(N64) 1964 - Carnivorous Edition - 模擬器

By Emily
at 2016-12-17T10:19
at 2016-12-17T10:19
Table of Contents
Unofficial fork of 1964. 1964 is a free Open Source N64 Emulator. It is one
of the top Nintendo emulators arround that you can get with a high game
compatibility rate.
Updated GLideN64 (RC2 - 9cb094a build)
Fixed cursor hiding while changing plugin settings
Fixed show\hide cursor bug (tab now toggles cursor)
Changed filenames - caused emu detect issues in W10 (thanks Stunning Cactus)
New esdf profile for DInput
Auto enable\disable rsp emulation for ge\pd
Adds crc to Project64.rdb when running new rom (jabo compatibility)
Default plugins set to Jabo - DInput - Azimer
Default rdram\counter factor set to - 1 & 8mb
Romlist shows filename by default
Force perfect dark\gex to eeprom 16KB - detects using rom's internal name
Two overclock profiles to use - six\nine times
Compiled non-overclocked 1964 version - for slow cpus\novelty
Inserted gex 5d crc to 1964.ini\Project64.rdb
Mouse injector
Plugin version coming soon
Removed accidental tab from error message
New crouch reconfigure option (CTRL+F8)
PD now supported by player 2 build
Mouse locks correctly on multi-screen setups
Mouse input now reads from driver (thanks to ManyMouse by rcg)
Replaced strcmp with strcasecm - possible source of emu detect issues
Settings are shown by default to avoid confusion (thanks Graslu)
New option - radial menu mouse control for PD
Refactored code
New option - toggle crouch
Disable speedhack if player is using combat boost or match is slow motion
Capped emulator search rate to two per second - from five hundered per second
Capped injection rate for perfect dark speed hack - was unstable
Changed description for Aim Mode to Cursor Aiming
Halfed crosshair movement default
New exe description
Updated emulator filenames
Unofficial fork of 1964. 1964 is a free Open Source N64 Emulator. It is one
of the top Nintendo emulators arround that you can get with a high game
compatibility rate.
Updated GLideN64 (RC2 - 9cb094a build)
Fixed cursor hiding while changing plugin settings
Fixed show\hide cursor bug (tab now toggles cursor)
Changed filenames - caused emu detect issues in W10 (thanks Stunning Cactus)
New esdf profile for DInput
Auto enable\disable rsp emulation for ge\pd
Adds crc to Project64.rdb when running new rom (jabo compatibility)
Default plugins set to Jabo - DInput - Azimer
Default rdram\counter factor set to - 1 & 8mb
Romlist shows filename by default
Force perfect dark\gex to eeprom 16KB - detects using rom's internal name
Two overclock profiles to use - six\nine times
Compiled non-overclocked 1964 version - for slow cpus\novelty
Inserted gex 5d crc to 1964.ini\Project64.rdb
Mouse injector
Plugin version coming soon
Removed accidental tab from error message
New crouch reconfigure option (CTRL+F8)
PD now supported by player 2 build
Mouse locks correctly on multi-screen setups
Mouse input now reads from driver (thanks to ManyMouse by rcg)
Replaced strcmp with strcasecm - possible source of emu detect issues
Settings are shown by default to avoid confusion (thanks Graslu)
New option - radial menu mouse control for PD
Refactored code
New option - toggle crouch
Disable speedhack if player is using combat boost or match is slow motion
Capped emulator search rate to two per second - from five hundered per second
Capped injection rate for perfect dark speed hack - was unstable
Changed description for Aim Mode to Cursor Aiming
Halfed crosshair movement default
New exe description
Updated emulator filenames
All Comments

By Mason
at 2016-12-20T10:26
at 2016-12-20T10:26
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