(Multi-System) higan vv094r26 - 模擬器

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2015-06-16T19:36

Table of Contents


higan (formerly bsnes) is a Nintendo multi-system emulator that began
development on 2004-10-14. It currently supports the following systems:

- Famicom
- Super Famicom
- Game Boy
- Game Boy Color
- Game Boy Advance

higan also supports the following subsystems:

- Super Game Boy
- BS-X Satellaview
- Sufami Turbo

higan vv094r26 Changelog:

Obviously, this is a fairly major WIP. It's the first public release in 17
months. The entire UI has been rewritten (for the 74th time), and is now
internally called tomoko. The official releases will be named higan (both the
binaries and title bar.)

Missing features from v094:

* ananke is missing (this means you will need v094 to create game folders to
be loaded)
* key assignments are limited to one physical button = one mapping (no
* shader support is missing
* audio/video profiling is missing
* DIP switch window is missing (used by NSS Actraiser with a special
manifest; that's about it)
* alternate paths for game system folders and configuration BML files

There's some new stuff, but not much. This isn't going to be an exciting WIP
in terms of features. It's more about being a brand new release with the
brand new hiro port and its shared memory model. The goal is to get these
WIPs stable, get v095 out, and then finally start improving the actual
emulation again after that.




All Comments

請問FC F1 race

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2015-06-15T14:21
小時候滿喜歡這款遊戲的,常常會跟朋友比誰能剩下更多的秒數,不過通常都是 拿Lv1來比而已,Lv2跟Lv3的賽道實在太需要操控技術了,通常到最後都只會看 到game over的畫面,哪會剩什麼秒數(囧)。 這遊戲最重要的技巧就是如何柱子跟敵車間過彎:http://i.imgur.com/rheHX9r.png ...

(WIP) New NES dumps by CaH4e3

John avatar
By John
at 2015-06-15T13:55
2015.06.14 遊戲截圖請至來源處瀏覽。 As I promised, here is one more dump from a bunch of the carts provided by Oreanor. Judging from the copyright screen, this game ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2015-06-14T19:55
※ 引述《UlyssesLin (淺灘龍,平陽虎)》之銘言: : 大概破了三輪來作一些確定寫出來的文章。 : 2P GAME幸好可以合體,不然一個人測試起來會很困難。 : 不是很保證100%正確,不過應該八九不離十才對。 補充一下,一些東西 當時還是漏了不少,唉。 : ══════════════════ ...


William avatar
By William
at 2015-06-14T15:12
手機排版請見諒 惡魔城精神續作Bloodstained募款大炸裂啦 1. 總共募到約1.7億台幣 2. 2017年5月發行 3. 小島文美和天野喜孝會尬一角 詳細 http://www.techbang.com/posts/24232 小弟全部丟了485鎂進去,好傷...... - ...

請問FC F1 race

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2015-06-13T22:28
最近開始玩把一些因技術太差沒能破關的遊戲 靠EMU硬過....看ending畫面 最近玩了一款F1 大賽車(以前合卡必有的遊戲) 發現到第5關就開始無限回圈 到不了終點 請問這是遊戲bug嘛 是想說太難大概沒人能過到第5關嗎 不然想不到以任天堂的能力 居然做這種半成品.... 有人知道怎麼回事嗎... - ...