(NDS) No$gba v2.7d - 模擬器

By Quanna
at 2014-11-10T12:01
at 2014-11-10T12:01
Table of Contents
NO$GBA pronounced as No Cash GBA is a Nintendo DS / DS Lite and GameBoy
Advance emulator for Windows XP, Vindows VISTA and MS-DOS. NO$GBA options
include emulating all known save types as well as and multiple cartridges
reading. NoGBA supports multiplayer and is able to load multiple NDS ROM
files for linking games. Multiplayer for GBA Games is also supported.
No$gba v2.7d Changelog:
- nds-mode-option: added poppy nds-lite mode, and new (experimental) dsi mode
- gba-mode-option: renamed poppy bright color option to poppy nds-lite colors
- dsi/bios-clone: supports SHA1 swi functions via 80x86 code (swi 24h..29h)
- cpu/swi: allows executing buggy System Flaw SWI number, when warnings
- dsi/help: added chipset pin-outs (cpu/ram/nand/snd/tsc/rtc/led/pwr/vol/etc)
- dsi/help: added pin-outs for all internal connectors on DSi main+dpad boards
- dsi/help: added dsi component lists for mainboard, wifi, battery, etc.
- dsi/help: warning on AES little-endian (ctr,mac,key, and 16-byte-xor-blocks)
- dsi/help: added details about modcrypt and AES special key_x/key_y feature
- dsi/emu: supports new shared-ram mapping (wram-a,b,c) in emu and debugger
- dsi/help: added sd/mmc pinouts, card shapes, and onboard NAND-solder pads
- dsi/help: added notes on DSi memory map (with extra Main RAM and WRAM
- dsi/help: merged DSi7 and DSi9 BIOS chapters with overall BIOS descriptions
- dsi/help: added notes on DSi7 and DSi9 IntrWait/VblankIntrWait BIOS bugs
- dsi/help: added partial I/O maps for SD/NAND (based on linux "tmio_mmc"
- dsi/debug: resolves DSi I/O area 4004xxxh in debugger's code/data windows
- dsi/emu: added support for new I/O areas at 4004xxxh on ARM7 and ARM9 sides
- dsi/boot: loads ARM7i and ARM9i areas as specified in DSi cartridge header
- dsi/boot: loads DSi cartheader to 2FFE000h (instead of NDS header to
- dsi/boot: cartloader resolves modcrypt areas (within @@load_block function)
- dsi/emu: added provisions for new interrupt sources (IE2/IF2 registers)
- dsi/debug: disassembler resolves swi names for DSi7/DSi9 bios functions
- dsi/a22i: computes extended icon/title crc16's (on ".fix" and icon_version)
- dsi/a22i: fixes sha1's and applies modcrypt (on ".dsi" plus ".fix"
- dsi/a22i: added ".dsi" directive (produces binary with .dsi extension)
- dsi/emu: implemented AES in 8086 asm (not mounted to DSi I/O emulation yet)
- dsi/help: added notes on extended icon/title (new unknown language, new
- dsi/help: added SHA1 and SHA1-HMAC pseudo code (in BIOS swi chapter)
- dsi/help: added AES pseudo code (core, key, tables, and AES-CNT and AES-CTR)
- poc/bios: avoids unsupported 8086-bios irq/fiq/swi emulation (always use
- dsi/help: added info on blowfish differences (cmd 3Dh, level=1, dsi-key)
- dsi/help: added info on additional known/unknown dsi cartridge header
- dsi/help: added BIOS dumping chapter (info on what is dumpable on
- xboo: added dsi cartridge dumping function (requires dsi7bios and nds-xboo)
- xboo: allows downloading NDS cart when GBA slot empty
- mem: faster gba slot access right changes (faster exmemcnt with new
- web/donations: added bitcoin and classic bank details (instead of paypal)
- web: released pixel-edited dsi mainboard photo with signal names;
NO$GBA pronounced as No Cash GBA is a Nintendo DS / DS Lite and GameBoy
