Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2009-06-24T19:09

Table of Contents


它的源由請參照 http://www.peopo.org/puzzles/post/33797

這次的開始時間為 27 June 2009 14:30 GMT (台灣時間 6/27 22:30)
上次很準時喔, 希望它繼續保持。


至於一些登錄之類的事我就不再重述, 想了解的人可以看英文原文, 或是
去 PTT 的 Puzzles 版, 那兒會有很多熱心的網友提供訊息及指導。

最後, 如果我這篇內容有任何問題, 請注意以下的說明:

如果是中文翻譯有狀況, 請您跟我告知, 我會做修正, 這篇內容會提供到
如果是內容中的英文和下載的題目檔有出入, "請你以我的這篇為準!!",
因為我的文件是有經過他們組織修正過的版本, 會比較正確。

廢話不多說, 看翻譯吧!!

All puzzle friends!

As you know puzzlers from all over the world are getting together
twice a year in different countries decided by WPF. This year Turkey
is hosting the 18th WPC in Antalya.

Counting down to the 18th WPC, we have decided to hold online
competitions every month, as a preparation & practice for the event.
Until October, we will organise an online contest at the third
Saturday of every month. This set of competitions will help puzzlers
get familiar with the Turkish puzzles, the types some of which may
be used in the WPC.

We named this competition set “O?uz Atay Puzzle Contest”, having
the name of one of the best Turkish writers, who passed away early
as most of the bests.

The contest is made up of 10+1 puzzle types, four puzzles of each
type plus an optimizer. The duration for the contest is 150 minutes.
There will be an extra five minutes for late submissions, but every
late second costs 0.02 points.

The + sign used in separating puzzles and the puzzle scores is the
symbol of OAPC.

For any questions about OAPC, view forum: http://www.wpc2009.org/forum/

Serkan Yurekli & Gulce Ozkutuk
[email protected]

嗨, 各位解謎的同好:
正如大家所知, 每年WPF 都會在不同的國家舉辦兩場大型的賽事(譯注: WPC 和
WSC), 而解謎玩家們也得以共聚一堂。今年, 輪到了土耳其在安塔利亞(Antalya)
辦理第十八屆 WPC 競賽。
在第十八屆 WPC 辦理的時刻進入倒數之際, 我們決定每個月舉辦一場線上賽,
為這個活動做一個準備, 也讓大家有練習的機會。時間是在每個月的第三個星
期六, 從現在起一直到十月。這一系列的比賽將更有助於讓解謎玩家們得以對
土耳其的謎題更加的熟悉, 其中有部分, 將會出現在本屆 WPC 的賽題之中。
我們將此系列的線上賽命名為『O?uz Atay Puzzle Contest』 , 借用一位過
比賽由 10+1 種的謎題所組成, 每種謎題各四道賽題(共10種), 再加一道要求
出最優解的題目。時間限制 150分鐘, 也容許玩家時間截止後五分鐘之內仍可
以輸入答案, 但這段延遲的時間會有懲罰, 每延遲一秒扣 0.02分。
若對OAPC 有任何疑問, 請至討論區 http://www.wpc2009.org/forum/ 發表您

Serkan Yurekli & Gulce Ozkutuk
[email protected]

1-4. Previously On OAPC

1-2: Sigma Snake: Draw a snake of letters in the grid, whose head and
tail are given in circles and that doesn’t touch itself, not even
diagonally. Avoid grey cells with numbers. The snake must be formed
only of numbers (as written in the given word list) in any order. A
number on a grey cell gives the total of the adjacent (even at a point)
numbers that are in the snake. You don’t need to use all the words
but you can use each word only once.

3-4: Tapa: Paint some squares black to create a continuous wall.
Number/s in a square indicate the length of black cell blocks on its
neighbouring cells. If there is more than one number in a square,
there must be at least one white cell between the black cell blocks.
Painted cells cannot form a 2x2 square or larger. There are no wall
segments on cells containing numbers.

