(Multi-System) Mednafen v1.22.1 - 模擬器

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2019-01-29T19:10

Table of Contents


Mednafen is a portable, utilizing OpenGL and SDL,
argument(command-line)-driven multi-system emulator. Mednafen has the ability
to remap hotkey functions and virtual system inputs to a keyboard, a
joystick, or both simultaneously. Save states are supported, as is real-time
game rewinding. Screen snapshots may be taken, in the PNG file format, at the
press of a button. Mednafen can record audiovisual movies in the QuickTime
file format, with several different lossless codecs supported.

The following systems are supported(refer to the emulation module
documentation for more details):

Apple II/II+
Atari Lynx
Neo Geo Pocket (Color)
GameBoy (Color)
GameBoy Advance
Nintendo Entertainment System
Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom
Virtual Boy
PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 (CD)
Sega Game Gear
Sega Genesis/Megadrive
Sega Master System
Sega Saturn (experimental, x86_64 only)
Sony PlayStation
Mednafen is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2.

Due to the threaded model of emulation used in Mednafen, and limitations of
SDL, a joystick is preferred over a keyboard to play games, as the joystick
will have slightly less latency, although the latency differences may not be
perceptible to most people.

-- 1.22.1: --

January 27, 2019:

Changed the default sound device for the OpenBSD sound driver from
"/dev/audio" to "/dev/audio0".

January 26, 2019:

Semaphores are now implemented with condition variables and mutexes when
compiling against a POSIX threads implementation without sem_timedwait().

January 23, 2019:

PC-FX: Replaced old RAINBOW IDCT code with newly-written code.

January 20, 2019:

Some hotkeys in the debugger's memory editor weren't being ignored
properly when in text entry mode; fixed. (Regression introduced in

January 1, 2019:

Apple2: Corrected minimum allowed value for the
"apple2.video.mono_lumafilter" setting(was -2 when it
should have been -3).

SS: Corrected line-scroll handling in double-density interlaced mode with
non-zero LSS; fixes broken background graphics effect in Dural's stage
in "Virtua Fighter 2".

SS: Added "Linkle Liver Story" to the internal database of games to use
the data cache read bypass kludge with, to fix a crash/hang when going
to the world map.





All Comments

cemu 塞爾達風之律動 左類比

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2019-01-25T02:47
抱歉打擾到各位大大了 又有問題了 剛剛用cemu玩wiiu的塞爾達 風之律動hd 我用的是xbox360的搖桿 我在遊戲時發現 左邊控制方向的類比搖桿的”上”怪怪的 往左可以往左跑 往右可以往右跑 往下可以往後跑 唯獨往上只能用走的 速度很慢 試過其他遊戲都沒這個問題 Ex:wiiu馬利歐3d do ...

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Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2019-01-24T11:35
想請問為何玩銀河馬利一直卡頓 我的電腦設備是 E3 1231 v3 Gtx770 4g Ram16g 硬碟是ssd 我看到youtube有人跟我差不多配備 但就是蠻順的 https://youtu.be/_Z50FU4KymY 我的情況是 我就算調到最低的解析度 不開抗鋸齒 也一樣會卡 通常是看到粒子特 ...

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Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2019-01-24T01:30
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Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2019-01-23T20:49
他類似洛克人 但是直向的彈幕遊戲 玩家男的應該是古代人 玩家一開始有光可以用 但是光要到結尾才能集氣 且最後BOSS只有光的集氣才能打傷 還有四種武器分別是水,火,風,地 但這4個武器無法打傷最終BOSS 當過渡時期的武器 劇情 結局方面 最後BOSS死掉的時候 主角大哭 有人知道這款叫什麼嗎? GO ...

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By Lydia
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