(NES) Jnes v1.2 - 模擬器

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2016-12-26T22:20

Table of Contents


Jnes is a NES emulator for win32 platforms that uses DirectX for it's
hardware interface. It's emulation capabilities include graphics, sound,
input devices, and emulating quite a few memory mapping boards found in most
USA games and a few popular japanese ones. Jnes boasts a fairly intuitive
user interface that makes playing NES a little more enjoyable. One of the
coolest features is the included database of Pro-Action-Replay and Game Genie

Jnes v1.2 Changelog:

* bugfix: mouse is no longer required
* bugfix: konami vrc2 games
* bugfix: puzznic, bases loaded 2
* bugfix: large IPS files
* better support for mmc5 graphics
* improved emulation accuracy
* cheat search workspace auto-saves in case of crash
* upgraded to Direct3D 9.0 and DirectInput 8.0
* added konami mappers 75 (vrc1), 85 (vrc7)
* replaced audio channel menu with volume mixer
* updated app icon





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OpenBor TMNT: Rescue-Palooza Demo

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2016-12-26T21:13
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rescue-Palooza! http://gamejolt.com/games/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-rescue-palooza/39658 mersox: New demo available ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2016-12-26T19:22
影片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0f8RV4Q8t4 官網 http://www.arcsystemworks.jp/dd4/ 配信日: PS4版 2017年1月30日(月) STEAM版 2017年1月31日(火) 懷舊像素風格畫面 可兩人同時play 原作 ...

Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX)

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2016-12-25T20:09
Cursed Castilla - English Teaser https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQkaurcWRQo 原來作者後來出了一個Maldita Castilla EX版 有在steam、Xbox 和PS4(歐洲) 販賣 http://abylight ...

Snes9XW 玩虎克船長出現亂碼

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2016-12-25T16:41
廢話不多說,這裏: http://imgur.com/VFHwtun 想回味打電視遊樂器的童年時代 因此先把以前擁有的SFC卡匣載好 等到有空閒之餘將電腦接在電視上並且連接搖桿來打電視遊樂器 XD (其實並非不支持正版,只是SFC真的年代太久了......) P.S.SFC的搖桿能找到USB版本嗎 ...

迷你紅白機 簡單解析

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2016-12-25T10:50
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Vej0H_KmJ0 久違的新影片! 這一集的主題,是任天堂的迷你紅白機。 這東西的開箱圖文或開箱影片大家可能已經在首發期間看過很多了, 因此這則遲來的影片,更加著重的,是「還原度」的議題。 包含造型的還原、畫面顯示的還原、畫面特效的還原 ...