MYM part ways with CS team - Steam

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2010-07-09T08:57

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MYM part ways with CS team
Time: 2010-07-09 03:28

Meet Your Makers have announced they have decided to part company with their
Swedish Counter-Strike team.

Reports in Sweden on Wednesday indicated that MYM had lost their CS team just
weeks after a convincing third-place finish at DreamHack Summer. knows that the players have decided against renewing their contracts
with MYM after the German-based organisation failed to meet their demands
over an improved deal.

"I would like to thank the organisation, MeetYourMakers, for the time we
had together, they gave me the chance to play all around the world in
different states and im really happy and thankful for that," Marcus "Delpan"
Larsson told

"This was the beginning of my top gaming career and it is now time to
move on. Thanks to all MYM fans that supported us during the last year. See
you out there!"

The decision leaves MYM without a Counter-Strike team, with the organisation
stating that a new line-up will soon come to life.

As for MYM's previous team, there has been no indication of whether they will
stick together or go their separate ways in different projects.

動 請
ν) 作 勿
到了最後 在身邊的 只剩X跟影子... √■_ˍ▁▂▃▄▄▃

Tags: Steam

All Comments

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2010-07-13T07:10
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-07-18T03:31
mojawi好像也宣佈解散 難道說現在解散是種流行嗎!??
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2010-07-18T23:50
成績打不出來 隊員們就會失去動力 MaT/P0My打算退役


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-07-08T16:58
最近想玩steam的CS1.6 可是自己沒產品包序號 因為聽說要CS序號才可以用Steam玩 之前都是用我朋友的玩 所以想問看看光華還有再賣嗎? 哪些電有賣?? 有人知道嗎謝謝 - ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2010-07-08T04:48
嗯 朋友從大陸打來問我= =and#34; 他們想4個『人』在一隊 其他都是虛擬BOT 放在另一隊 但是系統總是會平均人數 他打來問我 我也不知道怎麼弄 但應該是可以固定人數吧? - ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2010-07-07T23:09
我想請問一下 要購買這二個哪邊可以得到較划算的價錢阿.. 之前的特價沒跟到殘念... 因為我姊夫也喜歡玩 已經要勸敗成功的說 哈哈 之前他都玩CSO 因為受夠外掛要投入STEAM的懷抱了 所以有哪位板友知道哪邊較划算 告知一下吧 感恩~~ - ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2010-07-07T12:36
呃 我昨天晚上玩還好好的 今天白天一開程式 就出現防毒軟體開始叫 valuequicktime.dll偵測出病毒 然後進去遊戲後也怪怪的 一上網連線進入遊戲後 馬上就出現程式錯誤要強制關閉 value今天有出過什麼更新嗎 我把DODS, HL2主程式都砍了再重下載 也是一樣的問題 有人有遇過嗎atat 我現在 ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2010-07-07T11:54
我只是個小玩家 根本對正式比賽八竿子也打不著 只是和朋友閒聊之下 他講說cs正式比賽跳是不能設在滾輪的 有這回事嗎? 還是蹲不能設? 還是跳及蹲都不能綁? 另外請問一下 禁止這個的用意是? 不要選手使用超級跳?小蹲跳? -- 明天一個人的我依然會自慰 那怕早已沒有豆漿可發射 別問我為何 ...