nullDC 1.0.3 - 模擬器

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2008-08-21T18:58

Table of Contents


New version is out. Remember to read the included documentation
if you encounter any problems. Only giving link to the Dreamcast
version for the moment until I finish the (very needed) NAOMI
documentation. Just be a little patient.

Notice that this release lacks support for gamepads since the
gamepad plugin needed quite some work. Raz plans to replace
the current plugin with one that supports both gamepads and
keyboards in the future so just be patient (again).

Changes are too many to list but here's a list of the basic changes:

- VMU/VMS support added.
- Fog emulation added on nullPVR. (Note: This requires a shader
model 2 video card for now)
- Experimental DSP emulation support added on nullAICA.
- Image reader can load real CDs now too.
- Added a (hidden) option to get rid of the console window since
some people seem to hate it.
- Various bugs and problems fixed. More stuff became compatible.
Less issues on already supported stuff.
- NAOMI version of the emulator (not posted yet, just wait a bit).




這個越來越棒了.............(  ̄ー ̄)

李 居 明 鄭 百 勝 羅 國 璋 曾 智 偵 黃 平 洋 黃 裕 登
廖 敏 雄 王 光 輝 張 耀 騰 呂 明 賜 陳 義 信 涂 鴻 欽
黃 煚 隆 黃 忠 義 林 朝 煌 陽 介 仁
孫 昭 立 王 光 熙 謝 長 亨 陳 憲 章
林 仲 秋 郭 建 霖 郭 進 興 郭 建 成


All Comments

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2008-08-25T01:17
NAOMI Version

MAMEUIFX32 0.127

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2008-08-21T09:13
August 20, 2008 - Updated to MAME 0.127 - MAMEUI 0.127 ______________________________________________________________________________ 下載:http://di ...

MAME Plus! 0.127

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2008-08-21T09:10
2008-08-20 - catlist v0.127 [s_bastian] - updated Japanese list (jplist0126u5_0818) [mamelist jp] - [MESS] sync with 0.127 svn r3064 [Sword ...

PS3Filer Ver0.0.3

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2008-08-21T09:05
A NES emulator for the Playstation 3 using the BD-J format..... - 2008/08/09 Ver0.0.1 first edition releases PNG, GIF ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2008-08-20T20:50
除了3代在問號按上之外 以及plus的上下上下上上上上下 還有其他的隱藏式戰機嗎? 還有....我在外面打3代..在問號按上都可以遷出戰機 可是我用模擬器玩...就簽不出來 有人可以跟我說為什麼嗎Q__Q 難道是版本的問題? -- - ...

那有大型機台模擬器for PSP的

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2008-08-20T20:16
上網搜索找了好多個都不能用 不然就是進去程式~顯示沒可玩遊戲 大大解救我吧~~我想用PSP玩這個遊戲 用電腦玩的模擬器也可以只要能玩那個遊戲就好了 謝謝 - ...