(Neogeo CD) Neogeo CD Debug BIOS v006 - 模擬器

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-06-17T11:30

Table of Contents


This is basically the equivalent of the Unibios for the NeoGeo CD
systems. The project was started on March 2010 and aims to achieve
a comparable feature set although it has only been around for a
fraction of the time. You may be violating copyright law in your
region by downloading this BIOS without an original SNK CD system.

Features include:

- Software controlled region switching
- Setting of the debug DIP and developer mode
- Setting of the system type to “home” or “MVS”
- Setting up the soft DIP just as they are on the MVS
- Cheat engine for PAR style cheats
- Robust power on self test for diagnosing faults
- Exception handling for diagnosing software/hardware faults
- Miscellaneous debugging stuff

Planned future features include:

- Slightly faster loading times without hardware mods
- Various refinements
- Feel free to make a suggestion to the author: [email protected]

How to use:

* Power on

- Power on with button ‘A’ held to access a new hardware test much
like an MVS would do when powered on. This method of testing relies
on very few components to be functioning in order to run a complete
test and is recommended if your system starts resetting, glitching,
throwing exceptions etc. Stock BIOS chips do not offer any sort of
self-testing for the user.
- Power on with button ‘B’ held to access an I/O test. Controller
tests, video and audio tests are available.

* Initial load

- Provided the option is enabled, you will see the main menu after
the game does its initial load. Any settings can be applied before
the actual game begins and the same menu can be accessed at any
time during gameplay.

* Gameplay

- Hold START + SELECT during gameplay to access the main menu at any
time. You can resume the game by pressing start in any page.

* Saving and loading settings

- The ‘SAVE’ option in the menu saves some currently selected
settings in your systems backup RAM. These settings apply to the
current game ONLY. During the initial load, the BIOS will
automatically load any settings you have previously saved for the
current game. The options saved are listed here.

- System type
- System region
- Debug settings
- Game soft DIP
- Currently selected cheats
- Possibly a few more things in the future

- A seperate entry is made in your backup RAM for each game you save
settings with. When viewing card data, you will see “(game name
here) DBG” for each game you save data. The smallest possible
size for a save file is used to prevent too much space from being
eaten by multiple games.

Known issues

* The following bugs are already known:

- Many games will reset instantly when starting in MVS mode. This fix
must be done for every game so it will take a while to make all
games compatible
- Debug dips do not seem to have any effect on most games



谷 繁 田 中 賢 稻 葉 吉 見 石 川 雅
矢 野 中 村 ロ ㄧ ズ チ ェ ン 攝 津
鳥 谷 ラミレス 涌 井 岩 瀨
小 笠 原 井 端 青 木 ダルビッ 藤 川
ブランコ 杉 內 クルㄧン
宮 本 田 中 將 林 昌 勇


All Comments


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2010-06-17T10:54
記得以前Dolphin官網有一個連結 可以看目前的模擬器支援哪些遊戲跟支援度 像PCSX2的官網那樣 一段時間沒有去 前幾天更新2.0後想去看看支援的遊戲 卻找不到那個連結 請問是刪掉了嗎atatand#34; - ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2010-06-17T03:53
: 推 upset:大約和任天堂同時代,Casio出過一款主機,遊戲有七寶奇謀, 04/13 09:59 : → upset:Gradius,Castle Excellent等,內容和任天堂版相當近似,不知道 04/13 10:00 : → upset:有人有相關資訊嗎? ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-06-16T22:41
實況位置 http://zh-tw.justin.tv/skylove2005 實況時間:現在 實況內容:洛克人世界5 前情提要 : 大家好久不見~還記得佛克人嘛?? 今晚要送上本實況台的招牌節目~佛克人世界5 今晚就請大家一起跟著享受全然不同的世 ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2010-06-16T21:36
有鑑於gogobox改版之後傳輸速度非常差 我把檔案壓縮以後放在媒體火 part1 32hhyln part2 2vc6ada 這兩個合併解壓縮 part3 2awnt4g 另外追加一個惡劣初始存檔 當年陸行鳥大冒險附贈許多大作的強力存檔 已作成.mcr格式 強力存檔 24ceh6t 存檔共有6種 ...

Dolphin r5704 玩 零 月蝕的假面

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2010-06-16T17:55
這款有一個問題就是 用真的Wii remote的時候 遇到第一個彈鋼琴的地方 游標可以移動 但是A鍵按下去 鋼琴按鍵會沒反應 之前玩的時候 用滑鼠模擬IR pointer去點就沒問題 而且可以順利全破 用Wii remote操作 除了鋼琴這邊以外 一切都很完美 ※ 引述《yu00928 ( ...