NestopiaX v1.3 - 模擬器

David avatar
By David
at 2011-08-20T23:21

Table of Contents

NestopiaX v1.3 is released. NestopiaX is a NES emulator for the XBOX. This is
a port of the pc NES emu nestopia and is now the best NES emu on XBOX. It
also plays the famicom disc system games at full framerate.

New in this release:

Support for R.O.B the robot emulation via xbox controller has been
implemented into this
version of nestopiax!!!.

When playing gyromite or stack up simply go into controller options, then
general settings
and change controller 2 type to R.O.B the robot and leave controller 1 as

The controls are as follows for gyromite:

Start, then a will raise and lower the blue columns
Start, then b will raise and lower the red columns.

a flash will follow after performing these actions, this is normal, the nes
this information back to rob when performing those controller actions to
simulate the movements
needed to play gyromite correctly with him.

as for Stack up, thats a diff beast since this game relied on colored blocks
stacked up on
rob to play. but either way both of these games are now supported via R.O.B
the robot

NEStopiaX has now been implemented with "Pixel Perfect" options in the Main
Menu and
in-game menu while playing a game. It can be found in Video Options in the
newly named "Adjust Screen/Pixel Perfect Options"

you will be faced with three choices, hit x for perfect pixel, y to reset the
screen back to default
and b to exit after making your choice.

Other small changes in this release are minimal and only include small
changing of the wording in the emulator menu. nothing special,
things like Vs. Coin 1 and 2 were simply changed to "Insert Vs. Coin 1"
Insert Vs. Coin 2.


Huge thanks to +T+ for all the help with the pixel perfect settings~!

will there be more nestopiax's in the future? You bet! ;)

There's even more down the road!


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