Nestopia Unofficial v1.41.1 - 模擬器

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2011-05-19T13:58

Table of Contents

Nestopia Unofficial v1.41.1 is released. Nestopia is the current king of the
NES emulation hill. It uses highly optimized cycle exact emulation, allowing
it to run titles that rely on precise timing, many of which break under
inferior emulators. This accurate emulation does come at a cost; Nestopia
requires a minimum of a 600MHz machine for full speed; but if you have one,
this the best available NES emulation for Mac.

Nestopia Unofficial v1.41.1 Changelog:



- Added fullscreen support for non-primary monitor displays.
- Modified Video Options dialog component layout and added device index to
identify mutiple monitors.
- Refactoring.
- Code documentation.


- Fixed so menu is still displayed after fullscreen monitor to monitor switch.



- Converted solution and projects to Visual Studio 2010.
- Improved version enumeration previously locked to x.xx (exactly 3 digits) to
be anything from y.y, y.y.y, and y.y.y.y (where y can be up to 4 digits).
- Changed build output target to nestopia.exe.


- Fixed bug in version enumeration always excluding highest version number.
- Moved unofficial 1.41 release notes to official changelog file.


All Comments

ClrMAME Pro 3.138a

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-05-19T13:44 3.138a added: missing but fixable chds can get fixed automatically by fix-missing added: append option for rebuilder ...

RomCenter v3.58

David avatar
By David
at 2011-05-19T13:42 RomCenter v3.58 is released. RomCenter is an application written for 32-bit Windows operating systems, designed to help you mai ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-05-19T11:02
推 conpo:推好文。我記得「未來戰士」的卡帶沒插好,也會產生一些有趣 05/19 01:08 → conpo:的bug,例如掉入洞穴不死跟牆壁穿透之類的 05/19 01:08 現在可以利用連發達成 VirtuaNES的話A B調整到30fps連發 其他模擬器同樣能開到最高應該也能用 AB連發同時按住 ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2011-05-19T10:54
第一片過了,但好像無法換片(nullDC) 徵求記錄檔 - ...

請問NO$GBA2.6a 存檔問題

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2011-05-18T22:06
請問一下 NO$GBA2.6a有支援即時存檔嗎? 因為在玩遊戲的時候 想用模擬器提供的即時存檔 但是是有存成功 不過獨讀取的話會跳到開頭畫面 請教一下大大該怎麼解決? 是要經過什麼設定才能成功存檔跟讀檔嗎? 謝謝 - ...