality (use with caution!)
* The Oric lightpen is now emulated (thanks to Stefan Haubenthal for
his help)






All Comments

(WIP) David Haywood's Homepage

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2013-10-23T13:35
2013.10.22 Haze把自己的立場跟MAME的歷史作一個簡單的歸納,有興趣的人可以看一下。 and#34;So why did this annoy me so much?and#34; History of MAME driver ownership With a project like ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2013-10-22T21:58
不多說 台灣的家用主機之光 聯電早期之產品 版上曾經有介紹 前些日整理硬碟發現1~2年前有找到模擬器+rom 但當時一直出現[no system found]所以就放棄 所以現在花了一些時間處理 目前整理一個包裹供大家回味\ https://mega.co.nz/#!7Q5xHC4S!Rh2HnxTpDn7 ...


David avatar
By David
at 2013-10-22T16:52
控制的是越野車,總共要超越50(?)台車,總共有5關 第1 3 5關是一般賽道,第2 4關是越野賽道(有河) 每一關開始都是俯視角度,到快過關時會變成第一人稱視角(但這時超越的車輛不計) 有條油量表,油量表空了就GAMEOVER,每一關路上都會有油箱可拿 每過一關好像也會依過關名次加油 有人知道這款遊 ...

PS2 沉默之丘3(Silent Hill 3)全隱藏要素一覽

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2013-10-22T13:15
因為有人私下在問隱藏要素的事,所以乾脆一次全部打上來,需要的人請自行參考。   Action Level Extreme   破關一輪後限定。and#34;HARDand#34;以上的難度,破關並重新進行遊戲時會自動顯示在選項 中,效果是讓遊戲的難度更加提升(對敵傷害力與自身耐久力皆下修)。難度 ...

fc東吳三代傳 王猛

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2013-10-22T06:17
請問一下各位大大 我爬巴哈的攻略 王猛不是會所有的計謀跟陣法嗎?? 怎麼.... 他什麼都不會阿= = 天阿,能當軍師,可是全部的計策跟陣形都不會 只能用來出陣嗎?? - ...