(NES) Any-Yes v1.0 - 模擬器

By Lydia
at 2017-03-09T21:01
at 2017-03-09T21:01
Table of Contents
Any-Yes v0.1.1
- Added dummy write in INC and multi-write detection in MMC1 (Fixes Bill &
- PPU $2004 now returns more accurate values (Fixes Micro Machines) (Still
needs a little work)
- Adjusted NMI timing (Fixes Battletoads)
Wanting to learn more about the NES, I decided to write my own emulator, and
today I'm releasing it into the wild. I plan to do a lot more work on it, and
I have some interesting ideas that I hope will carve it into a niche of its
Some features of note include NTSC simulation, gameplay recording,
mid-instruction cycle-accuracy, game genie support.
Currently Supported Mappers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 19, 28,
66, 69, 71, 118, 119, 140, 163, 228, 232
Many difficult to emulate games work, such as BattleToads, Bee-52, Mig 29
Soviet Fighter, and Crystalis to name a few.
I attempted cycle-accuracy in the CPU and PPU, and have more or less achieved
it. There is still a lot more work to be done, but it's totally playable
I plan on putting the code up soon under an unrestrictive license (MIT
maybe), after I clean it up a little.
Download Any-Yes 0.1.0
Let me know what you think, I certainly plan on improving it greatly! Thanks!
Instructions, from the readme:
Operating Any-Yes
To run: You must have Java installed. Simply double click the .jar file if
you are in Windows.
If that doesn't work, or you are in Linux, run this command:
java -jar any-yes.jar
Put ROMs in the included ROMS folder, which is the easiest method of
accessing them.
You can also navigate to whereever they are using the built-in file browser,
but it's still somewhat of a work in prgress.
The file browser is simply a frontend. To set key mappings and other options,
you must launch a game.
To navigate, click files or directories. To go up to a previous directory,
click the folder name in the top bar.
If you need to change the start-up directory, edit last_dir.txt, which is in
the loader/config/all/ subdirectory of the config location (see below)
You can make the window large by double clicking the title bar, or dragging
the edges to resize. True fullscreen support will come soon.
Zip support is very temperamental, some zip files refuse to open currently.
If you run into this problem, please unzip the rom and try again.
To map controller controls:
Press Escape while in a game
Click "Map Controls"
Currently cannot remap keyboard controls.
All config data currently is put in:
Windows: <OS Drive>:/vnand/
Linux: ~/vnand/
(VNAnd is the name of a larger multi-emulator platform I am working on, of
which Any-Yes is a module)
Any-Yes specific data and configs are in the engine_data/any-yes subdirectory.
Some notes about the recording system:
Press R or click "Create" in the menu to begin recording.
Press R again or click "Finish" to complete the recording.
Press T to play the recording. Currently you can only have one recording at a
time per game, to have more, move the recording file for that game.
You can make a recording over multiple play sessions by saving the state (F5)
while recording. If you load the save state later, it will continue recording.
Key list
Escape: Toggle Pause / Menu
Q - toggle NTSC simulation
W - toggle linear screen filter
S - toggle scanline overlay
` - hold for fast forward
R - toggle recording
T - play recording
F1 - quick save state
F2 - quick load state
F5 - save state file
F6 - Load state file
Arrow key - D-Pad
Z - B
X - A
Tab - Select
Enter - Start
Upcoming Features
Some lofty and not-so-lofty upcoming features I plan on supporting:
- Rewind
- Game Manual / Cover archival
- Better frontend
- Android (Mostly working)
- Neural Network to learn to play games (via reinforcement learning, think
Mar I/O)
- Javascript plugins
- External hardware simulation (plug and unplug virtual controllers, TVs, etc
in a visual way)
- Fast cycle-innacurate core
Any-Yes v0.1.1
- Added dummy write in INC and multi-write detection in MMC1 (Fixes Bill &
- PPU $2004 now returns more accurate values (Fixes Micro Machines) (Still
needs a little work)
- Adjusted NMI timing (Fixes Battletoads)
Wanting to learn more about the NES, I decided to write my own emulator, and
today I'm releasing it into the wild. I plan to do a lot more work on it, and
I have some interesting ideas that I hope will carve it into a niche of its
Some features of note include NTSC simulation, gameplay recording,
mid-instruction cycle-accuracy, game genie support.
Currently Supported Mappers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 19, 28,
66, 69, 71, 118, 119, 140, 163, 228, 232
Many difficult to emulate games work, such as BattleToads, Bee-52, Mig 29
Soviet Fighter, and Crystalis to name a few.
I attempted cycle-accuracy in the CPU and PPU, and have more or less achieved
it. There is still a lot more work to be done, but it's totally playable
I plan on putting the code up soon under an unrestrictive license (MIT
maybe), after I clean it up a little.
Download Any-Yes 0.1.0
Let me know what you think, I certainly plan on improving it greatly! Thanks!
Instructions, from the readme:
Operating Any-Yes
To run: You must have Java installed. Simply double click the .jar file if
you are in Windows.
If that doesn't work, or you are in Linux, run this command:
java -jar any-yes.jar
Put ROMs in the included ROMS folder, which is the easiest method of
accessing them.
You can also navigate to whereever they are using the built-in file browser,
but it's still somewhat of a work in prgress.
The file browser is simply a frontend. To set key mappings and other options,
you must launch a game.
To navigate, click files or directories. To go up to a previous directory,
click the folder name in the top bar.
If you need to change the start-up directory, edit last_dir.txt, which is in
the loader/config/all/ subdirectory of the config location (see below)
You can make the window large by double clicking the title bar, or dragging
the edges to resize. True fullscreen support will come soon.
Zip support is very temperamental, some zip files refuse to open currently.
If you run into this problem, please unzip the rom and try again.
To map controller controls:
Press Escape while in a game
Click "Map Controls"
Currently cannot remap keyboard controls.
All config data currently is put in:
Windows: <OS Drive>:/vnand/
Linux: ~/vnand/
(VNAnd is the name of a larger multi-emulator platform I am working on, of
which Any-Yes is a module)
Any-Yes specific data and configs are in the engine_data/any-yes subdirectory.
Some notes about the recording system:
Press R or click "Create" in the menu to begin recording.
Press R again or click "Finish" to complete the recording.
Press T to play the recording. Currently you can only have one recording at a
time per game, to have more, move the recording file for that game.
You can make a recording over multiple play sessions by saving the state (F5)
while recording. If you load the save state later, it will continue recording.
Key list
Escape: Toggle Pause / Menu
Q - toggle NTSC simulation
W - toggle linear screen filter
S - toggle scanline overlay
` - hold for fast forward
R - toggle recording
T - play recording
F1 - quick save state
F2 - quick load state
F5 - save state file
F6 - Load state file
Arrow key - D-Pad
Z - B
X - A
Tab - Select
Enter - Start
Upcoming Features
Some lofty and not-so-lofty upcoming features I plan on supporting:
- Rewind
- Game Manual / Cover archival
- Better frontend
- Android (Mostly working)
- Neural Network to learn to play games (via reinforcement learning, think
Mar I/O)
- Javascript plugins
- External hardware simulation (plug and unplug virtual controllers, TVs, etc
in a visual way)
- Fast cycle-innacurate core
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