(N64 for MAC) Sixtyforce v1.0 - 模擬器

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2014-06-13T22:29

Table of Contents


Sixtyforce the Nintendo 64 emulator for the Mac. It does this by dynamically
translating the code that a Nintendo 64 uses into something your Mac
understands. Nearly every part of a Nintendo 64 has been painstakingly
recreated entirely out of software to pull off such an amazing feat.



- Support for Intel 64 bits.
- The code is signed for Mountain Lion.
- Update to use APIs modern as possible.
- The USB controllers can now be connected and disconnected when Sistyforce
is running.
- Added default settings for multiple controllers.
- Improved reliability sauvgardes state.
- Fixed a bug that caused the left and right audio channels were reversed.
- Various fixes.


- Generating code 64-bit addressing.
- Fixed bugs in the kernel emulation.
- Fixed bugs with interrupts unmasked.
- Updated to use modern memory protection.
- Improved startup.


- Conversion faster textures.
- Improved restoration and registration status.
- Fixed problems of color combiner.
- Fixed clipping issues.
- Fixed the sky in GoldenEye.
- Support basic Conker's Bad Fur Day.
- Start the implementation of the buffer in real time.
- Remove obsolete preferences.

Sixtyforce v1.0 Changelog:

What's new in this version of sixtyforce:

* Moved controller settings into the preferences window and built a new
* USB controllers can now have more than one configuration.
* Controller configuration now includes calibration when necessary.
* Added controller defaults for the PS4 controller.
* Game freezes now run automatically when opened.
* Opening game freezes will now disable auto-saving without asking.
* Code cache now recycles blocks.
* New low-level graphics processing.
* Automatic switching to the new low-level graphics when SFGL can’t handle a
* Modernized OpenGL code.
* Added a new timing mode to fix some major compatibility problems.
* Added several new dsp instructions and fixed some old ones.
* Added a check and warning for the required OpenGL extensions.
* Fixed some emulation compatibility problems that prevented some games from
* Fixed problems with 32-bit video modes.
* Fixed some bugs with video modes that could cause crashes.
* Fixed a problem with QuickLook previews not displaying.

What's new in this version of SFGL:

* Added new low-level graphics processing.
* Rewrote blending. Much more accurate.
* Rewrote the texture caching. Much faster.
* Improved alpha comparison.
* Improved framebuffer emulation.
* Improved microcode detection.
* Improved video mode emulation.
* Modernized everything for the OpenGL 3.2 API.
* Fixed a problem where some graphics modes reset properties they shouldn't.
* Fixed a bug that caused textures to stretch and scale improperly.
* Fixed several other texture mapping glitches.
* Fixed a major clipping problem.
* Fixed some possible crashes when processing bad display lists.
* Fixed a possible crashing bug with video modes.
* Other bug fixes.






All Comments


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2014-06-13T14:38
去年 Video Game History Museum 在 GDC 的 SEGA 歷史特展讓我爽到升天, (http://kwl.vcity.biz/blog/?p=1449) 而今年,Video Game History Museum 又再次於 GDC 出展, 主題換成了任天堂! 觀展紀錄:http: ...

nullDC 記憶卡設置問題

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2014-06-13T13:27
最近在用nullDC 1.0.4 遊戲可以進行,但是卻無法儲存 看到遊戲裡記憶卡選項也無法點進去儲存 都會顯示and#34;Not enough empty blocks availableand#34; 以及and#34;A Memory Card with 5 blocks of empty spac ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2014-06-12T02:00
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5Plhv_mPT4#t=83 其實我看到最後標題,對照這幾年來老卡延續遊戲壽命的政策,我笑翻了我 命名這個梗就先不把它打出來了,但確實頗有惡趣味,就少了個萬惡DLC而已 -- 是我老了嗎?今年的E3都沒看到啥好玩的 - ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2014-06-11T06:34
本篇劇情包含[運命の時へ……/星の夢の終わりに/ED01時の向こうへ]的進度 本作因為有高達13種結局(DS版是14種),這裡先用最一般的結局收尾。 後面的文章再陸續貼其他結局的內容。 至於我常用的組合,一個是下面最終決戰用的クロノ/カエル/エイラ(攻守偷取得平衡) 一個則 ...


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2014-06-10T21:36
汉化程度98%,剧情 对话 战斗 经营部分全部汉化,游戏中有部分世嘉的老游戏 的名字和介绍因为不熟悉 没敢汉化(有对世嘉老游戏熟悉的, 还懂翻译的可以帮忙汉化) 。 老玩家都会知道的游戏,从喜剧的角度来模拟业界 变化的 游戏, 侧面介绍了世嘉公司衰败的原因。 游戏中隐含的对手就是 SONY, 任务是收复整合 ...