Advance emulator for Windows XP, Vindows VISTA and MS-DOS. NO$GBA options
include emulating all known save types as well as and multiple cartridges
reading. NoGBA supports multiplayer and is able to load multiple NDS ROM
files for linking games. Multiplayer for GBA Games is also supported.
No$gba v2.7d Changelog:
- nds-mode-option: added poppy nds-lite mode, and new (experimental) dsi mode
- gba-mode-option: renamed poppy bright color option to poppy nds-lite colors
- dsi/bios-clone: supports SHA1 swi functions via 80x86 code (swi 24h..29h)
- cpu/swi: allows executing buggy System Flaw SWI number, when warnings
- dsi/help: added chipset pin-outs (cpu/ram/nand/snd/tsc/rtc/led/pwr/vol/etc)
- dsi/help: added pin-outs for all internal connectors on DSi main+dpad boards
- dsi/help: added dsi component lists for mainboard, wifi, battery, etc.
- dsi/help: warning on AES little-endian (ctr,mac,key, and 16-byte-xor-blocks)
- dsi/help: added details about modcrypt and AES special key_x/key_y feature
- dsi/emu: supports new shared-ram mapping (wram-a,b,c) in emu and debugger
- dsi/help: added sd/mmc pinouts, card shapes, and onboard NAND-solder pads
- dsi/help: added notes on DSi memory map (with extra Main RAM and WRAM
- dsi/help: merged DSi7 and DSi9 BIOS chapters with overall BIOS descriptions
- dsi/help: added notes on DSi7 and DSi9 IntrWait/VblankIntrWait BIOS bugs
- dsi/help: added partial I/O maps for SD/NAND (based on linux "tmio_mmc"
- dsi/debug: resolves DSi I/O area 4004xxxh in debugger's code/data windows
- dsi/emu: added support for new I/O areas at 4004xxxh on ARM7 and ARM9 sides
- dsi/boot: loads ARM7i and ARM9i areas as specified in DSi cartridge header
- dsi/boot: loads DSi cartheader to 2FFE000h (instead of NDS header to
- dsi/boot: cartloader resolves modcrypt areas (within @@load_block function)
- dsi/emu: added provisions for new interrupt sources (IE2/IF2 registers)
- dsi/debug: disassembler resolves swi names for DSi7/DSi9 bios functions
- dsi/a22i: computes extended icon/title crc16's (on ".fix" and icon_version)
- dsi/a22i: fixes sha1's and applies modcrypt (on ".dsi" plus ".fix"
- dsi/a22i: added ".dsi" directive (produces binary with .dsi extension)
- dsi/emu: implemented AES in 8086 asm (not mounted to DSi I/O emulation yet)
- dsi/help: added notes on extended icon/title (new unknown language, new
- dsi/help: added SHA1 and SHA1-HMAC pseudo code (in BIOS swi chapter)
- dsi/help: added AES pseudo code (core, key, tables, and AES-CNT and AES-CTR)
- poc/bios: avoids unsupported 8086-bios irq/fiq/swi emulation (always use
- dsi/help: added info on blowfish differences (cmd 3Dh, level=1, dsi-key)
- dsi/help: added info on additional known/unknown dsi cartridge header
- dsi/help: added BIOS dumping chapter (info on what is dumpable on
- xboo: added dsi cartridge dumping function (requires dsi7bios and nds-xboo)
- xboo: allows downloading NDS cart when GBA slot empty
- mem: faster gba slot access right changes (faster exmemcnt with new
- web/donations: added bitcoin and classic bank details (instead of paypal)
- web: released pixel-edited dsi mainboard photo with signal names;
All Comments

By Leila
at 2014-11-12T14:14
at 2014-11-12T14:14

By Caroline
at 2014-11-16T03:10
at 2014-11-16T03:10

By Zenobia
at 2014-11-18T02:25
at 2014-11-18T02:25

By Margaret
at 2014-11-20T18:14
at 2014-11-20T18:14
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