New Unofficial MAME Hiscore.dat File - 模擬器

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2016-07-25T21:14

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i just released a new unofficial MAME hiscore.dat file using the new format
that is supported in the official MAME now.

please note:- this file cannot be used on any pre v0174 MAME.exe's that had
hiscore support.

go get it here:-

just unzip it into your plugins/hiscore folder.




All Comments


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2016-07-25T12:19
各位高手大家好: 小弟與兩個朋友最近抓了 my old boy gbc模擬器回味一下神奇寶貝金銀版。 與兩個朋友遠端連線時無論是藍牙或者wifi連線都失敗,並且跳出 in order to link up two different games you must have both game ...

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By Sandy
at 2016-07-21T22:56
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at 2016-07-21T16:08
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