OpenBor Power Rangers: Beats of Power - 模擬器

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2017-02-28T02:23

Table of Contents

I recently released a new Special Edition and it's now available on Gamejolt

‧Windows only, for now 目前只有PC版本
‧Make sure you master the new "Dodge" button 多了閃躲鍵

What’s new?
‧4 player support 支援4人了
‧Evading attacks is no longer done by tapping a direction twice; rather, it’
s done pressing the new “evade” button (doesn’t seem to be a big deal,but
it does alter gameplay quite a bit)
‧One additional Zord level 多一個關卡
‧Silver Horns is now the Boss of the first level. Mutius now appears later
in the game.
‧Goldar has a voice, courtesy of Christopher Dean
‧More energy power-ups
‧Cutscenes last longer, more time to read
‧New easy mode, for those who think the original game is too hard (tsk, tsk)
‧The big, “realistic” explosions have been replaced to better fit the
graphic style of the rest of the game
‧Same with Rita’s teleport beam
‧Lord Zedd fight is a bit less cheap now
‧Bosses’ life increase if more people are playing
‧“How to play” instructions are shown at the beginning of the story mode,
hopefully now they’ll be read by newcomers
‧You know that issue when you’re not in range to connect an attack to a
Putty, but they can hit you anyways? Gone.
‧Tommy (green version) now sports a black shirt. A bit more show accurate
this way.
‧New sound effects for the zord battles, taken from The Fighting Edition on
‧Whoosh sounds when attacking sound better now
‧That weird bug when you die as a Ranger and respawn unmorphed is gone.
‧Bosses now have a life bar.
‧A bit less bikers
‧Parachutin’ Putties
‧Added a couple more details in background of Youth Centre.
‧Lots more small fixes and tweaks here and there.


All Comments

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2017-03-03T14:33


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2017-02-26T12:56
前言 昨天看某實況主玩這款moon crystal 看起來遊戲跟音樂都還不錯 今天早上就找來玩玩看 (不過昨天那位實況主悲劇,接關的時候按錯了選到end) 這款似乎只有日版 但是我有找到外國人英文化的版本 因為我看不懂日文,於是就用這個英文版下去破關 另外,據說這款在國外很紅 ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2017-02-25T20:53
有人的畫面這麼奇怪嗎= = 是不是我家硬體太差 整個畫面跑掉 我以為是1.7.2問題 還去重載以前版本 況且1.7.2不讓我輸入搖桿 都直接跳End - ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2017-02-25T06:19
不知道大家有沒有自己組過大型格鬥搖桿? 我打算自己用木板搞一個給模擬器用, 但網上搜尋了一下,發現三和的東西還真不便宜。 大型搖桿一隻就約五六百, 再加上按鍵一顆要價五六十, 八按鍵在加上 Select Start 等, 要買上十幾個算十個也要五六百。 這樣就算自己買木板來做, 光搖桿家按鈕基本也一千起跳! ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2017-02-25T00:02 版本說明 1.增加Scanline Filter 2x 4x 6x. (實作NTSC CRT比例修正與 YIQ 4:1:1 color bleeding) 2.增加操作右鍵選單功能 3.重構程 ...

MiniFC Hack Tool hakchi2 2.12 Released

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2017-02-23T22:58 除了原有可更換遊戲的功能之外, 此版最亮眼的功能就是新增外掛模組, 可以將 RetroArch 的模擬器也放到 MiniFC 裡面! 所以未來 MiniFC 也可以玩 SFC, MD, GBA... 目前比較有興趣的 ...