NRage Input Plugin v2.1 rc1 - 模擬器

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2008-06-15T00:02

Table of Contents

2.1 rc1 RELEASE

I got sick of wrestling with a bug or two in NRage′s DirectInput8 plugin,
and decided to delve into the code and fix them myself. Well, one thing led
to another, and I kinda wound up rewriting most of it. If you′re going to
fix one bug, you might as well fix them all, right?

THE MANUAL (please read this before asking questions):
CHM or Online Manual

RELEASE BINARY (most people want this):

DEBUG BINARY (Generates a file called NRage-Debug.txt in your emulator
folder. This file can get huge, so don′t download this version unless the
release version doesn′t work!)

SOURCE (for hackers and those who lurve the GPL):
download from Subversion server or ZIPPED zipped source, may not be current
(for most up-to-date, please use Subversion server)

LANGUAGE SDK (for people doing translations):

Translations (unpack the dll file to your emulator′s directory, NOT the
plugin directory)
German by aTomIC
Simplified Chinese by Harlay
Spanish by NaSeR
French by Siskoo

Finally, here′s a Keyboard/Mouse basic config file to give you some ideas
for Goldeneye and Perfect Dark:

This version of the plugin will NOT overwrite settings from 1.83 and before,
but neither will it read from older config files or saves (it stores config
data differently). This means that you can run the plugin alongside older
versions of the plugin, for comparison. But it also means you will have to
bind your keys from defaults when you first run 2.x versions.

Current TODO list:

-running with a gamepad unplugged or unplugging during emulation must not
cause crashes
-mouse locking: fix problems with mouse binding in control panel while
-mouse locking: should unlock mouse when closing a ROM
-redo keyboard/mouse cpf on this post
+rewrite Adaptoid code to be asynchronous
+add reading gba ROMs from zip files

Fixed, added, or changed:

+ Better detection of devices; more joysticks should work now, as well as
steering wheels and things that aren′t strictly "gamepads"
+ N64 controllers can now get input from multiple gamepad type devices
+ Now able to assign a key, mouse, or gamepad control to as many N64 control
surfaces as you like
/ device selection for keybinding no longer needed; devices list now shown as
"Force-Feedback Devices" under ControllerPak selection (pick Rumble, and tick
the "RawMode" box)
/ no longer possible to send FF events from multiple controllers to the same
FF device (this shouldn′t have worked anyway)
+ now captures mouseclicks properly in Controllers tab (disable button clicks
while polling)
+ INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT (and internally switched to Unicode)
+ releases exclusive mouse while in config menu (fixed a mouse bind while
locked issue)
+ add independent X/Y mouse sensitivity
+ changed absolute mouse support: now choose between Buffered (default from
before), Absolute, and Deadpan (control only moves while you move the mouse)
+ various optimizations, bugfixes, and spelling fixes
+ LOTS of documentation added to the source; it should be more legible now
+ rewrote controller save and restore (underlying CONTROLLER and BUTTON
structs changed...)
/ Button mappings and modifiers will need to be reset on first load
+ now rewrites mempak and transferpak RAM to disk immediately after writing
to controller (1.83 and previous didn′t save the mempak until RomClose)
+ now possible to map shortcuts to buttons and axes as well as keys (be
+ tabbing within the config window actually works now
+ can save and load shortcuts
+ Transferpak MBC5 support fixed (Pokemon Yellow, Perfect Dark)
/ Win98/ME registry load finally fixed
+ lots of crash bugs fixed

2.1 is now in "release candidate" stage. Please test any bugs you find vs the
latest DEBUG version, and if they still exist there please post.


All Comments


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2008-06-14T12:25
※ 引述《kcii2247 (自High無價)》之銘言: : 可以線上互打快打旋風 和 kof : : 英文看不太懂 這一篇很多地方未完成 以前很喜歡玩快打旋風 這個滿有趣的,不過還是有很多地方看不懂 有興趣的人一起玩看看 ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2008-06-14T11:44
打擊為3D派 想用PS2手把+USB連接器 來打實況CPBL 不知道這方法 用3D鈕打擊順不順?可以完全跟PS2主機上一樣順嗎? USB連接器有要指名那個牌子嗎?還是雜牌都可以?大約要多少錢? 謝謝各位前輩的幫忙 o(><;)o o - ...

PK201 Version 08/06/13

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2008-06-14T11:20 PK201 Version 08/06/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2008-06-14T11:18
◎.求檔前請先參閱版規,並請儘量依照格式撰寫,謝謝您(本文可自行手動消去) ______________________________________________________________________________ 遊戲平台:ss 內容陳述:請問有冒險王的載點嗎? 心得回憶:最近看到冒 ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2008-06-14T10:16
以前N64有出一個GB卡匣連結器 接在搖桿後面那個的 家裡買的太舊壞掉了 最近想懷舊一下 像是口袋怪獸競技場啦和機器人大戰64上都有跟GB遊戲連動的要素 請問模擬器有辦法作到嗎? 雖然爬過文章可是沒看到相關討論 at__at 謝謝 - ...