N64: Glide64 'Napalm' v1.0 - 模擬器

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2008-04-24T11:21

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Published wednesday 23 april 2008 by gonetz

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!

The Glide64 Team proudly presents you the new release of our project – ′

The project now consists of three parts. The main part – Glide64 graphics
plugin – was changed a lot since the previous public release. It’s simply
impossible to list all modifications. New version has tons of bugfixes and
optimizations. Large number of special effects implemented. Lots of hacks
removed, because they are not necessary anymore. Lots of previously
unplayable games are playable now. Lots of games, which worked good before
now work even better. Screen shots of most noticeable improvements were
posted on our forum. Check also the updated screen shots gallery.

The second part – Glitch64 glide wrapper – was also changed much. Beside
various fixes and optimizations it now supports anisotropic filtering and
compressed textures.

The third part – GlideHQ – is a new module, which implements various
texture enhancement techniques. It supports 6 texture filters, 7 methods of
texture enhancement, 2 methods of texture compression. Beside that it fully
supports Rice’s format of Hi-Resolution texture packs, with various optional
techniques to save texture memory.

Project related documentation was improved too. We put all useful docs in one
file ′Glide64 Info.chm′. Please read ′Readme′ part of it, at least first
two chapters, with general information and setup instructions.

Due to huge number of changes, new bugs might be introduced too. Despite the
intensive beta testing during all period of development, some issues had been
found and fixed right before the release. Thus, if you will find an issue,
which is not mentioned in the ′Known Issues′ part of the documentation,
please report about it on our forum.

I gave this version codename ′Napalm′. ′Napalm′ is also the codename for
VSA-100 graphic chip, on which 3dfx Voodoo 4 and Voodoo 5 series were built.
I still use Voodoo 5 in my home PC. This version of the plugin uses a lot of
VSA-100 special abilities; therefore it was also named ‘Napalm’. BTW, there
are few effects, which you can see only on VSA-100 based cards, or on N64
itself. Check ′Games Tips and Tricks′ part of the documentation for details.


All Comments


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2008-04-23T21:19
大概十幾年前玩的了 哥哥跟朋友借回來的pc-e 小小一台~遊戲是插一片薄薄的卡那種 那個遊戲是橫向捲軸的 主角的攻擊是手腳頭會伸長吧! 可能說的不太清楚 不過只記得手腳會伸長打人這樣而已 有請大德告訴我一下這款遊戲的名稱 謝謝 -- → nolive:重點是那個女的正嗎? 218.165. ...


James avatar
By James
at 2008-04-23T14:48
詢問一款街機遊戲 就是類似街頭打架的遊戲 可以雙人玩 可以選擇人物 其中有一個胖胖型的,上半身是穿綠色衣服 還有是藍色的人物 還有一個是女生 遊戲中有箱子或是其他物品可以丟 不過最特別的是 當打一個敵人時 最後都會有一個昇龍拳的招式出來 跳的還蠻高的 不知道有人知道這款遊戲嗎?? 謝謝 - ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2008-04-23T12:11
◎.求檔前請先參閱版規,並請儘量依照格式撰寫,謝謝您(本文可自行手動消去) ______________________________________________________________________________ 遊戲平台:PS(印象中) 內容陳述: 不太清楚遊戲名 是一款橫向戰鬥遊 ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2008-04-23T09:54
剛剛下載了遊戲 但是準備用NO$GBA打開時卻出現了and#34;cartrige not foundand#34;的訊息 這是怎麼回事啊 冏andgt; - ...

DeSmuME 0.8

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2008-04-23T09:16
April 22nd, 2008 We’re finally back! This new release fixes a number of bugs in the emulation core. The Mac port got a lot of new featu ...