1-4 Previously On OAPC

1-2 Sigma Snake: 以格子中的字母構築成一條蛇, 蛇的頭和尾為圖中圓圈的位置,
且和自己不會相觸碰, 即使對角亦然。蛇不會經過包含數字的灰色格子。蛇必須由
左方列表中的英文數字組成, 但順序可任意。而灰色格子中的數字, 則代表蛇和它
接鄰(即使對角接鄰也算)的數字總和。事實上, 英文數字你不一定要全部用到, 但

3-4 Tapa: 將部分格子塗黑, 以形成一道連續的牆。方格中的數字(們), 代表了周
遭黑色格子連續的長度。如果方格中不只一個數字, 則在兩段黑色區段間, 至少有
一個白色格子做為間隔。塗黑的格子不能構成 2x2 的大小, 或是包含此區塊更大的

Answer format:
1-2:Write all the numbers from the head to the tail. The answer for the
example would be: 1352 3-4:Write the content of the marked row/column.
Use B for blackened cells and W for white cells.The answer for the
example would be: BBBWB

1-2: 寫出從頭到尾的數字, 像範例中的答案就是: 1352。
3-4: 寫出指定的行或列當中的內容, 以 B 代表塗黑的格子, 而以 W 代表留空的
格子, 像範例中的答案就是: BBBWB。

5-8. Hamle
Move every black square in one of the four directions, so that numbers
in the black cells indicate the length of their moves. When all moves
are done, all white cells should be interconnected and black cells should
not touch each other from the sides.

5-8 Hamle

將黑色格子, 朝上下左右其中之一的方向做移動。黑色格子中的數字代表要移動幾
格。當所有黑色格子移動完成後, 剩餘的白色格子必須要能接在一起, 而且黑色格

Answer format: Write the content of the marked rows, top left to bottom
right, row by row. The answer for the example would be: 3,23,56

回答模式: 寫下指定的橫列當中的內容, 由左上到右下, 一列接一列。像範例中的
答案就是: 3,23,56。

9-12. Comet
Place some stars in the grid so that there is exactly one star in every
row, column and outlined region. Stars cannot touch each other, not even
diagonally. Additionally, all remaining cells must be traversed by a single
closed loop. There are no stars or loop segments on black cells.

9-12 Comet

將星星放入格子中, 使得每行, 每列, 以及每個粗線區域中, 都只有一顆星星。星
星不得相鄰, 即使對角亦然。此外, 除了星星及黑色格子外, 其他剩餘的格子可以

Answer format: For each row, write the column number containing the star.
Then write the length of the horizontal loop segment in the marked row.
The answer for the example would be: 135246,3

回答模式: 由上而下一列接一列, 寫出該列中星星出現在第幾直行。再來寫下指定
的列中, 迴圈中水平的部分長度。像範例中的答案就是: 135246,3。

13-16. Word Stairs
Place all given words in the diagram so that no letter is repeated within
a row/column. All words should be placed like stairs (e.g. up-left-up-left)
. Words can cross or overlap each other. Some letters are already given.

13-16 Word Stairs

將列表中所提供的英文字填入格子中, 每行及每列都不得出現重覆的數字。所有的
英文字字母必須依階梯形式排列(如: 上左上左…)。每個英文字都可以和其他英文

Answer format: Write the content of the marked row/column. Use - for empty
cells. The answer for the example would be: -BETAID

回答模式: 寫下指定的行或列當中的內容, 以 – 表示空格。像範例中的答案就是:

17-20. Diagramless Kakuro
Place the digits 1-n (1-7 for the example) and some black squares into the
grid to form a valid kakuro puzzle. The black squares in the grid have
180-degree rotational symmetry, all white squares are connected, and all
digits belong to a sum of two or more numbers in both directions.

Clues given next to the grid indicate the sums that are formed in the grid.
For the row clues, this means all clues in the first row (from left to right)
are listed before clues in the second row, and so on. For the column clues,
all sums that have their uppermost cell in the first row (from left to right)
are listed before clues that have their uppermost cell in the second row, and
so on.

