[NDS] 西雅圖水手隊主場提供 NDS的相關 … - 任天堂

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2007-07-11T07:02

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※ 引述《NintendoFans (任天道)》之銘言:
: http://www.lookoutlanding.com/story/2007/6/15/14417/3666
: 有 17 個下載機台可以下載軟體至球迷的 DS 本體內以進行以下的服務
: * 透過 DS 的螢幕, 在球場內的每個座位都能同步觀賞球場內的比賽, 包含有爭議
: 性的判決也能在 DS 上看到
: * 透過 DS, 可以在座位上點餐:熱狗, 汽水...等
: * 透過 DS 可以查看全 MLB選手的數據
: * 同步得知正在進行的其他場次的比數與資訊
: * 球迷們可以彼此對戰小遊戲
: 主場已經開始有販售 NDSL 的服務, 還有個水手隊的圖案印在上面
: http://gonintendo.com/?p=18047
: 還有許多的可能性, 例如利用 NDS來進行明星賽的票選....等
: 現階段的計畫都只會在西雅圖水手隊主場實行


Nintendo is making a pitch to turn its portable DS Lite into a baseball
staple, bringing interactive technology to fans through a pilot program being
tested this season at the Mariners’ Safeco Field.

The innovative program is called the Nintendo Fan Network. For a fee, the
network uploads a program onto the user’s DS Lite and allows fans to order
food and drinks, watch the live television feed of the game, access stats and
scores and play trivia, all from the comfort of their seat - whether it’s a
premium seat behind home plate or in the top row of the stadium.

“It’s been a work in progress. Once we created the technology of the DS, we
started looking at other applications to use its wireless features,” said
Nintendo corporate affairs manager J.C. Smith. “The program system became so
popular … so we sought other ways to make this a fun system for people to

The program is still in the beginning stages, but Smith said the idea is
being embraced by Major League Baseball and fans as another way to make
attending a game more interactive. Nintendo declined to provide numbers on
how many users are purchasing software for the program — at $5 a pop for one
game or $30 for 10 games.

有講到啥重點嗎??我看得很快不過好像沒看到有啥重點 -_-



All Comments


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2007-07-11T00:03
http://ameblo.jp/sinobi/entry-10039397938.html 消息來源:忍之閻魔帳 才在6月23日開賣銀色與玫瑰色兩種新色的NDSL 即將在七月底停產深藍色的機型 -- 可能因為這種顏色賣得最差 要把產能空出來生產其他顏色吧? 不過我覺得深藍色也不難看啊 害我開始考慮要不要 ...

[Wii] Boogie Tracklist Revealed

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2007-07-10T23:24
Boogie Tracklist Revealed http://4colorrebellion.com/archives/2007/07/10/ boogie-tracklist-revealed/#more-5128 ABC - The Jackson 5 Baila Me - Gyps ...

Wii 六月日本國內的銷售量擴大到PS3的六倍

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2007-07-10T23:06
根據enterbrain調查 5/28 - 6/24 四週間的銷售量 Wii 為25萬台 , 而 PS3 為剛突破四萬 Wii 與 PS3 的差距已經由剛發賣的2倍3倍拉到6倍之多 http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20070703-00000006-maia-game ...

NDS 初登場

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2007-07-10T22:57
回顧了 Wii, 也來回顧一下 04 年的 E3 展 NDS 初登場 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc2NIDShXwY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcLI5Mki47A -- ▁▂ ▅▆▆▆▅ ▂▁ ...

[Wii] Hands-on Rayman Raving Rabbids 2

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2007-07-10T21:13
Dirty Laundry (July 9, 2007) http://media.wii.ign.com/media/903/903778/vid_2046224.html Donand#39;t Get Caught Goofing Off (July 9, 2007) http://media.wii ...