NESFaCE v0.01 Alpha - 模擬器

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2011-04-02T17:48

Table of Contents

NESFaCE v0.01 Alpha is released. NESFaCE is an acronym that stands for
Nintendo Entertainment System/Family Computer Emulator. However, the name
also refers to putting the "FaCE" of the "NES" on another platform. In other
words, it's an NES emulator. NESFaCE is written by 6T4 and licensed under the
GNU GPL Version 3.0 or later. NESFaCE is currently based on NEStreme by
Nikolas Gavalas and QuantumNES by scottgl.

NESFaCE is an acronym that stands for Nintendo Entertainment System/Family
Computer Emulator. However, the name also refers to putting the "FaCE" of the
"NES" on another platform. In other words, it's an NES emulator. NESFaCE is
written by 6T4 and licensed under the GNU GPL Version 3.0 or later. NESFaCE
is currently based on NEStreme by Nikolas Gavalas and QuantumNES by scottgl.

The ultimate goal of NESFaCE is 100% compatibility. However, since true 100%
compatibility also requires other features (for example, playing Duck Hunt
requires the Zapper), another of NESFaCE's goals is to implement all of
these. In addition, since the field of NES emulators is already very
populated, NESFaCE will need ways of appealing to the emulation community.
Thus, non-essential features like savestates and recording are also goals for
NESFaCE since more users will try NESFaCE if it has these. With all these
goals, NESFaCE is an attempt to combine the best aspects of every other NES

The current version of NESFaCE is 0.01 Alpha. This version is just a rom
header viewer; it won't play or run any games. To use it, you must have NES
rom files that are in the iNES format. This means that they should have a
16-byte header at the beginning and have an extension of .nes. To view
information about any of your games, open a command prompt and navigate to
the folder containing NESFaCE.exe. To do this on Windows, go to Start->Run,
type "cmd" without the quotes into the "Open" dialog and click OK or hit
Enter. Then, in the command prompt that opens, type "cd "directory"" without
the outermost quotes and hit Enter, where directory is the full address
(starts with a drive letter) of the folder containing NESFaCE.exe. Now, type
"NESFaCE.exe romfile" without the quotes to view info about your rom, where
romfile is the filename of the NES rom you open, including the .nes
extension. Enjoy using NESFaCE, and be sure to check for updates here.

Special Thanks To: For: Nikolas Gavalas A tutorial about writing emulators
and NEStreme, the open-source emulator that is the basis of NESFaCE Marat
Fayzullin The iNES header format and a neatly organized website with
technical NES info VmprHntrD Info about the iNES header Scottgl QuantumNES,
the emulator that the header viewer is based on NesDev An emulation community
and an excellent NES wiki Google Free webspace Sysbase A free C++ compiler
Free Software Foundation The GNU General Public License Nintendo A console
that's interesting to emulate


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