No$gba 2.6b - 模擬器

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2008-04-01T04:18

Table of Contents

1 April 2008
(faster 3d rendering, backup detect, rtc-irq, better texture interpolation,)
(perfectly accurate edge-marking, translucent-poly-id, shadow-poly support,)
(capture in vram display mode, debug gui/warnings, cpu/ipc/div/sqrt details)
free-download: old no$gba v2.6 gaming version now free for everybody - enjoy
debug/symbols: resize function for Alt+L symbol list window (saved in .ini)
debug/internal: changed computer_id handling for compatibility with win vista
nds/debug: allows nintendo to mis-use clipmtx_result for detecting their emu
nds/debug: allows to override mis-declared-thumb-functions by crude $t labels
nds/rtc: triggers IRQ when SI changes HI-to-LO (only when SI-IRQ is enabled)
hll-version: demangles strange new "_ZN3txt3txtEii" and "_Z3txtii" type labels
nds/gba/rcnt: allows to generate SI interrupts manually by toggling RCNT bits
nds/gba/rcnt: internally memorizes rcnt-output bits (additionally to inputs)
nds/rtc: passes rtc 1Hz/2Hz/4Hz/8Hz/16Hz or per-minute IRQ to rcnt SI input
nds/3d: soft-speedup: uses clean 80286 shift opcodes (instead slow 80386 shrd)
nds/3d: soft-speedup: new scaled side_clip_x allowed to re-remove pre_add_mask
nds/3d: soft-speedup: scaled side_clip_x coords from 0..len to 0..7FFFFFFFh
nds/3d: soft-accuracy: texture/color interpolation with variable pre_add_mask
nds/details: emulates all newly discovered ipcfifo/div/sqrt technical details
nds/help: added tech specs on div/sqrt (readonly results, start/stop timings)
nds/help: added tech specs on ipcfifo (edge triggered, underrun, fifo-disable)
nds/help: added user settings 076h (language mask) and header 01Dh (ique flag)
nds/3d: soft-detail: edge-mark: recurses surrounding depth values (less only)
nds/3d/help: added more technical notes on edge marking (depth and polygon_id)
nds/a22i: auto generates chinese crc upon .fix directive (only if version=2)
nds/help: added info on chinese title in icon/title region (addr/version/crc)
cpu/internal: reduced 32bit test/and to 8bit (al/bl/cl/dl instead eax/ebx/etc)
cpu/detail: emulates mis-aligned thumb bx/blx and arm bx/blx (with warning)
cpu/detail: emulates mis-aligned rd=r15 in arm alu opcodes (thanks jonathan)
nds/3d/help: added double-blended-edge-glitch (edge-marking plus anti-alias)
nds/3d/help: added translucent-edge-glitch (edge-marking plus anti-aliasing)
nds/backup: supports re-detection (games with faulty initial initialization)
nds/backup: added bus-width auto detection (redirecting to new general types)
nds/backup: added new types (3x general types) (and 1x sanyo, thanks flubba)
nds/3d: soft-detail: edge-mark: handles edges at screen border (via clear_id)
nds/3d: soft-detail: edge-mark: applies edges in respect to surrounding pixels
nds/3d: soft-detail: edge-mark: internally stores edge_flag for possible edges
nds/debug: allows some games to initialize not-existing port 4001004h to zero
nds/debug: allows nintendo to use faulty ldmib with base-inclusion-writeback
nds/debug: allows nintendo to use invalid stmib/ldmib user bank writeback
nds/debug: allows nintendo to write more serious nonsense to (R) baseband regs
nds/timings: re-fixed arm7/arm9 sync (new arm9-66MHz timings vs arm7-33MHz)
nds/video: supports capture from 2d/3d engine in vram display mode (nanostray)
nds/help: added note on undoc nds7 port 4001080h (used by ds-lite firmware)
nds/help: added optical mouse sensor (slider controller) (thanx daniel palmer)
nds/help: added firmware wifi internet access point settings info (thanks cue)
nds/help: added user settings 066h (year) and 075h (ext language) (thanks cue)
screenshot: converts 32bpp images to 24bpp (smaller and more standard files)
nds/3d: soft-detail: prevents rendering of translucent polys with same poly_id
nds/3d: soft-detail: supports shadow polygons (mask/render, step 1 and step 2)
nds/3d: soft-speedup: scaled perspective correct clp.x from 0..len to 0..7FFFh
nds/3d: soft-speedup: mmx: faster texcoord_clipping (no_repeat,repeat,flipped)
nds/3d: soft-speedup: pre-calc tex_clip proc, collapsed 32:32 tex_xy to 16:16
nds/3d: soft-speedup: pre-explodes edge_color_table, optimized alpha blend
nds/3d: soft-speedup: mmx: processes two rgba-pairs and tex_xy-pairs at once
nds/3d: soft-speedup: mmx: nonlinear color_rgb and texcoord_xy interpolation
nds/3d: soft-detail: stores fog bit in framebuffer (opaque/trans=replace/and)
nds/3d: soft-speedup: mmx: linear color_rgb and texcoord_xy interpolation
nds/3d: soft-speedup: merged texture addressing and blending into single proc
nds/3d: soft-speedup: mmx: faster texture blending (modulate/toon/highlight)
nds/3d: soft-speedup: pre-calculates soft3d_tex_blend_proc for blendtype/mmx
nds/3d: soft-speedup: uses mmx (if present) (otherwise stays 80386 compatible)
nds/3d: soft-speedup: collapsed scanline_rgba from 32:32:32:32 to 8:8:8:8 bits
detect: added no$gmb-386/486/cpuid detection, internal: rdtsc (3d/re selftest)
下載: ($2.50)