17-20 Diagramless Kakuro

將數字 1-n (範例中為1-7)填入格子中, 並將部分的格子塗黑, 構成一道答合規則的
Kakuro 謎題。其中黑色格子擺放的位置, 必須要讓這個表格能做旋轉180度的對稱。所
有的白色格子要能相連, 而格子中的數字則必和至少一個同行及同列的數字相連, 加總
在旁邊的提示數字, 則代表了這個表格中每個區段的數字和。在橫列的提示部分, 提示
數字是依從第一列由左到右列出各區段總和, 再來第二列…由上往下。在直行的提示部
分, 提示數字是以每個區段最上方一格為準, 由第一橫列開始, 由左而右列出提示出字
, 然後再第二橫列….由上往下。

Answer format: Write the content of the marked row/column. Use 0 for blackened
cells. The answer for the example would be: 1620473

回答模式: 寫下指定的行或列當中的內容, 以 0 表示塗黑格子。像範例中的答案就是:

21-24. NEWS
Place the given directions in the grid so that each region contains exactly
two directions. Directions in one region should satisfy their positions to
each other. No direction can be repeated within a row or column.

21-24 NEWS

將下列代表方向的字母填入格子中, 使得每個區域中都正好有兩個方向(字母)。在同一
區域內的兩個方向(字母), 它們的位置關係必須符合它們的代表的方向關係。在同一行
及同一列中, 方向(字母)不得重覆。

Answer format: Write the content of the marked row/column. Use - for empty
cells. The answer for the example would be: -SW—E

回答模式: 寫下指定的行或列當中的內容, 以 – 表示空格。像範例中的答案就是:

25-28. Four Squares
The four puzzle types:Skyscrapers, Battleships, Tents and Snake all rely on
clue numbers around the outside of the grids. Find the missing clues that
are shared between the grids so that all four puzzles can be solved.

Skyscrapers: Place digits 1-6 into the grid so that each digit appears exactly
once in each row and column, and so that the clue numbers are the number of
buildings that can be seen from the corresponding direction.

Battleships: Place the given fleet into the grid so that ships do not touch
each other, not even diagonally. The clue numbers are the number of ship
segments in the corresponding direction.

Tents: Locate the tents in the grid. Trees and tents appear in distinct pairs,
in horizontally or vertically adjacent squares. Tents do not touch each other,
not even diagonally. The clue numbers are the total number of the tents in the
corresponding direction.

Snake: Find a path of sequentially numbered and edge-connected squares starting
from 1, passing through 17 and 24, and ending at 30 (1-12 for the example). The
path cannot loop back to touch itself, not even diagonally. The clue numbers are
the number of times the snake makes a 90-degree turn in the corresponding

25-28 Four Squares

四種經典謎題題型: 摩天大樓, 發現小船, 架帳棚以及貪食蛇, 在各自的邊上, 使用共同
的提示數字。請試著找到部分題目邊上缺少的共同提示數字, 並以此解開四道謎題。

摩天大樓: 將數字1-6放入格子中, 使得每個數字在每一行及每一列各剛好出現一次。而
表格外的提示數字, 則代表了在從那個位置往該行或該列看過去, 可以看到幾棟建築物。

發現小船: 將列表的船艦放入格子中, 但彼此不能相接觸, 即使對角亦然。表格外的提示
數字, 代表了該行或該列, 共有幾格被船艦所佔住。

架帳棚: 將表格中填入帳棚, 樹和帳棚必須直向或橫向相鄰成對出現。(譯注: 一棵樹旁
邊綁一個帳棚)。帳棚彼此不得相鄰, 即使對角亦然。表格外的提示數字代表該行或該列

貪食蛇: 找出一串直向或橫向相鄰格子連接而成的路徑, 每個格子一個數字, 從1開始,
依序下去, 經過17和24, 最後停在30?(範例中為1到12), 路徑不能繞一繞後又碰到它自己,
即使對角也不行, 而表格外的提示數字代表了該行或該列中, 此路徑轉了幾個彎。

Answer format: Write the row of missing clue numbers, followed by the column of
missing clue numbers. The answer for the example would be: 2121202, 21220201

回答模式: 先寫下題目表格間橫列的提示數字, 再寫下直行的提示數字, 像範例中的答案
就是: 2121202, 21220201

29-32. Sum Islands

1)The numbers in the diagram represent the sum of the cells in a region.
Determine the regions and use digits 1-6/1-7 (1-6 for the example) so that no
digit is repeated within any row, column and region. All sums are given and are
formed of at least two digits.

