NAOMI Test 12/3 - 模擬器

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2010-02-27T16:13

Table of Contents

Haven't posted any screenshots lately so here goes - SEGA Strike Figher and
Virtual On:

Back to the business at hand - apparently this blog started to attract the
wrong type of crowd. Teen angst and/or stupidity I can deal with but I'm not
sure if I should keep tolerating comments that are clearly meant to be
abusive (to me or to other people). For now I'll just change my policy on
deleting comments. If that doesn't help, there are other methods I have at my
Pity, but I guess in any large enough group of people there's bound to be an
idiot or two.

Oh, and I can't seem to get this point across: No, you can't have analog
controls mapped to keyboard. Period.
That said, inputs will not work in some games on T12 series, and this
includes Power Stone, Zombie Revenge and Crazy Taxi, to name a few. Yes, I
could hack around it but I see little point in doing so. These problems
should hopefully be gone in next major release. Also, keep in mind these are
arcade games and often work with dedicated controls that are not easily

BTW, I fixed some problems and added more games again so I just might release
another version soon. Watch this space.

UPDATE: I just found this serial port log sitting on my hard drive. Try to
guess which game it came from (don't let the text fool you, it's from NAOMI):

Nindows2 for DREAMCAST version 2.12
Startup SCIF 115200 BPS Buffer[1024Byte]

Address = $8dc16140
Size = $00027c00

UPDATE 2: As promised, here's an update. I bumped the version number to T12/3
to avoid confusion. Runs few more games, has detection code for plain images
(though those will not work if the protection cannot be emulated). Get it
while it's still there :)
Oh, and you can't exactly play Crazy Taxi right now but there's always the
Dreamcast version. Many people don't realize you can get much better shadows
in that game with Z-fail #2 method (set in F11 menu).


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By Hardy
at 2010-02-27T12:35
怎麼感覺好久沒更新了? desmume感覺更新的很快orz 精華區裡面的網址進去之後 總覺得那個網頁的文章一直停在2009的...... 可以請問一下是不是這個模擬器停止開發了呢? 謝謝 - ...

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