Mupen64Plus 20100214 - 模擬器

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2010-02-14T23:09

Table of Contents

Mupen64Plus 20100214 is released. Mupen64Plus is a N64 emulator and plugins
for Linux, Mac OSX, and FreeBSD. Mupen64Plus is a plugin-based N64 emulator
for Linux which is capable of accurately playing many games. Included are
four MIPS R4300 CPU emulators, with dynamic recompilers for 32-bit x86 and
64-bit amd64 systems, and necessary plugins for audio, graphical rendering
(RDP), signal co-processor (RSP), and input. There are 3 OpenGL video plugins
included: glN64, RiceVideoLinux, and Glide64.

Mupen64Plus Features:
* Dynamic recompilers for 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (amd64) machines
* 3 OpenGL video plugins: glN64, RiceVideoLinux, Glide64
* Hi-resolution texture support in Rice Video
* LIRC Infrared remote control support
* Rumble Pak support
* Graphical R4300 debugger
* Cheat system with gameshark code support
* Speed adjustment with smooth sound output
* GTK2-based GUI
* Qt4-based GUI
* Command-line options for integration into other systems
* Installation support for multi-user systems


All Comments


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2010-02-14T20:19 First version of Dreamcast VMS for Nintendo DS has been released. - ...

VBA rerecording svn203

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2010-02-14T20:11 r203 fix the initialization of window height r202 Change AdditionalLibraryDirectories from lib/win32 (not exist) ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2010-02-14T17:39
最近高橋名人似乎又開始活躍了, 突然想到這片當年的名作, 系列作 的原點:轟炸超人(BOMBER MAN/爆彈男)已經是HUDSON的看板遊戲了, 各種 衍生作品一堆, 還有電視卡通, 台灣的OLG彈水阿給應該也是抄來的,只是 不曉得有沒有官方授權....這片剛出時記得好像就有在小賣店玩過, 不過 也 ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2010-02-14T15:48
虎年的新年快樂!!! 求檔+詢問XD 我大掃除在壁櫥找到十幾年前的紅白機, 以前那種單一輸出梅花頭也不知道要怎麼接? 不過已經壞了XD 連電源都沒有。 另外有一台FC不過是黑殼的,插卡夾開電源以後一片白。 酒精擦過也一樣,發現以前的IC都長的超大一顆, 燒在ROM裡面的東西會不會因為歲月而消 ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2010-02-14T12:19
因為覺得這遊戲是不可思議迷宮類型遊戲中 少數音樂極佳的作品(可以參考下列網址) 遊戲性佳 巴哈姆特PS版也曾有人給予高評價 剛出的時候也小有名氣過 原本想錄音自聽並收藏 不過在(燒錄後真實光碟模擬)模擬的時候發生麻煩 因為最 ...