2) All regions should be separated from each other with a continuous wall,
which cannot form any 2x2 areas and occupies every cell not used by the regions.

3) The digits outside the grid indicate the digits in the corresponding
direction, in increasing order.

29-32 Sum Islands

1) 表格中, 格子內的小數字, 代表包含該格的區域內, 所有格子中數字的總和, 請你
決定各區域的範圍, 並把區域內的格子填入1-6/1-7的數字(範例中為1-6), 在同一行
或同一列中, 數字不得重覆?而區域的數字和至少包含兩個數字(譯注: 即一個區域至少
2) 不同的區域間要以一道連續的牆做區隔, 只要不在區域中的格子, 就是這道牆範圍,
3) 表格外的數字, 代表該行或該列會出現的數字, 不過排列的次序是由小到大而非出

Answer format: Write the content of the marked row/column. Use 0 for blackened
cells. The answer for the example would be: 006201

回答模式: 寫下指定的行或列當中的內容, 以 0 表示塗黑格子。像範例中的答案就是:

33-36. Stardust
Locate some squares (each having the size 3x3) in the grid so that all stars
are surrounded by squares. Some cells of the squares can be outside the grid,
but the central cell should always be inside the grid. Squares cannot overlap
each other, but they can share edges. There shouldn’t remain any star which
is not surrounded by a square. Central cells of squares cannot overlap the stars.

33-36 Stardust

將一些正方形(每個皆為3x3大小)放入表格中, 使得所有的星星都會圍繞在正方形的周圍。
正方形的部分範圍可以落在整個表格外面, 但是中心一定要在表格內。正方形彼此不能重
疊, 但可以以邊相鄰。不能有任何一顆星星最後落在所有的正方形外, 而正方形的中心不

Answer format: Write the sizes of areas not occupied by any square, in increasing
order. The answer for the example would be: 2,2,7

回答模式: 由小到大, 寫下沒有被正方形蓋住的區域格子數, 像範例中的答案就是: 2,2,7。

37-40. Black Or White*

“Not every white is as white as it seems.” - Cevdet ?nanc

Two of the puzzles are Masyu and two of them are Loop puzzles. You need to
determine the types for solving.

Masyu: Moving between edge-to-edge neighbouring cells, draw a closed path that
passes through every circle and doesn’t cross itself. The path must turn at
every black circle, but can not turn immediately before or after. And the path
can not turn at any white circle, but must turn immediately before and/or after.
Some white circles may be painted, becoming black circles.

Loop: Draw a closed loop in the grid, passing through every cell, avoiding black
circles. The loop goes straight in white circles.

37-40 Black Or White*

『見白是白, 見白不是白』 - Cevdet ?nanc

這裏有兩種題目: Masyu 和 Loop, 分別各有兩道謎題。但你必須自己想辦法找出哪一題屬
於哪種題型, 並且解答出來。

Masyu: 沿著以邊相鄰的格子移動, 經過所有的圓圈, 畫一條封閉的環狀路徑, 而且不得交叉
。當路徑通過黑色圓圈時要轉彎, 但轉彎之前及之後必須不能立刻再轉彎; 路徑通過白色圓
圈時要保持直線, 但是在之前或之後其中至少一處, 必須要立刻轉彎。注意: 有些白色圓圈
可以塗黑, 變成黑色圓圈。

Loop: 在格子內畫一個封閉迴圈, 要經過除了黑色格子外所有的格子。在通過白色圓圈時,

Answer format: For Masyu, write the sizes of empty cell blocks in increasing order.
The answer for the example would be: 22233. For Loop, write the number of corners
in the loop. The answer for the example would be: 20

回答模式: Masyu 的題目, 請由小到大, 寫下每個路徑沒通過的區塊格子數, 像範例中的答
案就是: 22233。 Loop 的題目, 請寫下迴圈中轉角的數目, 像範例中的答案就是: 20。

41. Go West!**
Write some numbers into the grey cells and move every grey cell in one of the four
directions so that the numbers you wrote indicate the length of their moves. When
all moves are done, all white cells should be interconnected and grey cells should
not touch each other from the sides. Each direction has a score to be multiplied by
the number written into the cell. Maximize the total of all products.