Jotaro Kujo
   ████◤ 替身:白金之星
  ███◤ 特色:冷靜、速度、睿智的代表
  ██By ChannelV 絕招:歐拉到死、時間暫停


All Comments

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2008-04-01T23:59
嗚嗚 我一開始認真了
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2008-04-06T23:29
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2008-04-10T05:40
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2008-04-10T23:42
唉...讓我高興了一下...> <
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2008-04-14T18:01
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2008-04-19T11:13
現在我用no$gba只是為了看畫面如何 實機比較順手
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2008-04-21T13:23
好東西值得支持 不過我沒信用卡 Orz..


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2008-04-01T02:18
我已經忘記哪時候用模擬器玩的了! 記得比較不一樣的是 那一款的洛克人好像可以集東西 然後去商店買東西 商店的東西我記的 好像有小顆子彈連射 然後小子彈變大 好像還有集氣可以集更大 蠻特別的 有三角跳躍 所以應該不是元祖系列 也不是洛克人andamp;佛魯迪 謝謝瞜 -- 晡資~~ ht ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2008-04-01T00:01
不知道大家是否有聽過這款主機3DO (Panasonic公司出的) 3DO似乎是介於超任卡夾式主機跟PS或SS光碟式主機之間的機種 小時候曾經因為一些機緣而接觸到這款主機 那時覺得它的畫面真是超好的(.......那時候PS還沒現身哩) 很喜歡其中一款遊戲and#34;Road Rushand#34; 裡邊一 ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2008-03-31T11:30
小弟玩到西歧火雲洞(應該是這個動吧) 姬昌叫我去找姜子牙 但我不知道去哪找andgt;and#34;andlt;卡很久了 那個洞進去又被寶箱擋住... 爬文看一下...之前的人有問過... 但是他是要找瘟疫的藥...那我已經過了.. 現在是要找姜子牙.. 麻煩破關的大大幫忙解答一下阿 - ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2008-03-31T09:53
光陰飛逝 這款遊戲已經是17年前的老遊戲了 但還是覺得很好玩 想請問的是 這款遊戲要怎麼練功 有什麼技巧 還是方法呢 才能讓每個人到最後一關都是八段、九段 不會與敵方差太多 不然每次到最後 都只有忍者、槍兵、鉄砲、武士 等幾這人可以戰鬥 其他如弓箭、僧侶等等都只能躲得遠遠的 被砍一刀或打一槍就往生了 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2008-03-31T02:35
由於去年本人剛好入伍,而去年所放上的檔也已經失連很久, 所以我利用最近放下假重新整裡了一下音樂,順便將之前少 放進去的9首音樂一起補上(包括瑪利亞vs艾爾卡多的戰鬥音 樂,圖書館配樂等9首),我個人還是放在RS空間,30天只要有 下載就不會消失,希望沒收集到音樂的同好可以再次下載, 另外如果放音樂在 ...