(N64 for MAC) Sixtyforce v1.0.2 - 模擬器

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2018-09-06T19:48

Table of Contents


Sixtyforce the Nintendo 64 emulator for the Mac. It does this by dynamically
translating the code that a Nintendo 64 uses into something your Mac
understands. Nearly every part of a Nintendo 64 has been painstakingly
recreated entirely out of software to pull off such an amazing feat.


- Support for Intel 64 bits.
- The code is signed for Mountain Lion.
- Update to use APIs modern as possible.
- The USB controllers can now be connected and disconnected when Sistyforce
is running.
- Added default settings for multiple controllers.
- Improved reliability sauvgardes state.
- Fixed a bug that caused the left and right audio channels were reversed.
- Various fixes.


- Generating code 64-bit addressing.
- Fixed bugs in the kernel emulation.
- Fixed bugs with interrupts unmasked.
- Updated to use modern memory protection.
- Improved startup.


- Conversion faster textures.
- Improved restoration and registration status.
- Fixed problems of color combiner.
- Fixed clipping issues.
- Fixed the sky in GoldenEye.
- Support basic Conker's Bad Fur Day.
- Start the implementation of the buffer in real time.
- Remove obsolete preferences.

Sixtyforce v1.0.2 Changelog:

What's new in this version of sixtyforce:

- Added automatic cursor hiding while the emulator is running.
- Added larger file icons.
- Improved support for Japanese cartridges.
- Fixed several bugs with UI calls happening outside the main thread.
- Fixed a memory leak when the FPS counter is displayed.
- Fixed a possible crash with the preferences window.
- Replaced a number of deprecated APIs with modern equivalents.
- Removed support for 32-bit versions of Max OS X.

What's new in this version of SFGL:

- Added YUV texture conversion.
- Fixed a bug with texture rectangles using the wrong size texture.
- Fixed a bug where textures could be released from the cache while they were
still in use.
- Fixed a bug with textures not fully loading.
- Fixed several bugs that cause corrupted textures.
- Fixed several texture conversion bugs.
- Fixed several bugs that prevented framebuffers from being properly written
to memory.
- Fixed many bugs with sprites and sprite background drawing.
- Fixed a memory leak with glBufferData.





All Comments

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2018-09-07T01:44


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2018-09-06T10:56
※ 引述《YuQilin (神獸)》之銘言: : 不過RetroArch的操作介面在桌機上我覺得不是很方便, : 推 napdh: 我覺得retroarch設計就是為了手把,用個xbox手把還蠻方便的 09/05 19:16 : 推 wenen: RetroArch在最新的1.7.4版加入桌面UI,更適合電 ...

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Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2018-09-06T08:25
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Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2018-09-06T00:01
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Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2018-09-05T23:20
[前言] 八月底的金萬年湯姆熊之旅 大開眼界最新大型電玩的魅力 也由那次開始決定好好回頭遊玩 那陣子嘗試出來的舊款大型電玩移植遊戲 (Taito X Loader跟Teknoparrot本人已放棄Orz) 本篇只有兩三款模擬器測試畫面 以及簡單文字補充 請見諒,往後硬體到位有緣再來把本文補完 先放上國外模 ...

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Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2018-09-05T20:37
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