Scoring: North:0,25 South: 0,15 West: 0,1 East: 0,4

Scoring for the example:
7.5 points

41. Go West!**

在灰色格子中寫下一些數字, 然後朝東西南北其中一個方向移動灰色格子, 移動的格數即是
灰色格子中的數字。當移動完成後, 所有的白色格子要能連接在一起, 而灰色格子彼此則不
得以邊相鄰。每個方向都有一個值, 再乘上以該方向移動的灰格中的數字。請試著你的所有

北: 0.25 南: 0.15 西: 0.1 東: 0.4

範例中的分數即為: (4x0.4)+(4x0.15)+(2x0.15)+(3x0.15)+(3x0.1)+(3x0.25)+(3x0.25)+
(5x0.4)+(3x0.25)= 7.5 分

Answer format: Write all the numbers before movings, from top left to bottom right
, followed by their moving direction (N,S,W or E). The answer for the example would
be: 4E,4S,2S,3S,3W,3N,3N,5E,3N

回答模式: 寫下移動前的表格, 由左上至右下, 灰色格子中的數字, 並隨之附上它要移動的方
向(N, S, W, 或 E), 像範例中的答案就是: 4E,4S,2S,3S,3W,3N,3N,5E,3N

Some puzzle ideas are obtained as follows: Diagramless Kakuro from Thomas Snyder,
NEWS and Stardust from JPC, Four Squares from Aziz Ate?.

* Famous song by Michael Jackson
** Famous song by Pet Shop Boys

Tags: 拼圖

All Comments

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2009-06-24T23:28
推 他時間是越來越早嗎? 不過這樣對我們來說也好...
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2009-06-29T11:54
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2009-06-30T03:47
G大還真忙 0.0
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2009-06-30T15:22
上次已經是 10:30 AM 了呀 這個時間比以前好多了....
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2009-07-01T22:29
那時候我就不在宿舍了 回到家裡有人管耶...
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2009-07-04T02:13
帕索大上線的時間是怎樣 三更半夜XD
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2009-07-04T03:47

俄羅斯方塊水管篇(Connecto 2)

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2009-06-24T07:41
俄羅斯方塊水管篇(Connecto 2) 連結位址 : http://oioio.biz/flash/flashgame.asp?id=26 操作方式: 鍵盤、滑鼠 內容說明: 蠻經典的遊戲~~ 讓水流能左右暢通 - ...

老鼠走迷宮(Lab Rat: Quest for Cheese)

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2009-06-23T09:47
老鼠走迷宮(Lab Rat: Quest for Cheese) 這款遊戲類似迷宮,角色是一隻老鼠,你的視野有限,如何指揮老鼠走迷宮 連結位址: http://oioio.biz/flash/flashgame.asp?id=92 操作方式: 操作鍵盤方向鍵 - ...

新一代小精靈(Shape Switcher)

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2009-06-22T16:09
這款益智遊戲值得推薦給大家 新一代小精靈(Shape Switcher) 連結位址: http://oioio.biz/flash/flashgame.asp?id=22 操作方式: 鍵盤方向鍵--andgt;移動上下左右的方向 內容說明: 要搭配相同形狀及顏色,門才會開啟。 讓我動動腦的遊戲 - ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2009-06-22T15:30
※ [本文轉錄自 riddle 看板] 作者: FACE90006 (貝克街的皮卡丘) 看板: riddle 標題: [情報] 第二屆高雄市高中盃燈謎錦標賽—內容及獎勵辦法 時間: Sun May 17 09:29:05 2009 以下情報 轉錄自 天下文壇-猜謎射虎 第二屆高雄市高中盃燈謎錦標賽內容及 ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2009-06-22T15:30
※ [本文轉錄自 riddle 看板] 作者: FACE90006 (貝克街的皮卡丘) 看板: riddle 標題: [出題] 第一屆高市高中盃初賽試題-桃花朵朵開篇 時間: Mon Jun 22 15:23:30 2009 高雄市高中盃燈謎競賽 於今日起開始報名囉~~~\( ̄︶ ̄)/ 上次忘了PO初 ...