Nestopia 1.41 unofficial release - 模擬器

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2010-04-03T19:01

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Nestopia 1.41 unofficial release:




1.41 for Win32 (March 29, 2010)
This is an unofficial maintenance release I created to fix an annoying
joystick lag issue. This lag was particularly bad when VSync was enabled. The
original Nestopia author (Martin
Freij) appears to have abandoned the official Nestopia project on SourceForge
and has not responded to any of my e-mails, so I am left with no choice but
to provide this unofficial release as a public service to the emulation


1. Removed manual option to set priority of Nestopia's main emulation loop
thread. Instead, Nestopia now boosts its own process base priority AND its
own main emulation thread priority whenever it is the active foreground
window (and/or running in full-screen mode). This brings Nestopia much closer
to real-time performance and responsiveness.

2. Removed some screwy input polling logic, and added some calls to
input.Poll(), to ensure that the input devices are always polled immediately
before the input state is utilized. This was the key change that got rid of
most of the lag.

3. Removed some screwy input timing logic that was causing input polling to
work only on certain clock intervals, rather than allowing it to work every
time it was called.

(As far as I can tell on my own hardware configuration, these three changes
taken together have completely eliminated the lag problems that have been
present in Nestopia for several releases. Your mileage may vary.)

4. Updated the Visual Studio solution/project to build successfully under
Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition.

5. Added this releasenotes.txt file and bumped the version number to 1.41.

- Keith Kelly ([email protected])


All Comments

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-04-07T09:57 繁中
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2010-04-11T16:37

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